Jornada Bibliography

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Alkon P.U., Whitford WG.  1997.  Effects of grazing, shrub removal, and drought on Chihuahuan Desert rodent communities. International Symposium and Workshop: Combating Desertification: Connecting Science with Community Action. :12.
Baggs JE.  1997.  The role of Bouteloua eriopoda in the community structure and ecosystem function of a semi-arid grassland. Department of Biology. M.S.:75.
Barrow J.R., Havstad K, McCaslin BD.  1997.  Fungal root endophytes in fourwing saltbush, Atriplex canescens, on arid rangelands of southwestern USA. Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation. 11:177-185.
Barrow J.R..  1997.  Natural asexual reproduction in fourwing saltbush Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt.. Journal of Arid Environments. 36:267-270.
Barrow J.R., Havstad K, Hubstenberger J., McCaslin BD.  1997.  Seed-borne fungal endophytes on fourwing saltbush, Atriplex canescens . Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation. 11:307-314.
BassiriRad H., Reynolds J.F, Virginia R.A, Burnelle M.H.  1997.  Growth and root NO3- and PO4- uptake capacity of three desert species in response to atmospheric CO2 enrichment. Austrialian Journal of Plant Physiology. 24:353-358.
Belnap J, Gillette D.E.  1997.  Disturbance of biological soil crusts: Impacts on potential wind erodibility of sandy desert soils in southeastern Utah, U.S.A.. Land Degradation and Rehabilitation.
Brisson J, Reynolds J.F.  1997.  Effects of compensatory growth on population processes: A simulation study. Ecology. 78:2378-2384.
Brubaker K.L., Rango A..  1997.  A New Version of the Snowmelt Runoff Model Incorporating Radiation. The Environmental Professional . 19:109-116.
Brussaard L., Behan-Pelletier V.M, Bignell D.E, Brown V.K, Didden W.AM, Folgarait P.J, Fragoso C., Freckman D.W, Gupta V.SR, Hattori T. et al..  1997.  Biodiversity and ecosystem function in soil. Ambio. 26:563-70.
Cammeraat L.H., Herrick JE, Imeson A.C..  1997.  Methods for assessing soil aggregation in noncultivated arid and semiarid soils. Annual Meeting, American Society for Agronomy. :279.
Chen J., Reynolds J.F.  1997.  GePSI: A generic plant simulator based on object-oriented principles. Ecological Modelling. 94:53-66.
Connin S.L, Virginia R.A, Chamberlin C.P.  1997.  Carbon isotopes reveal soil organic matter dynamics following arid land shrub expansion. Oecologia. 110:374-386.
Connin S.L, Virginia R.A, Chamberlin C.P.  1997.  Isotopic study of environmental change from disseminated carbonate in polygenetic soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 61:1710-1722.
de Soyza A.G., Van Zee J, Whitford WG.  1997.  Sensitive indicators of desertification: examples of tests in the Chihuahuan Desert. International Symposium and Workshop on Combating Desertification: Connecting Science with Community Action. :1.
de Soyza A.G., Whitford WG, Herrick JE.  1997.  Sensitivity testing of indicators of ecosystem health. Ecosystem Health. 3:44-53.
de Soyza A.G., Whitford WG, Martinez-Meza E., Van Zee J.  1997.  Variation in Creosotebush (Larrea tridentata) canopy morphology in relation to habitat, soil fertility and associated annual plant communities. American Midland Naturalist. 137:13-26.
De Vries A.C, Ritchie J, Menenti M., Kustas WP.  1997.  Aerodynamic roughness estimated from surface features for a coppice dune area using laser altimeter data. 12th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence. :289-292.
Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Tellez M.R., Havstad K, Anderson D.M., Remmenga M.D..  1997.  Effect of volatile compounds on intake of alfalfa pellets by sheep. Journal of Animal Science. 75 (Suppl 1):203.
Estell RE, Anderson D.M., Barrow J.R., de Soyza A.G., Fredrickson E.L., Gibbens, Robert P., Havstad K, Herrick JE, Tellez M.R., Whitford WG.  1997.  Rangeland research in the Chihuahuan Desert. New Mexico Livestock Research Briefs Cattle Growers' Short Course.
Ethridge D.E., Sherwood R.D, Sosebee R.E, Herbel C.H..  1997.  Economic feasibility of rangeland seeding in the arid southwest. Journal of Range Management. 50:185-190.
Everitt J., Alaniz M.A., Davis M.R., Escobar D.E., Havstad K, Ritchie J.  1997.  Light reflectance characteristics and video remote sensing of two range sites on the Jornada Experimental Range. Proceedings of the 16<sup>th</sup> Biennial Workshop on Videography and Color Photography in Resource Assessment. :485-495.
