Jornada Bibliography

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Conference Proceedings
Peters DC, Yao J, Browning DM, Duni D, Huang H, Rango A..  2012.  Deciphering landscape complexity to predict (non)linear responses to extreme climatic events. American Geophysical Union. H54D-04
Gillan JK, Karl JW, Duni D.  2011.  Deriving shrub heights from high resolution stereo-pair aerial imagery: An application for broad-scale rangeland monitoring. 65th Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management. p. 0114
Allison C.D., Anderson D.M., Beck RF, Donart G.B., Pieper, Rex D., Schickedanz J.G..  1982.  Developing grazing strategies on arid and semiarid rangelands. Proceedings of the National Conference on Grazing Management Technology. :124-133.
Rango A., Gomez-Landesa E., Havstad K, Bleiweiss M., Tanksley K., DeWalle D., Martinec J., Kite G..  2003.  Development of a remote-sensing snowmelt runoff forecasting system in the Rio Grande Basin. Western Snow Conference.
Utsumi S.A, Nyamuryekung'e S., McIntosh MM, Cibils AF, Estell RE, Spiegal S., Duff G., Cao H, Boucheron LE, Chen H. et al..  2022.  Digital ranching as aspirational system for resilient ranching on Southwestern US rangelands. 2022 Society for Range Management Annual Meeting.
Utsumi S.A, Nyamuryekung'e S., McIntosh MM, Cibils AF, Estell RE, Spiegal S., Duff G., Cao H, Boucheron LE, Chen H. et al..  2022.  Digital tools for sustainable ranching on Southwestern US rangelands. 2022 Society for Range Management Annual Meeting.
DeWalle D., Eismeier J.A., Rango A..  2003.  Early forecasts of snowmelt runoff using SNOTEL data in the upper Rio Grande Basin. Western Snow Conference. :17-22.
Bestelmeyer BT, Herrick JE, Brown JR, Browning DM, Densambuu B, Elias EH, McCord S, H. Peinetti R, Spiegal S., Webb N et al..  2022.  Ecological science infrastructure for sustainability transformations in rangelands. The XXIV International Grassland Congress / XI International Rangeland Congress (Sustainable Use of Grassland and Rangeland Resources for Improved Livelihoods).
de Soyza A.G., Whitford WG, Virginia R.A, Reynolds J.F.  1996.  Effects of summer drought on the water relations, physiology, and growth of large and small plants of Prosopis glandulosa and Larrea tridentata. Wildland Shrub Symposium, Proceedings: Shrubland Ecosystem Dynamics in a Changing Environment. General Technical Report INT-GTR-338:220-223.
Nauman T, Duni D, Webb N, Belnap J.  2018.  Elevated dust emissions on the Colorado Plateau: Role of grazing vehicle disturbance, and increasing aridity. Society for Range Management Meeting. January 28-February 2, 2018
Di Stefano SF, Brungard C, Karl JW, Stauffer N, Maynard J.  2018.  Evaluation of the automated reference toolset for oil and gas reclamation on Colorado rangelands. Society for Range Management Meeting. January 28-February 2, 2018
McIntosh MM, Macon L., Redd M, Cibils AF, Estell RE, Nyamuryekung'e S., Utsumi S.A, Gonzalez AL, Cox A, Duff G. et al..  2022.  Explorations of heritage vs conventional cattle in a changing climate. Explorations of heritage vs conventional cattle in a changing climate .
Aney S, Elias EH, Burnett R, Gifford C, Duff G., Auvermann BW, Steiner J.  2021.  Facilitating knowledge exchange around strategies for sustainability. 2021 NMSU ACES Beef, Dairy and Livestock Update.
Savoy H, Peters DC, Elias EH, Pelzel-McCluskey A, Rodriguez LL, Derner J.D, McVey D.  2019.  Factors determining spread of Vesicular Stomatitis across heterogeneous landscapes: an application of landscape connectivity and AI in disease ecology. Ecological Society of America Abstracts.
Nyamuryekung'e S., Duff G., Cibils AF, Estell RE, Utsumi S.A, Funk M., Cox A, Gong Q, Spiegal S., Gouvea V. et al..  2022.  Field testing of LoRa-WAN sensors for real-time tracking and biosensing of Brangus and Raramuri Criollo cattle foraging on a small pasture. Journal of Animal Science.
Drewa P.B., Peters DC, Havstad K.  2001.  Fire, grazing and honey mesquite invasion in black grama-dominated grasslands of the Chihuahuan Desert: a synthesis. Proceedings of the Fire Conference 2000: the First National Congress on Fire Ecology, Prevention, and Management. :31-39.
Drewa P.B., Peters DC, Havstad K.  2001.  Fire, grazing, and shrub invasion in the Chihuahuan Desert. The Role of Fire in the Control and Spread of Invasive Species.
