Structure and function of North America desert grassland ecosystems

TitleStructure and function of North America desert grassland ecosystems
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication1983
AuthorsPieper, Rex D., Anway J.C., Ellstrom M.A, Herbel C.H., Packard R.L, Pimm SL, Raitt RJ, Staffeldt E.E., Watts J.G
Series TitleNew Mexico Agriculture Experimental Station Special Report 39
Date PublishedJuly 1983
CityLas Cruces

It became obvious during the preparation of this volume that many gaps exist in our knowledge of Desert Grassland ecosystems. The research conducted under the Grassland Biome of the International Biological Program, and summarized in this volume, barely scratched the surface. This volume, however, presents some new information and unique analysis for desert grasslands.
