Contribution of soil termite activity to remediation of degraded rangeland

TitleContribution of soil termite activity to remediation of degraded rangeland
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsHerrick JE, Whitford WG, Jones T.L.
Conference NameAnnual Meeting, American Society for Agronomy
Date PublishedOctober 26-31, 1
Conference LocationAnaheim, CA
ARIS Log Number096666
AbstractThe hypothesis that termite activity could be used to enhance infiltration capacity in degraded rangelands was tested at the Jomada Experimental Range by measuring infiltration rates at a variety of tensions beneath organic (cattle dung patches) and artificial (styrofoam) baits placed in highly impacted areas on two soils. There was no treatment effect on near-equilibrium infiltration rates into tlr.' sandy loam under 120mm and 40mm of tension (approximate pore equivalent).