Jornada Bibliography

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Fagre D.B., Charles C.W., Allen C.D., Birkeland C., Chapin, III F.S., Groffman PM, Guntenspergen G.R., Knapp A.K, McGuire A.D, Mulholland J.P. et al..  2009.  Synthesis and assessment product 4.2: Tresholds of climate change in ecosystems. US Geological Survey.
Fair J.L., Peters DC, Lauenroth W.K.  2001.  Response of individual Bouteloua gracilis (gramineae) plants and tillers to small disturbances. American Midland Naturalist. 145:147-158.
Fair J.L., Lauenroth W.K, Coffin D.P..  1999.  Demography of Bouteloua gracilis in a mixed prairie: analysis of genets and individuals. Journal of Ecology. 87:233-243.
Fan Z, Herrick JE, Saltzman R., Matteis C, Yudina A, Nocella N, Crawford E, Parker R, Van Zee J.  2017.  Measurement of Soil Color: A Comparison Between Smartphone Camera and the Munsell Color Charts. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 81:1139-1146.
Fatehi M.  1986.  Comparative seasonal food habits of black-tailed jackrabbits and cattle on semidesert rangeland. :68.
Fatehi M, Pieper, Rex D., Beck RF.  1988.  Seasonal food habits of blacktailed jackrabbits (Lepus californicus) in southern New Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist. 33:367-370.
Fay PA, McElligott V.T., Havstad K.  1989.  Containment of free-ranging goats using pulsed-radio-wave-activated shock collars. Applied Animal Behavior Science. 23:165-171.
Feng I, Tong D, Gill TE, Van Pelt S, Webb N.  2022.  The economic costs of wind erosion in the United States. American Geohpsyical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Fernald A, Guldan S, Boykin K, Cibils AF, Gonzalez M., Hurd B., Lopez S., Ochoa C, Ortiz M, Rivera J. et al..  2015.  Linked hydrologic and social systems that support resilience of traditional irrigation communities. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 19:293-307.
Fernández RJ, Wang M, Reynolds J.F.  2002.  Do morphological changes mediate plant responses to water stress? A steady-state experiment with two C4 grasses New Phytologist. 155:79-88.
Fernández RJ, Reynolds J.F.  2000.  Potential growth and drought tolerance of eight desert grasses: lack of a trade-off? Oecologia. 123:90-98.
Ferrando CAlberto.  1990.  Diet botanical composition and fecal chemical indices of cows and steers on semidesert rangleland. :79.
Field J.P, Belnap J, Breshears DD, Neff J., Okin GS, Whicker J.J, Painter T.H, Ravi S., Reheis M.C, Reynolds R.L.  2011.  The ecology of dust. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 8(8):423-430.
Fields M.J., Peters DC, Gosz J.R.  1999.  The role of kangaroo rats (Dipodomys spectabilis) in determining patterns in plant species dominance at an ecotonal boundary. Journal of Vegetation Science. 10:123-130.
Fields M.J., Coffin D.P., Gosz J.R.  1999.  Burrowing activities of kangaroo rats and patterns in plant species dominance at a shortgrass steppe-desert grassland ecotone. Journal of Vegetation Science. 10:123-130.
Fisher F.M, Parker L.W, Anderson JP, Whitford WG.  1987.  Nitrogen mineralization in a desert soil: Interacting effects of soil moisture and nitrogen fertilizer. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 51:1033-1041.
Fisher F.M, Whitford WG.  1995.  Field simulation of wet and dry years in the Chihuahuan Desert: Soil moisture, N mineralization and ion exchange resin bags. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 20:137-146.
Fisher F.M, Freckman D.W, Whitford WG.  1990.  Decomposition and soil nitrogen availability in Chihuahuan Desert field microcosms. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 22:241-249.
Fisher F.M, Zak J.C, Cunningham GL, Whitford WG.  1988.  Water and nitrogen effects on growth and allocation patterns of creosotebush in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Range Management. 41:387-391.
Flombaum P., Sala O.E.  2008.  Higher effect of plant species diversity on productivity in natural than artificial ecosystems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 105:6087-6090.
Flombaum P., Sala O.E.  2007.  A non-destructive and rapid method to estimate biomass and aboveground net primary production in arid environments. Journal of Arid Environments. 69:352-358.
Flombaum P., Sala O.E, Rastetter E.B.  2014.  Interactions among resource partitioning, sampling effect, and facilitation on the biodiversity effect: a modeling approach. Oecologia. 174(2):559-566.
Flombaum P., Yahdjian L, Sala O.E.  2017.  Global-change drivers of ecosystem functioning modulated by natural variability and saturating responses. Global Change Biology. 23:503-511.
Flores M.A., Fredrickson E.L., Pieper, Rex D., Murray L.W.  1998.  Dispersal of Lehmann lovegrass by sheep. Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management. :38.
