Rotational grazing systems and grazing management research: Mapping the future

TitleRotational grazing systems and grazing management research: Mapping the future
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsBrown JR, Derner J.D, Dobrowolski J.P., Havstad K
Conference Name4th National Conference on Grazing Lands and the Society for Range Management
Date PublishedDecember 13-16,
Conference LocationSparks, NV
ARIS Log Number255538
AbstractA recent publication reviewed a substantial amount of evidence generated from a geographically diverse effort by university and agency scientists over the past 6 decades to vestigate the impacts of rotational grazing on fundamental rangeland ecological processes. Their findings, and others as well, clearly indicate that varying frequency and intensity of defoliation by rotating grazing livestock does not significantly affect plant or animal production when other factors (stocking rate, season of use etc) are held constant. However, many producers, advisors and researchers have substantial observational evidence that rotational grazing can be an important tool in achieving ranch level goals. This symposium was organized to examine the current state of the knowledge, the range of objectives and goals that producers and conservation programs may have beyond production and opportunities for improving the transfer of research information among scientists, policy makers and producers.