Spatial and temporal patterns of decomposition and microarthropod assemblages in decomposing surface leaf-litter on a Chihuahuan Desert watershed

TitleSpatial and temporal patterns of decomposition and microarthropod assemblages in decomposing surface leaf-litter on a Chihuahuan Desert watershed
Publication TypeThesis
Year of Publication1986
AuthorsPizarro JGCepeda
Number of Pages245
Date Published1986
UniversityNew Mexico State University
CityLas Cruces, New Mexico
Thesis TypePh.D. Dissertationpp
Accession NumberJRN00043
Call Number00030
Keywordsdecomposition, microarthropod, dissertation, dissertations, litter, microarthropods, microarthropod, assemblages, microarthropod, decomposition, microarthropod, distribution, microarthropod,temporal patterns, theses, thesis, transect, decomposition, transect, microarthropods
AbstractMass loss and changes in the microarthropod assembleges were monitored in six types of decomposing surface leaf-litter confined in mesh-bags and set across a Chihuahuan Desert watershed for 17 months. High initial mass losses were observed in all litter types. Except for black grama grass litter, mass loss trends were described by the double exponential decay model............................The study supported the idea that depth and stability of the surface litter determine the size of the microarthropod community. The data did not provide clear evidence of the role played by the microarthropod fauna on surface litter breakdown.