Jornada Bibliography

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Sisson W.B..  1985.  CO2 exchange of the above-ground and below-ground components of Kleingrass (Panicum coloratum L.) during drought in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Proceedings of the XV International Grassland Congress. :336-338.
Sisson W.B..  1983.  Carbon balance of Yucca elata Engelm. during a hot and cool period in situ. Oecologia. 57:352-360.
Sisson W.B., Gibbens, Robert P..  1987.  Photosynthesis and water relations of mesquite and fourwing saltbush cohabiting sand dunes in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. 40th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management. :150.
Sisson W.B..  1982.  Effect of defoliation and ambient temperature on photosynthesis and diurnal root respiration of Kleingrass (Panicum coloratum L.) in the field. 35th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management.
Sisson W.B., Booth J.A., Throneberry G.O..  1981.  Absorption of SO2 by pecan (Carya illinoensis [Wang] K. Koch) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and its effect on net photosynthesis. Journal of Experimental Botany. 32:523-534.
Sisson W.B..  1981.  Responses of photosynthesis and root respiration to temperature, soil moisture and defoliation. New Mexico State University, Agriculture Experimental Station Special Report 41. :37.
Sisson W.B..  1981.  Photosynthesis, growth and ultraviolet irradiance absorbance of Cucurbita pepo L. leaves exposed to ultraviolet-B radiation (280-315 nm). Plant Physiology. 67:120-124.
Sisson W.B..  1979.  Photosynthesis, growth, and UV irradiance absorbance of Cucurbita pepo leaves exposed to UV-B radiation (280-315 nm). Western Section of the American Society for Plant Physiology.
Sisson W.B..  1986.  Effects of UV-B Radiation on Photosynthesis. NATO Advanced Science Institute Series, Ecological Science. Stratospheric Ozone Reduction, Solar Ultraviolet Radiation and Plant:376pp.
Sisson W.B..  1979.  Carbon dioxide exchange of Yucca elata Engelm: effect of temperature on photosynthesis and root respiration. Yucca Symposium.
Sisson W.B., Throneberry G.O..  1986.  Seasonal nitrate reductase activity of three genotypes of Atriplex canescens in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Ecology. 74:579-589.
Sisson W.B., Throneberry G.O., Booth J.A..  1980.  Absorption of SO2 by pecan (Carya illinoensis [Wang] K. Koch) leaflets and its effect on photosynthesis. Plant Physiology. 65:49.
Sisson W.B..  1989.  Carbon balance of Panicum coloratum during drought and non-drought in the northern Chihuahuan desert. Journal of Ecology. 77:799-810.
Sisson W.B..  1980.  Carbon dioxide exchange of Yucca elata Engelm: Effect of temperature on photosynthesis and root respiration. Yucca. :35-50.
Six J., Herrick JE.  2012.  Sustainable soils: Introduction. Soil Ecology and Ecosystem Services. :299-300.
Skaggs R.K.  2008.  Ecosystem services and western U.S. rangelands. Choices. 23:37-41.
Skaggs R.K, Bestelmeyer BT.  2009.  Exploring the linkages between socio-economic & ecological processes in rangeland landscapes. 62nd Society for Range Management Annual Meeting. :30-2.
Skaggs R.K, Edwards Z, Bestelmeyer BT, Wright J., Williamson JC, Smith P.  2011.  Vegetation maps at the passage of the Taylor Grazing Act (1934): A baseline to evaluate rangeland change after a regime shift. Rangelands. 33(1):13-19.
Slaughter A.L, Laliberte AS, Rango A., Maxwell CJ, Winters C.  2008.  Rangeland monitoring with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Society for Range Management Annual Meetings.
Slaughter A.L, Maxwell CJ, LaPlante V, Steele C.  2009.  Changes in methodology for monitoring long-term vegetation quadrats on the Jornada Experimental Range. 62nd Society for Range Management Annual Meeting. :2060-16.
Smallidge S.T., Goodloe S., Baker TT, Wood M.K, Estell RE.  2012.  Manipulating sandpaper oak for livestock and wildlife forage. Cooperative Extension Circular .
Smith G, Kiesling H.E., Herbel C.H., Ray E.E., Trujillo P.A., Orcasberro R., Sivinski J.S.  1980.  Sewage solids as supplemental feed for ruminants grazing rangeland forage. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. 34:338-339.
Smith W.E.  1977.  Factors affecting the nesting success of the large carpenter bee, Xylocopa californica arizonensis Cresson. :25.
Smith F, Fredrickson E.L., Bezanilla G., Endress B.  2005.  Yucca Baccata Seed Recovery Following Ruminal and Post Ruminal Digestion in Beef Cattle. Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science.
Smith G, Hallford D.M., Herbel C.H., Kiesling H.E., Ray E.E..  1983.  Gamma-irradiated sewage solids as feed for ruminants. Proceedings of the 5th World Conference of Animal Products. :575-576.
