Vegetation and climate characteristics of arid and semi-arid grasslands in North America and their biome transition zone

TitleVegetation and climate characteristics of arid and semi-arid grasslands in North America and their biome transition zone
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsHochstrasser T., Kroel-Dulay G., Peters DC, Gosz J.R
JournalJournal of Arid Environments
Date PublishedMay 1, 2002
Accession NumberJRN00373
ARIS Log Number128663
Keywordsannuals, Chihuahuan Desert grasslands, ECOTONE, perennials, Regional analysis, shortgrass steppe, species area curve

The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship among species richness, functional group composition, and climate for three sites representing the shortgrass steppe, the Chihuahuan desert grasslands, and their biome transition zone. We found perennial species richness increased as the climate became more favorable for plant growth. The biome transition zone was more similar to the Chihuahuan desert grassland site i most climate and vegetation characteristics, partly because of the shorter biogeographic distance between the two sites. This study clarified the ecological position of the biome transition zone site with respect to the adjacent biomes.
