Jornada Bibliography

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Hochstrasser T., Kroel-Dulay G., Peters DC, Gosz J.R.  2002.  Vegetation and climate characteristics of arid and semi-arid grasslands in North America and their biome transition zone. Journal of Arid Environments. 51:55-78.
Michaelides K, Lister D, Wainwright J, Parsons A.J..  2009.  Vegetation controls on small-scale runoff and erosion dynamics in a degrading dryland environment. Hydrological Processes. 23:1617-1630.
Reichmann L, Sala O.E, Peters DC.  2013.  Water controls on nitrogen transformations and stocks in an arid ecosystem. Ecosphere. 4(1):Article11.
Belnap J, Phillips S.L., Herrick JE, Johansen J..  2007.  Wind erodibility of soils at Fort Irwin, California (Mojave Desert), USA, before and after trampling disturbance: implications for land management. Earth Surface Porcesses and Landforms. 32:75-84.
Pierre C., Hiernaux P., Rajot J-L, Kergoat L., Webb N, A. Touré A, Marticorena B, Bouet C..  2021.  Wind erosion response to past and future agro-pastoral trajectories in the Sahel (Niger). Landscape Ecology.
Schreiner-McGraw A.P, Vivoni E, Ajami H, Sala O.E, Throop HL, Peters DC.  2020.  Woody Plant Encroachment has a Larger Impact than Climate Change on Dryland Water Budgets. Scientific Reports. 10(8112)
Peters DC, Yao J, Gosz J.R.  2006.  Woody Plant Invasion at a Semi-arid Transition Zone: Importance of Ecosystem Type to Colonization and Patch Expansion. Journal of Vegetation Science. 17:389-396.
Scarpace FL, Bobo M, Cardille JA, Carlson JDean, Chipman JWard, Cochrane KCarl, Fassnacht KS, Hagemann EBV, Harring LAnn, Hirth REdward et al..  1995.  Application of GIS and remote sensing for resource management in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. :204.
Raitt RJ.  1972.  Bird Investigations. US/IBP Grassland Biome. :26-41.
Rodriquez JGonzalez, Pieper, Rex D., Smith G.  1978.  Botanical composition of cattle diets on desert grassland range.
Herbel C.H., Pieper, Rex D..  1970.  Comprehensive network site description, Jornada. US International Biological Program, Grasslands Biome Technical Report No. 43. :23.
Peters DC.  2015.  Ecological challenges posed by climate uncertainty. The Economic and Financial Risks of a Changing Climate; Insights from Leading Experts. :8.
Araki C.T., Landt J.A., Holm D.M., Brown R.R., Seawright G.L., Payne R.J., Anderson D.M..  1980.  Electronic Identification October 1, 1978 - September 30, 1979. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report LA-8315-PR. :47.
Araki C.T., Landt J.A., Holm D.M., Sanders W.M., Anderson D.M., Seawright G.L., Brown R.R., Puckett H.B., Salazar P.H., Payne R.J..  1982.  Electronic identification: October 1, 1979-September 30, 1980. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report LA-9166-PR. :17.
Araki C.T., Landt J.A., Holm D.M., Sanders W.M., Anderson D.M., Seawright G.L., Brown R.R., Puckett H.B., Salazar P.H., Payne R.J..  1982.  Electronic identification: October 1, 1979-September 30, 1980. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report LA-9166-PR. :17.
Paulsen, Jr. H.A., Ares F.N..  1962.  Grazing values and management of black grama and tobosa grasslands and associated shrub ranges of the Southwest. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Technical Bulletin No. 1270. :56.
Pieper, Rex D., Herbel C.H..  1982.  Herbage dynamics and primary productivity of a desert grassland ecosystem. New Mexico State University Agriculture Experimental Station Bulletin 695. :1-43.
Raitt RJ, Pimm SL.  1972.  Jornada bird censuses, 1972. US/IBP Grassland Biome. :20.
Nelson A.B., Neumann A.L., Herbel C.H., Yarbrough C.C., Parker E., Whittenburg J..  1971.  Liquid and dry supplements for wintering range beef calves. New Mexico Agriculture Experimental Station Research Report 214. :8.
