Jornada Bibliography

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Redding P.D.  1967.  Growth and propagation potential of selected New Mexico native plants for commercial use. :28.
Reeves M, Deswood H, Kelley W, Lane E, Novak R, Peck DE, Schmitt K, Wiener J.  2017.  Supporting tribal agriculture and natural resources in a changing climate working group. National Adaptation Forum.
Reichmann L, Sala O.E, Peters DC.  2008.  Precipitation and nitrogen interactions in arid ecosystems. Ecological Society of America Abstracts. :COS89-8.
Reichmann L, Sala O.E.  2014.  Differential sensitivities of grassland structural components to changes in precipitation mediate productivity response in a desert ecosystem. Functional Ecology. 28:1292-1298.
Reichmann L, Sala O.E, Peters DC.  2013.  Water controls on nitrogen transformations and stocks in an arid ecosystem. Ecosphere. 4(1):Article11.
Reichmann L, Sala O.E, Peters DC.  2013.  Precipitation legacies in desert grassland primary production occur through previous-year tiller density. Ecology. 94(2):435-443.
Reichmann L.  2011.  Precipitation legacies on the functioning of arid ecosystems: biogeochemical and meristem density controls.
Reichmann L, Sala O.E, Gherardi LA, Peters DC.  2011.  Non-linear ecosystem response to long-term changes in precipitation and nitrogen availability in a desert grassland. 96th ESA Annual Meeting, Earth Stewardship: Preserving and enhancing earth's life-support systems.
Reitzel J.A..  1982.  The effects of brush control on bird populations in a mesquite community. :55.
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Repass R.  1980.  Nutrient aspect of optimal foraging behavior. :37.
Repp W.W, Watkins W.E.  1958.  Carotene, vitamin A, and inorganic phosphorus in the blood plasma of range cows.
Reuss J.O.  1971.  Decomposer and nutrient cycling investigations in the Grassland Biome. Preliminary Analysis of Structure and Function in Grasslands: Proceedings of Symposium Entitled "The Grassland Biome: Analysis and synthesis of First Year Data". :133-146.
Reuss J.O.  1971.  Soils of the grassland biome sites. Preliminary Analysis of Structure and Function in Grasslands: Proceedings of Symposium Entitled "The Grassland Biome: Analysis and synthesis of First Year Data". :35-40.
Reyes J.T., Eischens A, Shilts M, Williamson JC, Elias EH.  2018.  Agricultural Production Risk in a Changing Climate: Assessing Causes of Loss Using Crop Insurance Data. Ecological Society of America.
Reyes J.T., Eischens A, Shilts M, Williamson JC, Elias EH.  2018.  Toward Accessible, Discoverable, and Usable Crop Insurance Data: Multi-scale Analysis and Visualization of Cause of Loss. 16th Annual Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop (CPASW).
Reyes J.T., Eischens A, Shilts M, Williamson JC, Elias EH.  2017.  Assessing Climate Risk on Agricultural Production: Insights Using Retrospective Analysis of Crop Insurance and Climatic Trends. American Geophysical Union.
Reyes I., Hubstenberger J., Barrow J.R..  2004.  In vitro mass clonal propagation and hyperhydricity reversal of four-wing saltbush (Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt.). 2004 World Congress on In Vitro Biology.
Reyes J.T., Elias EH.  2019.  Spatio-temporal variation of crop loss in the United States from 2001 to 2016. Environmental Research letters. 14:1-12.
Reyes J.T., Elias EH.  2019.  Feast or famine: Climate impacts on agriculture using crop insurance data. American Geophysical Union.
Reyes J.T., Eischens A, Shilts M, Elias EH, Steele R.  2017.  Insights on drought and long-term climatic trends: Retrospective analyses of RMA cause of loss data. University Council on Water Resources / National Institute of Water Resources Annual Conference.
Reyes J.T., Eischens A, Shilts M, Elias EH, Steele R.  2017.  Insights on drought and long-term climatic trends: Retrospective analyses of crop insurance data. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting.
Reyes-Vera I., Potenza C.L., Barrow J.R..  2008.  Hyperhydricity reversal and clonal propagation of fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens, Chenopodiaceae) cultivated in vitro. Australian Journal of Botany. 56:358-362.
Reyes-Vera I., Lucero M.E., Barrow J.R..  2010.  An improved protocol for micropropagation of saltbush (atriplex) species. Native Plant Journal. 11:53-56.
Reyes-Vera I., Lucero M.E., Barrow J.R..  2006.  Plant inoculation with obligate endophytes from arid rangelands grasses: Implications for water usage. Symposium on Efficient Water Use in the Urban Landscape.
Reynolds J.F.  2001.  Non-Equilibrium Ecology. Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change, Volume Two.
Reynolds J.F.  2001.  Desertification. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Volume 2. :61-78.
