Gamma-irradiated sewage solids as feed for ruminants

TitleGamma-irradiated sewage solids as feed for ruminants
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication1983
AuthorsSmith G, Hallford D.M., Herbel C.H., Kiesling H.E., Ray E.E.
Conference NameProceedings of the 5th World Conference of Animal Products
Date Published1983
Conference LocationTokyo, Japan
Keywordsfeed, gamma-irradiated, ruminants, sewage solids
AbstractDried solids from primary sludge in domestic municipal sewage were disinfected by gamma-irradiation and used effectively as supplemental feed for cattle and sheep in practical, long-term studies of reproductive performance with negligible evidence of toxicity and heavy metals accumulation. Sewage products contained about 20% crude protein that was digested and retained, as well as protein in cottonseed meal. Increased usage of novel resources as feed for animals seems vital toward meeting human food needs in the future. Sewage represents a vast resource of nutrients that could be used in animal feed when technology based on science is applied to assure product efficacy and safety. This report summarizes main results from a 7-year research program that assessed nutritive value of dried, gamma-irradiated solids from primary sewage sludge and the risks of toxicants in long-term trials with cattle and sheep.