Zhan X., Kustas WP, French A.N., Ritchie J, Prueger J.H., Hipps LE, Rango A., Schmugge T.J, Nolen B., Chopping M..  2000.  A preliminary assessment of regional scale carbon stocks and fluxes of a desert using field measurements, satellite images and model simulations. :107.
Pieper, Rex D., Cannaughton M., Fitzenrider R..  1970.  Preliminary report on sampling of primary producers, invertebrates, and decomposers on the Jornada site, 1970. US/IBP Grassland Biome.
Pieper, Rex D., Ellstrom M.A, Staffeldt E.E., Raitt RJ.  1971.  Primary producers, invertebrates, birds, and decomposers on the Jornada site, 1971. US/IBP Grassland Biome.
Pieper, Rex D., Herbel C.H..  1974.  Primary production on the Jornada site for 1972. :29.
Packard R.L.  1972.  Small mammal studies on the Jornada and Pantex sites. US/IBP Grassland Biome. :48.
Pieper, Rex D., Anway J.C., Ellstrom M.A, Herbel C.H., Packard R.L, Pimm SL, Raitt RJ, Staffeldt E.E., Watts J.G.  1983.  Structure and function of North America desert grassland ecosystems. New Mexico Agriculture Experimental Station Special Report 39. :298.
Pieper, Rex D., Anway J.C., Ellstrom M.A, Herbel C.H., Packard R.L, Pimm SL, Raitt RJ, Staffeldt E.E., Watts J.G.  1983.  Structure and function of North America desert grassland ecosystems. New Mexico Agriculture Experimental Station Special Report 39. :298.
Pieper, Rex D., Anway J.C., Ellstrom M.A, Herbel C.H., Packard R.L, Pimm SL, Raitt RJ, Staffeldt E.E., Watts J.G.  1983.  Structure and function of North America desert grassland ecosystems. New Mexico Agriculture Experimental Station Special Report 39. :298.
Herrick JE, Arnalds O., Bestelmeyer BT, Brignezu S., Han G., Johnson M-VV, Lu Y., Montanarella L., Pengue W., Toth G..  2016.  Summary for policymakers: Unlocking the sustainable potential of land resources. Evaluation systems, strategies and tools. :27pp.
Dabo S-M, Pieper, Rex D., Beck RF, Southward G.M..  1982.  Summer and Fall Diets of Blacktailed Jackrabbits on Semidesert Rangeland. New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station. :19.
Peterson DK.  1986.  Behavioral responses of Chihuahuan Desert lizards to habitat modification. :45.
Pimm SL.  1974.  Community process and structure. :91.
Pino R..  1954.  Comparative efficiency of various lengths of belt transects in estimating forage production on semidesert grassland range. :32.
Poyga DF.  1986.  Control of honey mesquite with triclopyr and picloram + clopyralid on the New Mexico State University College Ranch. :55.
Price AHoyt.  1986.  The ecology and evolutionary implications of competition and parthenogenesis in Cnemidophorus. :171.
Parker E..  1963.  Estimating grass herbage production on desert plains grassland range. :37.
Parry SFlake.  2012.  Impermanence factors and rangeland management in the desert southwest. Department of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business. MS:144.
Pamo ETedonkeng.  1983.  Mathematical approach to range condition in comparison to the SCS method. :189.
Pilz WR.  1983.  Nesting ecology and diet of Swainson's hawk in the Chihuahuan Desert, south-central New Mexico. :30.
Pease D.S.  1967.  Opal phytoliths as indicators of paleosols. :81.
Prieto AEscobar.  1967.  Physiological responses to temperature in the horned lizards Phrynosoma cornutum and Phrynosoma douglassi. :25.
Phillips MDawn.  1986.  Soil and vegetation factors influencing den site selection of a Chihuahuan Desert rodent assembly. :37.
Pizarro JGCepeda.  1986.  Spatial and temporal patterns of decomposition and microarthropod assemblages in decomposing surface leaf-litter on a Chihuahuan Desert watershed. :245.
Prieto AEscobar.  1968.  Vitamin A injections for range beef cows.
