Jornada Bibliography

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Browning DM, Steele C.  2012.  Evaluating plant community responses to rainfall extremes in southwest U.S. ecosystems using radiometric change detection. 97th Ecological Society of America Meeting. COS 174-3
Steele C, Dialesandro J, James D.K, Elias EH, Rango A., Bleiweiss M..  2017.  Evaluating MODIS snow products for modelling snowmelt runoff: case study of the Rio Grande headwaters. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 63:234-243.
Minor T., Lancaster J., Wade T., Wickham JD, Wickham JD.  1999.  Evaluating Change in Rangeland Condition using Multitemporal AVHRR Data and Geographic Information System Analysis. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 59(2):211–223.
Nash M.S, Toorman A, Wierenga PJ, Gutjahr A, Cunningham GL.  1992.  Estimation of vegetative cover in an arid rangeland based on soil-moisture using cokriging. Soil Science. 154:25-36.
Bach L.B, Wierenga PJ, Ward TJ.  1986.  Estimation of the Philip infiltration parameters from rainfall simulation data. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 50:1319-1323.
Schmugge T.J, French A.N., Ritchie J, Rango A..  2000.  Estimation of surface emissivity for arid lands. International Association of Hydrological Science. IAHS Publication No. 267:168-174.
Schmugge T.J, French A.N., Ritchie J, Rango A..  2001.  Estimation of surface emissivity for arid lands. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Remote Sensing and Hydrology.
Young K, Abbott L, Caldwell C, Schrader ST.  2013.  Estimating suitable environments for invasive plant species across large landscapes: A remote sensing strategy using Landsat 7 ETM+. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation. 5(3):122-134.
Draxler R., Gillette D.E, Kirkpatrick J., Heller J..  2001.  Estimating PM10 concentrations from dust storms in Iraq, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. Atmospheric Environment. 35:4315-4330.
Parker E..  1963.  Estimating grass herbage production on desert plains grassland range. :37.
Krysl L.J., Galyean M.L., Estell RE, Sowell B.F..  1988.  Estimating digestibility and faecal output in lambs using internal and external markers. Journal Agricultural Science. 111:19-25.
Rice P.M..  1993.  Estimating and modelling stemflow and throughfall on creosote (Larrea tridentata) in an arid environment. :43.
Knapp A.K, Briggs J.M, Childers DL, Sala O.E.  2007.  Estimating aboveground net primary production in grassland and herbaceous dominated ecosystems. Principles and standards for measuring primary production.
Moore JVerne.  1965.  Estimates of inbreeding, sex, age of dam and year effects on beef calf performance. :50.
Hill KR.  1965.  Estimated intake and nutritive value of range forage grazed by Hereford and Santa Gertrudis cows. :33.
Osman A.  1982.  Establishment of broom snakeweed (Xanthocephalum sarothrae (Pursh) Shinners) and other species on semidesert grasslands of southern New Mexico. :207.
Whitford WG, Nielson R.M, de Soyza A.G..  2001.  Establishment and effects of establishment of creosotebush, Larrea tridentata, on a Chihuahuan Desert watershed. Journal of Arid Environments. 47:1-10.
Tellez M.R., Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Havstad K.  1997.  Essential oil of Flourensia cernua DC. Journal of Essential Oil Research. 9:619-624.
Tellez M.R., Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Havstad K.  1997.  Essential oil of Dyssodia acerosa DC. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 45:3276-3278.
Tellez M.R., Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Havstad K.  1998.  Essential oil of Chrysothamnus pulchellus (Gray) Greene ssp. pulchellus. Journal of Essential Oil Research. 10:201-204.
Lucero M.E., Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L..  2003.  The essential oil composition of Psorothamnus scoparius (A. Gray) Rydb.. Journal of Essential Oil Research. 15:108-111.
Havstad K.  2010.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Wyatt Earp, T.rex, and other dinosaurs. Rangelands. 31:39-40.
Havstad K.  2008.  Essays of a peripheral mind: The range problem in New Mexico. Rangelands. 30:56-58.
Havstad K.  2007.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Speaking other languages. Rangelands. 29:65-66.
Havstad K.  2009.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Picking up rocks. Rangelands. 31:36-39.
Havstad K.  2007.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Nei4 Meng2gu3, Zhong1 Guo2. Rangelands. 29:43-46.
Havstad K.  2010.  Essays of a Peripheral Mind: Invasions of the landscape snatchers. Rangelands. 32:52.
Havstad K.  2007.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Framing a story. Rangelands.
Havstad K.  2007.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Faith. Rangelands. 29:59-60.
Havstad K.  2008.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Desperately creative acts. Rangelands. 30:25-28.
Havstad K.  2008.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Creative destruction. Rangelands. :29-32.
Havstad K.  2006.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Clean and simple, but stupid. Rangelands. 28:22-23.
Havstad K.  2008.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Authentic frontier gibberish. Rangelands. 30
Havstad K.  2007.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Art and Science. Rangelands. 29:36-38.
Havstad K.  2008.  Essays of a peripheral mind: An opinion on policy. Rangelands. 30:42-44.
Anderson D.M., Mertz D.L..  1982.  An esophageal fistula dilator. Journal of Range Management. 35:125-126.
Gutierrez JR.  1984.  Ephemeral plant responses to termites, water and nitrogen in a Chihuahuan Desert. :102.
Privette J.L., Asner G.P., Conel J., Huemmrich K.F., Olson R., Rango A., Rahman A.F., Thome K., Walter-Shea E.A..  2000.  The EOS prototype validation exercise (PROVE) at Jornada: Overview and lessons learned. Remote Sensing of Environment. 74:1-12.
Buck B.J, Kipp J., Monger CH.  1998.  Eolian stratigraphy of intrabasinal fault depressions in the northern Hueco and southern TularosaBasins: Evidence for neotectonic activity. New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook, 49th Field Conference, Las Cruces Country II. :79-86.
Gillette D.E, Monger CH.  2006.  Eolian processes across the Jornada basin. Structure and Function of a Chihuahuan Desert Ecosystem. The Jornada Basin Long-Term Ecological Research Site. :189-210.
Hutchinson CF, Warren PL.  1983.  Environmental sampling for monitoring rangeland condition.
Kay F.R.  1977.  Environmental physiology of the banner-tailed kangaroo rat - II. influences of the burrow environment on metabolism and water loss. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. 57A:471-477.
Kay F.R.  1975.  Environmental physiology of the banner-tailed kangaroo rat - I. Influences of ambient temperature, humidity, and carbon dioxide on body temperature. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. 50A:483-488.
Herbel C.H..  1972.  Environmental modification for seedling establishment. Biology and Utilization of Grasses. :101-114.
Wolfe HGay.  1970.  Environmental influences on water status in Fouquieria splendens.
Wright R.G, Van Dyne G.M..  1976.  Environmental factors influencing semidesert grassland perennial grass demography. Southwest Naturalist. 21:259-274.
K. Montshiwa M.  1981.  Environmental factors affecting postweaning growth in hereford cattle. :40.
Horton J., Pieper, Rex D., Havstad K, Wallace J.D., Murray L.W.  1991.  Environmental effects on behavior and production of range cows on the Chihuahuan Desert. Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management. :No.88.
Brown JR, Havstad K.  2003.  Environmental drivers and monitoring of rangelands. Proceedings of the VIIth International Rangeland Congress. :668-674.
Hartley AE.  1997.  Environmental controls on nitrogen cycling in northern Chihuahuan Desert soils. :149.
