Creosotebush seed production and viability following herbicide treatment

TitleCreosotebush seed production and viability following herbicide treatment
Publication TypeThesis
Year of Publication1980
AuthorsSanderson SC
Number of Pages49
Date Published1980
UniversityNew Mexico State University
CityLas Cruces, New Mexico
Thesis TypeM.S. Thesispp
Call Number00575
Keywordsbrush control, herbicide, brush control, Larrea, dissertation, dissertations, herbicide,Larrea, Larrea,herbicide treatment, seed success, Larrea,seed production, Larrea,seed viability, theses, thesis
AbstractThe flower, green and mature schizocarp (fruit) production, and germination responses of creosotebush (Larrea tridentata (DC) Cov.) treated with four levels of three different herbicides were evaluated in this study. Additional data analyzed included herbivory on mature schizocarps and from other studies being conducted on the study site creosotebush mortality. This research was undertaken to assess the effect of low levels of herbicide, 0.28, 0.56 and 0.84 kilogram per hectare on creosotebush seed viability and fruit production. It asserts that if creosotebush were not totally removed, it could increase in density due to herbicide response or reinfest areas where herbicides have been used. Herbicide levels were found to differ significantly throughout this study, with the exception of the herbivory data. Flower, green and mature schizocarp productions were negatively correlated and creosotebush germination and death were positively correlated to herbicide levels. In this study, creosotebush demonstrated significantly progressive increases in seed viability for the 0.00, 0.28 and 0.56 kilogram per hectare herbicide level.