Peters DC, Yao J, N. Burruss D, Havstad K, Sala O.E, Derner J.D, Hendrickson J, Sanderson MA, Blair JM, Collins S.L..  2015.  Forecasting regional grassland and shrubland responses to directional changes in climate using multi-year dry or wet periods. LTER 2015 All Scientists Meeting .
Pillsbury FC, Peters DC, Okin GS, Duni D, Anderson JP, Sala O.E, Vivoni E, Herrick JE, Havstad K.  2012.  Identifying thresholds in pattern-process relationships: a new cross-scale interactions experiment at the Jornada Basin LTER. 2012 LTER All Scientists Meeting. p. 43
Tyree G, Chappell A., Villarreal ML, Dhital S, Duni D, Edwards B, Faist AM, Nauman T, Webb N.  2022.  The impact of vegetation removal by oil and gas development on wind erosion and dust emission in the Upper Colorado River Basin. AGU22 FALL MEETING.
Tyree G, Chappell A., Villarreal ML, Dhital S, Duni D, Edwards B, Faist AM, Nauman T, Webb N.  2022.  The impact of vegetation removal by oil and gas development on wind erosion and dust emission in the Upper Colorado River Basin. AGU22 FALL MEETING.
Gambill M.D., Petersen M.K., Hawkins D.E., Dhuyvetter D.V., Ward M., Tovar I., Havstad K, Wallace J.D..  1994.  Intake of cooked molasses blocks and subsequent performance of young postpartum cows grazing native range. Proceedings of the Western Section Meeting, American Society of Animal Science. 45:76-79.
Rango A., Gomez-Landesa E., Bleiweiss M., DeWalle D., Kite G., Martinec J., Havstad K.  2004.  Integrating two remote-sensing-based hydrological models and MODIS data to improve water supply forecasts in the Rio Grande Basin. International Conference, Hydrology: Science and Practice for the 21st century, British Hydrological Society. I:453-457.
Dinan M, Cuttis B..  2020.  Land of Encroachment: A multi-stakeholder assessment of brush control efforts in New Mexico. Society for Rangeland Meetings.
Maynard J, Herrick JE, Salley S.W, Dylan E., Beaudette D., O'Green A..  2020.  Landpks Soilid: A Smartphone-Based Soil Identification Tool for Rangeland Management. Society for Rangeland Meetings.
Herrick JE, Urama K.C., Karl JW, Boos J, Johnson M-VV, Shepherd K, Hempel J, Bestelmeyer BT, Davis J., Guerra JLarson et al..  2013.  A land-potential knowledge system (LandPKS) based on local and scientific knowledge of land productivity and resilience. 2nd Scientific Conference, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). :314-318.
McCord S, Webb N, Bonefont K, Courtright E, Duni D, Edwards B, Goodrich DC, Heilman P, Hernandez M, Metz L et al..  2021.  Leveraging standardized monitoring data to support grazing land soil erosion assessments. LTAR Annual Meeting.
L. Stoddart C.  1970.  Life history and population dynamics of the black-tailed jackrabbit (Lepus californicus) in New Mexico. Simulation and Analysis of Dynamics of a Semi-Desert Grassland. :213-217.
Everitt J., Alaniz M.A., Davis M.R., Escobar D.E., Havstad K, Ritchie J.  1997.  Light reflectance characteristics and video remote sensing of two range sites on the Jornada Experimental Range. Proceedings of the 16<sup>th</sup> Biennial Workshop on Videography and Color Photography in Resource Assessment. :485-495.
Tugel A.J., Seiter S., Friedman D., Davis J., Dick R.P., McGrath D., Weil R.R..  2001.  Locally led conservation activities: Developing a soil quality assessment tool. 10th International Soil Conservation Organization Meeting: Sustaining the Global Farm. :529-534.
Tugel A.J., Seiter S., Friedman D., Davis J., Dick R.P., McGrath D., Weil R.R..  2001.  Locally led conservation activities: Developing a soil quality assessment tool. 10th International Soil Conservation Organization Meeting: Sustaining the Global Farm. :529-534.
das Neves A., Wallace J.D., Herbel C.H..  1974.  Milk production by hereford cows. Proceedings of the Western Section Meeting, American Society of Animal Science. 25:310-312.
Whitford WG, Martinez-Meza E., de Soyza A.G..  1995.  Morphological variation in creosotebush, Larrea tridentata: effects on ecosystem properties. Proceedings: symposium on shrubland ecosystem dynamics in a changing environment. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-GTR-338:195-198.
