Soils of the grassland biome sites

TitleSoils of the grassland biome sites
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication1971
AuthorsReuss J.O
EditorFrench NR
Conference NamePreliminary Analysis of Structure and Function in Grasslands: Proceedings of Symposium Entitled "The Grassland Biome: Analysis and synthesis of First Year Data"
Series TitleRange Science Department Science Series 10
Date PublishedSeptember 1, 197
PublisherColorado State University
Conference LocationColorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
Keywordsabstract, abstracts, conference, conference proceedings, conferences, grassland,soil properties, proceeding, proceedings, soil,grassland
Abstract Although widely separated geographically and formed on diverse parent materials, nine of the ten dominant soils on the biome sites are classified in the Mollisol order. This order is comprised mainly of the dark, base rich soils of the semiarid and subhumid steppes. Even though they are consistent as to order, the soil properties vary widely. Texture varies from silty clay to loamy sand. Depth to bedrock varies from 35 to greater than 150 cm, and estimated available moisture storage capacity to 100 cm depth varies from 4.5 to 20 cm. While a few are acidic in the surface, with the exception of the mountain grassland, the soils tend to be largely base saturated. Native vegetation could be expected to respond to nitrogen fertilizer during periods when moisture availability is not limiting growth. Phosphorus responses might be expected at some sites. It is unlikely that native vegetation will respond to additions of other nutrients on these soils.
Custom 1Fort Collins, Colorado