Adaptive strategies of desert shrubs with special reference to the creosotebush (<i>Larrea tridentata</i> [DC] Cov.)

TitleAdaptive strategies of desert shrubs with special reference to the creosotebush (Larrea tridentata [DC] Cov.)
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1986
AuthorsReynolds J.F
Series EditorWhitford WG
Series TitlePattern and Process in Desert Ecosystems
Number of Pages19-49
PublisherUniversity of New Mexico Press
CityAlbuquerque, New Mexico
Call Number00268
Keywordsbook, books, chapter, chapters, Larrea, adaptive strategies, model,Larrea, model,shrubs,adaptive strategies, report, reports, shubs, adaptive strategies
AbstractIn this paper, my objective is, first, to discuss the biology of the creosotebush in terms of a static definition of its adaptive strategy, and, second, to present an overview of the approach that we're using to model the dynamic features of the adaptive strategy of Larrea in the Chihuahuan Desert. The value of the approach for hypothesis testing will be evaluated with regard to its potential as a tool for increasing our understanding of plant adaptations in arid environments.