Fredrickson E.L., Estell RE, Havstad K, Ksiksi T., VanTol J., Remmenga M.D..  1997.  Effects of ruminant digestion on germination of Lehmann lovegrass seed. Journal of Range Management. 50:20-26.
Fredrickson E.L., Havstad K, Estell RE, Hyder P.W..  1997.  Perspectives on desertification: Southwestern United States. International Symposium Workshop, Combating Desertification: Connecting Science with Community Action. :10.
Gile L.H, Gibbens, Robert P., Lenz J.M..  1997.  The near-ubiquitous pedogenic world of mesquite roots in an arid basin floor. Journal of Arid Environment. 35:39-58.
Grossman R., Harms D.E, Seybold R.A., Pytlik L.A., Herrick JE.  1997.  Coupling use-dependent and use-invariant data for simplified soil quality evaluation. Annual Meeting, American Society of Agronomy. :Abstract252.
Hartley AE.  1997.  Environmental controls on nitrogen cycling in northern Chihuahuan Desert soils. :149.
Herman P.  1997.  Shrub invasion and bacterial community pattern in Swedish pasture soil. FEMS Microbiological Ecology. 24:235-242.
Herrick JE, Whitford WG.  1997.  Assessing and monitoring the quality of rangeland soils: Early warning indicators of desertification. International Symposium and Workshop Combating Desertification: Connecting Science with Community Action. :Abstract32.
Herrick JE, Whitford WG, Jones T.L..  1997.  Contribution of soil termite activity to remediation of degraded rangeland. Annual Meeting, American Society for Agronomy. :294-295.
Herrick JE, Wander M.M..  1997.  Relationships between soil organic carbon and soil quality in cropped and rangeland soils: the importance of distribution, composition, and soil biological activity. Soil Processes and the Carbon Cycle. :405-425.
Herrick JE, Havstad K, Coffin D.P..  1997.  Rethinking remediation technologies for desertified landscapes. Water Conservation. 52:220-225.
Herrick JE, Mausbach M.J..  1997.  Review of soil quality research and potential for assessing and monitoring soil quality on rangeland. 50th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management. :4.
Huenneke L..  1997.  Outlook for plant invasions: interactions with other agents of global change. Assessment and management of plant invasions. :95-103.
Imeson A.C., Havstad K, Herrick JE.  1997.  Concepts and real issues of desertification and remediation in the Mediterranean and the southwestern United States: transcending local values through a focus on ecological functions. International Symposium and Workshop Combating Desertification: Connecting Science with Community Action. :Abstract11.
Kemp P.R, Reynolds J.F, Pachepsky Y., Chen J..  1997.  A comparative study of soil water dynamics in a desert ecosystem.. Water Resources Research. 33:73-90.
Kerley G.IH, Whitford WG, Kay F.R.  1997.  Mechanisms for the keystone status of kangaroo rats: graminivory rather than granivory? Oecologia. 111:422-428.
Laurenroth W.K, Coffin D.P., Burke IC, Virginia R.A.  1997.  Interactions between demographic and ecosystem processes: A challenge for functional types. Plant Function Types. :234-254.
Li H, Reynolds J.F.  1997.  Modeling effects of spatial pattern, drought, and grazing on rates of rangeland degradation: A combined Markov and cellular automaton approach. Scaling of Remote Sensing Data for Geographical Information Systems. :211-230.
Marticorena B, Bergametti G, Gillette D.E, Belnap J.  1997.  Factors controlling threshold friction velocity in semiarid and arid areas of the United States. Journal of Geophysical Research. 102:23277-23287.
Monger CH, Huenneke L., Havstad K.  1997.  Geomorphic-vegetation relationships in the Jornada Basin, southern New Mexico. International Symposium and Workshop Combating Desertification: Connecting Science with Community Action. :Abstract20.
Nash M.S, Whitford WG.  1997.  Annual plant vegetation boundaries on disturbance gradients in Chihuahuan Desert rangelands. International Symposium and Workshop Combating Desertification: Connecting Science with Community Action. :Abstract21.
Pachepsky Y., Ritchie J, Gimenex D.  1997.  Fractal modeling of airborne laser altimetry data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 61:150-161.
Peters A.J., Eve M.D., Holt E.H., Whitford WG.  1997.  Analysis of desert plant community growth patterns with high temporal resolution satellite spectra. Journal of Applied Ecology. 34:418-432.
Rango A..  1997.  The response of areal snow cover to climate change in a snowmelt-runoff model. Annals of Glaciology. 25:232-236.
