
Data file (CSV) for Jornada dataset: Ecotone Study: Plant Above Ground Net Primary Productivity by Plant Form

Date Range: 

Saturday, January 1, 2005 to Wednesday, December 31, 2014

File upload: 

  • Label: Year
  • Definition: Year of collection (YYYY)
  • Type: Date/time
  • Date format: YYYY
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: Zone
  • Definition: Habitat zone (G=grassland; E=ecotone (middle); S=mesquite shrubland)
  • Type: Code list
  • Codes:
    • G = grassland
    • E = ecotone (middle)
    • S = mesquite shrubland
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: Site
  • Definition: Site [3=CDRRC Pasture 3; 9=JER Pasture 9; 12=JER Pasture 12A]
  • Type: Code list
  • Codes:
    • 3 = CDRRC Pasture 3
    • 9 = JER Pasture 9
    • 12 = JER Pasture 12A
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: Group
  • Definition: Functional group (H_FFFFF; where H=habit [A=annual;P=perrenial;U=unknown] and FFFFF=form [LF-SU=leaf succulent; S-SHR=sub-shrub; ST-SU=stem succulent; UNKN=unknown plant])
  • Type: Code list
  • Codes:
    • A_FORB = annual forb
    • A_GRASS = annual forb
    • P_FORB = perennial forb
    • P_GRASS = perennial grass
    • P_LF-SU = perennial leaf succulent
    • P_SHRUB = perennial shrub
    • P_S-SHR = perennial sub-shrub
    • P_ST-SU = perennial stem succulent
    • U_FORB = unknown forb
    • U_GRASS = unknown grass
    • U_UNKN = unknown plant
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: ANPP
  • Definition: Plant above-ground net primary productivity (g/m2)
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: gramsPerSquareMeter
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: .0000001
  • Missing values: None specified
Data file details

Header lines: 




Quote character: 


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