Flores M.A., Fredrickson E.L., Pieper, Rex D., Murray L.W.  1996.  Effect of domestic animals and precipitation levels on the establishment of Lehmann lovegrass (Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees) seedlings. Mexican Society for Range Management Meeting.
Floyd KW, Gill TE.  2011.  The association of land cover with aeolian sediment production at Jornada Basin, New Mexico, USA. Aeolian Research. 3(1):55-66.
Floyd T.  1996.  Top-down impacts on creosotebush herbivores in a spatially and temporally complex environment. Ecology. 77:1544-1555.
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Fonteyn P.J, Schlesinger W.H, Marion G.M.  1987.  Accuracy of soil thermocouple hygrometer measurements in desert ecosystems. Ecology. 68:1121-1124.
Forbes GS, Van Zee J, Smith W.E, Whitford WG.  2005.  Desert grassland canopy arthropod species richness: temporal patterns and effects of intense, short-duration livestock grazing. Journal of Arid Environments. 60:627-646.
Forbes GS.  1981.  Systematic and ecological studies of the Apodemia mormo complex (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae) in southern Arizona and southern New Mexico. :83.
Ford P.L, Anderson C.A., Fredrickson E.L., Truett J., Roemer G..  2002.  Effects of fire and mowing on expansion of reestablished black-tailed prairie dog colonies in Chihuahuan Desert grasslands. 2002 Fire Conference. General Technical Report PSW-189:49.
Ford P.L, Fredrickson E.L., Anderson C.A., Truett J..  2002.  Fire as a management tool to facilitate expansion of reintroduced black-tailed prairie dog colonies in Chihuahuan Desert grasslands. 16th Annual Meeting, Society for Conservation Biology. :3.
Forsling C.L..  1924.  Saving livestock from starvation on Southwestern ranges. :22.
Forsling C.L..  1919.  Chopped soapweed as emergency feed for cattle on Southwestern ranges. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bulletin 745. :20.
Forster M, Bestelmeyer S, Baez-Rodriguez N, Berkowitz A, Caplan B, Esposito R, Grace E, McGee S.  2018.  Data jams: Promoting data literacy and science engagement while encouraging creativity. Science Teacher. :48-53.
Foster J., Kelly R., Rango A., Armstrong R., Erbe E.R, Pooley C.D., Wergin W.P..  2006.  Use of low-temperature scanning electron Microscopy to compare and characterize three classes of snow cover. Scanning. 28:191-203.
Foster J., Rango A., Josberger E.G, Erbe E.R, Pooley C.D., Wergin W.P..  2004.  Advances in theory, instrumentation, semiconductor, and materials applications of scanning microscopy. Scanning. 26:68-69.
Foster L, Humble CW.  1918.  Range Cow Maintenance on Yucca and Sotol. 114
Foster J., Chang A.TC, Hall D.K, Erbe E.R, Wergin W.P., Rango A..  2000.  Regional snow parameters derived from microwave radiometry. EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union. 81:F445.
Foster B, McCord S, Kachergis E.  2018.  Coordinating a national rangeland monitoring training program: Success and lessons learned. Society for Range Management Meeting. January 28-February 2, 2018
Fowler HG, Whitford WG.  1985.  Structure and organization of a winter community of cavity-inhabiting, web-building spiders (Pholocidae and Theridiidae) in a Chihuahuan Desert habitat. Journal of Arid Environments. 8:57-65.
Fowler HG, Whitford WG.  1985.  Host plant ovipositional preferences and usage by Oecleus nolinus (Homoptera: Cixiidae). The Southwestern Naturalist. 30:610-611.
Fowler HG, Whitford WG.  1984.  Coordinated prey capture by Novomessor cockerelli (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). New York Entomological Society. 91:328-332.
Fowler HG, Whitford WG.  1983.  Pre-dispersal seed feeding insects of a desert legume, Astragalus nutallianus. The Southwestern Naturalist. 28:466-469.
Fowler HG, Whitford WG.  1982.  Floral visitation by Chihuahuan Desert ants. Journal of Natural History. 16:879-881.
Fowler HG, Whitford WG.  1981.  Mating behavior of Polyphylla diffracta (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). The Southwestern Naturalist. 26:215-216.
Fowler HG, Whitford WG.  1980.  Termites, microarthropods and the decomposition of senescent and fresh creosotebush (Larrea tridentata) leaf litter. Journal of Arid Environments. 3:63-68.
Fowler HG.  1980.  Behavioral and population ecology of a major Yucca herbivore. <i>Yucca</i>. :91-113.
Fraleigh H.D., Peters DC, Beck K.G., Parton W.  1999.  Using CENTURY to investigate ecosystem effects of a non-native species and implications for restoration. 84th Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. 80