Nyamuryekung'e S., Cibils AF, Estell RE, Funk M., McIntosh MM, Cox A, Utsumi S.A, Cao H, Boucheron LE, Gong Q et al..  2021.  Performance of Lora-WAN sensors for precision livestock tracking and biosensing applications. The XXIV International Grassland Congress / XI International Rangeland.
Gambill D.M., Petersen M.K., Hawkins D.E., Luna I.T., Corona J.S.S., Dunlap D., Havstad K.  1995.  Post-partum anestrus and fall pregnancy in 2-year-old range cows supplemented with protein and fat. Proceedings of the Western Section Meeting, American Society of Animal Science. 45:76-79.
Webb N, Herrick JE, Duni D.  2014.  Quantifying accelerated soil erosion through ecological site-based assessments of wind and water erosion. Eighth International Conference on Aeolian Research (ICAR VIII). :p.357.
Saha A, Saha G, Cibin R, Spiegal S., Kleinman PJA, Veith TL, White CM, Drohan P.J.  2022.  Quantifying the water quality benefits of implementing manureshed concept based manure management in the Susquehanna River Basin. 2022 Chesapeake Community Research Symposium, Annual Meeting, June 6-8, 2022.
Herbel C.H., Dittberner P.L., Bickle T.S..  1970.  A quantitative ecology of the Jornada Experimental Range. Proceedings: Simulation and analysis of a semidesert grassland: An interdisciplinary workshop program toward evaluating the potential ecological impact of weather modification. Science Series No. 6:I-133--I-177.
Dix RL, Beidleman RG(eds.).  1970.  Range Science Department Science Series No. 2 Supplement. The Grassland Ecosystem: A Preliminary Synthesis, A Supplement.
Estell RE, Anderson D.M., Barrow J.R., de Soyza A.G., Fredrickson E.L., Gibbens, Robert P., Havstad K, Herrick JE, Tellez M.R., Whitford WG.  1998.  Rangeland research in the Chihuahuan Desert. New Mexico Livestock Research Briefs Cattle Growers' Short Course.
Estell RE, Anderson D.M., Barrow J.R., de Soyza A.G., Fredrickson E.L., Gibbens, Robert P., Havstad K, Herrick JE, Tellez M.R., Whitford WG.  1997.  Rangeland research in the Chihuahuan Desert. New Mexico Livestock Research Briefs Cattle Growers' Short Course.
Nyamuryekung'e S., Cibils AF, Utsumi S.A, Estell RE, Cox A, Duni D, Gouvea V., Brandani C, Duff G., Gong Q et al..  2022.  Real-time LoRaWAN precision ranching technologies: What we've learned. 2022 Society for Range Management Annual Meeting.
Nyamuryekung'e S., Cibils AF, Utsumi S.A, Estell RE, Cox A, Duni D, Gouvea V., Brandani C, Duff G., Gong Q et al..  2022.  Real-time LoRaWAN precision ranching technologies: What we've learned. 2022 Society for Range Management Annual Meeting.
Kellndorfer J., Dobson M.C, Ulaby F.T.  1996.  Regional stability of an ERS/JERS-1 SAR classifier. Proceedings of IGARSS96. :1093-1095.
Ward D, Elias EH, Peters DC, Pelzel-McCluskey A, Derner J.D, McVey D, Rodriguez LL.  2018.  Relationships among snow depth, snow water equivalent, streamflow and virus activity in two Colorado watersheds (2004 to 2016). Western Snow Conference. Vesicular stomatitis (VS) is the most common viral vesicular disease affecting livestock (horses, cattle, pigs) throughout the A
Rawls W., Kustas WP, Schmugge T.J, Ritchie J, Jackson T.J, Rango A., Doraiswamy P..  2003.  Remote sensing in watershed scale hydrology. Proceedings of the First Interagency Conference on Research in Watersheds, Benson, AZ. :580-585.
Brown JR, Derner J.D, Dobrowolski J.P., Havstad K.  2009.  Rotational grazing systems and grazing management research: Mapping the future. 4th National Conference on Grazing Lands and the Society for Range Management. :CDROM.
Brown JR, Derner J.D, Dobrowolski J.P., Havstad K.  2009.  Rotational grazing systems and grazing management research: Mapping the future. 4th National Conference on Grazing Lands and the Society for Range Management. :CDROM.
Tugel A.J., Loomis L., Andrews S., Dyess J., Herrick JE, Peacock G., Biggam P..  2004.  Sampling dynamic soil properties for soil surveys: Lessons learned. 2004 Western Regional Cooperative Soil Survey Conference. :CDROM.
Herrick JE, Whitford WG, de Soyza A.G., Van Zee J.  1996.  Soil and vegetation indicators for assessment of rangeland ecological condition. North American Workshop on Monitoring for Ecological Assessment of Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems. :157-166.
