Jornada Bibliography

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Sanderson SC.  1980.  Creosotebush seed production and viability following herbicide treatment. :49.
Singh S.P.  1967.  Cover biomass and root-shoot habit of Larrea divaricata on a selected site in southern New Mexico.
Poyga DF.  1986.  Control of honey mesquite with triclopyr and picloram + clopyralid on the New Mexico State University College Ranch. :55.
Caccamise DF.  1971.  Competitive relationships of the Common and Lesser nighthawk. :79.
Mofarreh MMogbel.  1989.  A comparison of three different techniques for determining diet composition. :51.
Vasquez-Aldape R.  1975.  A comparison between photointerpretation and field vegetation mapping methods on the Jornada Experimental Range. :47.
Henderson CW.  1967.  Comparative temperature and moisture responses in Gambel and Scaled Quail.
Fatehi M.  1986.  Comparative seasonal food habits of black-tailed jackrabbits and cattle on semidesert rangeland. :68.
Burk J.H.  1970.  Comparative production of Larrea divaricata Cav. on three geomorphic surfaces in southern New Mexico. :40.
Gaby R.  1972.  Comparative niche utilization by two species of kangaroo rats (Genus Dipodomys). :71.
Reynolds J.F.  1974.  A comparative modelling study of plant growth systems in a desert ecosystem. :68.
Pino R..  1954.  Comparative efficiency of various lengths of belt transects in estimating forage production on semidesert grassland range. :32.
Cuesta LRafael.  1974.  Comparative breeding ecology of the Western Kingbird (Tyrannus verticalis) in three habitat types. :39.
Pimm SL.  1974.  Community process and structure. :91.
Green GRay.  1965.  Chromic oxide in paper as an indicator in digestion trials with steers. :49.
Baquera N.  2010.  Characterization of historical water retention structures and assessment of treatment effects in the Chihuahuan Desert. :69.
Haque Z.  1986.  Changes in vegetation following herbicidal control of honey mesquite (Prosopis juliflora) (Swartz) DC. var. glandulosa (Torrey) Cockerell) in southern New Mexico. :123.
Lassetter W.L..  1996.  Changes in soil labile-C indicated by the ratio of microbial biomass-C to total Organic-C in a semi-arid grassland undergoing desertification. :108.
Rosiere R.E.  1973.  Cattle diets on semidesert grassland. :139.
Neville SPaul.  1973.  Carcass performance of Brangus, Hereford and reciprocally crossbred steers. :43.
Senock R.S..  1987.  Canopy manipulations, gas exchange and water relations of a perennial bunchgrass. :93.
Rankin B.J, Shaffer S.M, Neville SPaul, Holland L.A..  1978.  Crossbreeding Hereford and Brangus cattle in varied southwestern environments. :20.
Valentine K.A.  1970.  Creosotebush control with phenoxy herbicides, picloram, and fuel oil in southern New Mexico.
Herbel C.H., Pieper, Rex D..  1970.  Comprehensive network site description, Jornada. US International Biological Program, Grasslands Biome Technical Report No. 43. :23.
Watkins W.E.  1943.  Composition of range grasses and browse at varying stages of maturity.
Grant W.E.  1970.  Comparisons of small mammal biomass at eight U.S. IBP Grassland Biome Research Sites, 1970 season. US/IBP Grassland Biome.
Coleman D.C.  1973.  Comparative investigations in the U.S. IBP Grassland Biome: decomposition section. US/IBP Grassland Biome.
Whitford WG, Johnson P., Ramirez J.  1975.  Comparative ecology of the harvester ants Pogonomyrmex barbatus (F. Smith) and Pogonomyrmex rugosus (Emery). US/IBP Desert Biome.
Malm NR.  1992.  Climatic Guide, Las Cruces, 1892-1991, 100 Years of Weather Records.
Malm NR, Houghton FE.  1977.  Climatic Guide, Las Cruces, 1851-1976.
Monger CH, Lynn W.C.  1996.  Clay mineralogy at the Desert Project and the Rincon surface study area. :155.
Watts J.G.  1965.  Chirothrips falsus on Black Grama Grass.
Nelson A.B., Herbel C.H., Jackson H.M..  1970.  Chemical composition of forage species grazed by cattle on an arid New Mexico range. New Mexico Agricultural Experimental Station Bulletin No. 561. :33.
Repp W.W, Watkins W.E.  1958.  Carotene, vitamin A, and inorganic phosphorus in the blood plasma of range cows.
Watkins W.E, Knox J.H, Benner J.W.  1950.  Carotene and Vitamin A in the blood plasma of range cows.
Watkins W.E.  1937.  The calcium and phosphorus contents of important New Mexico range forages.
Wooton E.O..  1911.  Cacti in New Mexico.
Journal Article
Dunford M.P..  1984.  Cytotype distribution of Atriplex canescens (Chenopodiaceae) of southern New Mexico and adjacent Texas. The Southwestern Naturalist. 29:223-228.
Ares F.N..  1939.  Cutting tobosa grass for hay. The Cattleman. 25:47-50.
Lucero M.E., Barrow J.R., Osuna-Avila P., Reyes-Vera I..  2008.  A cryptic microbial community persists within micropropagated Bouteloua eriopods (Torr.) Torr. cultures. Plant Science. 174:570-575.
Ares F.N..  1961.  Cry alarm . . . killer loose . . . . New Mexico Stockman. 29:26-27.
Chepsongol RM, Burkett DW.  2013.  Crotalus Viridis (Prairie Rattlesnake). Herpetological Review. 44(3):520-521.
Peters DC, Lugo AE, Chapin, III F.S., Pickett STA, Duni D, Rocha AV, Swanson F.J, Laney C., Jones,(eds.) J.W.  2011.  Cross-system comparisons elucidate disturbance complexities and generalities. Ecosphere. 2(7):Article81.
Hudson AR, Peters DPC, Blair JM, Childers DL, Doran PT, Geil K, Gooseff M, Gross KL, Haddad N, Pastore MA et al..  2022.  Cross-Site comparisons of dryland ecosystem response to climate change in the US Long-Term Ecological Research Network. BioScience. 72(9):889-907.
Peters DC, Pielke R.A., Bestelmeyer BT, Allen C.D., Munson SM, Havstad K.  2004.  Cross-scale interactions, nonlinearities, and forecasting catastrophic events. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 101:15130-15135.
Peters DC, Bestelmeyer BT, Turner M.G..  2007.  Cross-scale interactions and changing pattern-process relationships: Consequences for system dynamics. Ecosystems. 10:790-796.
Gutschick V.P, Bloom A.J.  2003.  Crossroads of animal, plant, and microbial physiological ecology. BioScience. 53:256-259.