Reynolds J.F, Maestre F., Huber-Sannwald E., Herrick JE, Kemp P.R.  2005.  Aspectos Socioeconomicos Y Biofisicos de la Desertificaction. International Journal of Ecology and Evironmental Sciences.
Reynolds J.F, Huber-Sannwald E., Maestre F., Herrick JE, Healy R..  2005.  Applying a new desertification paradigm linking biophysical and socioeconomic elements: the Amapola, Mexico, case study. Society for Range Management, 58th Annual Meeting and Trade Show. :PaperNo.282.
Reynolds J.F.  1986.  Adaptive strategies of desert shrubs with special reference to the creosotebush (Larrea tridentata [DC] Cov.). Pattern and Process in Desert Ecosystems. :19-49.
Reynolds J.F, Kemp P.R, Tenhunen J.D.  2000.  Effects of long-term rainfall variability on evapotranspiration and soil water distribution in the Chihuahuan Desert: A modeling analysis. Plant Ecology. 150:145-159.
Reynolds J.F, Fernández RJ, Kemp P.R.  2000.  Drylands and global change: Rainfall variability and sustainable rangeland production. Proceedings of the 12th Toyota Conference: Challenge of Plant and Agricultural Sciences to the Crisis of the Biosphere on the Earth in the 21<sup>st</sup> Century. :73-86.
Reynolds J.F, Cunningham GL.  1981.  Validation of primary production model of the desert shrub Larrea tridentata using soil-moisture augmentation experiments. Oecologia. 51:357-363..
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Reynolds J.F, Strain B.R, Cunningham GL, Knoerr K.R.  1980.  Predicting primary productivity for forest and desert ecosystem models. Predicting Photosynthesis for Ecosystem Models. Volume II:169-207.
Reynolds J.F, Cunningham GL.  1980.  Modeling Yucca primary productivity: substrate requirements for growth. <i>Yucca</i>. :69-82.
Reynolds J.F, Wu J.  1999.  Do landscape structural and functional units exist? Integrating Hydrology, Ecosystem Dynamics, and Biogeochemistry in Complex Landscapes. :273-296.
Reynolds J.F, Cunningham GL, Syvertsen J.P.  1979.  A net CO2 exchange model for Larrea tridentata. Photosynthetica. 13:279-286.
Reynolds J.F, Virginia R.A, Kemp P.R, de Soyza A.G., Tremmel D.C.  1999.  Impact of drought on desert shrubs: Effects of seasonality and degree of resource island development. Ecological Monographs. 69:69-106.
Reynolds J.F, D. Smith MStafford, Lambin E., Turner, II B.L., Mortimore M, Batterbury SPJ, Downing TE, Dowlatabadi H, Fernández RJ, Herrick JE et al..  2007.  Global desertification: building a science for dryland development. Science. 316:847-851.
Reynolds J.F, Acock B..  1997.  Modularity and genericness in plant and ecosystem models. Ecological Modelling. 94:7-16.
Reynolds J.F, Virginia R.A, Schlesinger W.H.  1997.  Defining plant functional types for models of desertification. Plant Functional Types. :195-216.
Reynolds J.F, Chen J..  1996.  Modelling whole-plant allocation in relation to carbon and nitrogen supply: Coordination versus optimization: Opinion. Plant and Soil. 185:65-74.
Reynolds J.F.  1974.  A comparative modelling study of plant growth systems in a desert ecosystem. :68.
Reynolds J.F, Chen J., Harley P.C, Hilbert D.W, Dougherty R.L, Tenhunen J.D.  1992.  Modeling the effects of elevated carbon dioxide on plants: extrapolating leaf response to a canopy. Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 61:69-94.
Reynolds J.F, Kemp P.R, Ogle K., Fernández RJ, Gao Q., Wu J.  2006.  Modeling the unique attributes of aridland ecosystems: Lessons from the Jornada Basin. Structure and Function of a Chihuahuan Desert Ecosystem: The Jornada Basin Long-Term Ecological Research Site. :321-353.
Reynolds J.F, Ayarza M., Herrick JE, Huber-Sannwald E., Lambin E., D. Smith MStafford.  2006.  An international research network for testing the Dahlem Desertification Paradigm (DDP). Global Environmental Change: Regional Challenges. An Earth System Science Partnership, Open Science Conference. :661.
Rice K.J., Matzner S.L., Byer W., Brown JR.  2004.  Patterns of tree dieback in Queensland, Australia: the importance of drought stress and the role of resistance to cavitation. Oecologia. 139:190-198.
Rice P.M..  1993.  Estimating and modelling stemflow and throughfall on creosote (Larrea tridentata) in an arid environment. :43.
Richards SGlen.  1979.  Milk production, weight changes and preweaning growth rate of Brangus, Hereford and reciprocal crossbred cows under semidesert conditions. :63.
