Vegetation maps at the passage of the Taylor Grazing Act (1934): A baseline to evaluate rangeland change after a regime shift

TitleVegetation maps at the passage of the Taylor Grazing Act (1934): A baseline to evaluate rangeland change after a regime shift
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsSkaggs R.K, Edwards Z, Bestelmeyer BT, Wright J., Williamson JC, Smith P
Start Page13
Date Published02/2011
ARIS Log Number259463
Keywords1934, landscape change, range-survey maps, rangeland change, rangeland management, regime shift, Taylor Grazing Act, vegetation maps
AbstractData from New Mexico range survey maps created shortly after the passage of the Taylor Grazing Act in 1934 have been preserved and are being used to document changes in vegetation. The range survey data were collected at the time of a critical shift in rangeland policy and practice in federal lands of the United States. This paper describes the historical context of the post-Taylor range surveying, documents the process of creating the 1930s vegetation cover data from the maps, and illustrates how the data are being used to understand patterns of ecosystem change