Smith SD, Ludwig J..  1978.  The distribution and phytosociology of Yucca elata in southern New Mexico. The American Midland Naturalist. 100:202-212.
Smith SD, Ludwig J..  1978.  Further studies on growth patterns in Yucca elata Engelm (Liliaceae). The Southwestern Naturalist. 23:145-150.
Smith J.N.  1993.  Diurnal diet composition and behavior of cattle and sheep on Chihuahuan Desert range. Animal and Range Sciences Department. PhD:162.
Smith W.E, Whitford WG.  1978.  Factors affecting the nesting success of the large carpenter bee, Xylocopa californica arizonensis. Environmental Entomology. 7:614-616.
Smith GTanner.  1993.  Influence of excellent and good condition Chihuahuan desert range on vegetation, cattle diets, and wildlife populations. :97.
Smith W.E, Van Zee J, Whitford WG.  1997.  Canopy insect populations as indicators of exposure to acute stressors (drought and grazing) and chronic stressors (desertification and exotic plant species). International Symposium and Workshop Combating Desertification: Connecting Science with Community Action. :Abstract22.
Smith G, Hallford D.M., Herbel C.H., Kiesling H.E., Ray E.E., Sivinski J.S.  1982.  Gamma-irradiated products from sewage as supplemental feed for ruminants. Transcripts of the American Nuclear Society. 41:33-34.
Smith SD, Ludwig J..  1976.  Reproductive and vegetative growth patterns in Yucca elata Engelm (Liliaceae). The Southwestern Naturalist. 21:177-184.
Smith JG, Eldridge D.J., Throop HL.  2012.  Landform and vegetation patch type moderate the effects of grazing-induced disturbance on carbon and nitrogen pools in a semi-arid woodland. Plant and Soil. 360:405-419.
Smith SD.  1975.  The growth patterns, productivity, and phytosociology of soaptree yucca (Yucca elata Engelm). :87.
Smith W.E, Whitford WG.  1976.  Seasonal activity and water loss relationships in four species of Eleodes (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). The Southwestern Entomologist. 1:161-163.
Smith G, Ward R.G., Herbel C.H., Trujillo P.A., Helton E.D..  1981.  Toxicological evaluation of sewage product fed to beef cows with dormant forage. American Society of Animal Scientists.
Smith G, Kiesling H.E., Ray E.E., Orcasberro R., Trujillo P.A., Herbel C.H., Sivinski J.S.  1979.  Dried irradiated sewage solids as supplemental feed for cattle.
Smith G, Kiesling H.E., Orcasberro R., Ray E.E., Herbel C.H..  1979.  Sewage solids as supplemental feed for beef cows grazing dormant rangeland forage. American Society for Animal Science Conference. :178.
Snapp S.S., Morrone V.L., Herrick JE.  1996.  User-friendly soil testing for the tropics. American Society of Agronomy Meeting. :52.
Snyder K.A, Tartowski S..  2006.  Shrub-grass transitions and multiscale temporal variation in water availability. Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium on the Natural Resources of the Chihuahuan Desert Region.
Snyder K.A, Mitchell K.A, Herrick JE.  2006.  Patterns and Controls of Soil Water in the Jornada Basin. Structure and Function of a Chihuahuan Desert Ecosystem: The Jornada Basin Long-Term Ecological Research Site. :107-132.
Snyder K.A, Maxwell CJ, Cable J.M..  2005.  Multi-scale responses of carbon and water fluxes to magnitude and frequency of precipitation pulses in the Northern Chihuahuan desert. Ecological Society of America, 90th Annual Meeting. :599.
Snyder K.A, Tartowski S., Gutschick V.P.  2004.  Temporal variation in water availability. Sixth Symposium on the Natural Resources of the Chihuahuan Desert Region. :42.
Snyder K.A, Cable J.M., Huxman T., Tartowski S..  2004.  Arid ecosystem responses to variations in the frequency and magnitude of growing season precipitation. 89th Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. :Abstractp.476.
Snyder K.A, Cable J.M., Huxman T., Maxwell CJ.  2004.  The effects of altered precipitation patterns on ecosystem responses in a desert rangeland. 4th International Conference on Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies. :79.
Snyder K.A, Huxman T., Breshears DD, Wilcox B.P., Small E.E., Scott R.L., Jackson R.B, Hultine K.R..  2003.  An ecohydrological framework for determining the landscape effects of woody plant encroachment. 88th Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. :314.
Snyder K.A, Guertin D.P, Jemison R.L., Ffolliott P.F..  2002.  Riparian plant community patterns: A case study from southeastern Arizona. Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science Journal. 34:106-111.
Snyder K.A, Richards J.H, Donovan L.A..  2003.  Night-time conductance in C3 and C4 species: Do plants lose water at night? Journal of Experimental Botany. 54:861-865.
Snyder K.A, Donovan L.A., James J., Tiller R.L., Richards J.H.  2004.  Extensive summer water pulses do not necessarily lead to canopy growth of Great Basin and northern Mojave Desert shrubs. Oecologia. 141:325-334.
