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Delgado-Baquerizo M, Bardgett R, Vitousek PM, Maestre F., Williams MA, Eldridge D.J., Lambers H, Neuhauser S, Gallardo A, García-Velázquez L et al..  2019.  Changes in below ground biodiversity during ecosystem development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 116:6891–6896.
Delgado-Baquerizo M, Bardgett R, Vitousek PM, Maestre F., Williams MA, Eldridge D.J., Lambers H, Neuhauser S, Gallardo A, García-Velázquez L et al..  2019.  Changes in below ground biodiversity during ecosystem development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 116:6891–6896.
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Baker J.M, Dell C, Spiegal S., Porter S, Leytem AB, Flynn CK, Bryant R, Bjorneberg DL, Rotz C.A, Hagevoot R et al..  2020.  Challenges and opportunities for manureshed management across U.S. dairy systems. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts.
Baker J.M, Dell C, Spiegal S., Porter S, Leytem AB, Flynn CK, Bryant R, Bjorneberg DL, Rotz C.A, Hagevoot R et al..  2020.  Challenges and opportunities for manureshed management across U.S. dairy systems. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts.
Baker J.M, Dell C, Spiegal S., Porter S, Leytem AB, Flynn CK, Bryant R, Bjorneberg DL, Rotz C.A, Hagevoot R et al..  2020.  Challenges and opportunities for manureshed management across U.S. dairy systems. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts.
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Raynor E.J., Gersie S.P, Stephenson M.B., Clark PE, Spiegal S., Boughton RK, C. Bailey D, Cibils AF, Smith B.W., Derner J.D et al..  2021.  Cattle grazing distribution patterns related to topography across diverse rangeland ecosystems of North America. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 75:91-103.
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Rosiere R.E, Beck RF, Wallace J.D..  1975.  Cattle diets on semidesert grassland: botanical composition. Journal of Range Management. 28:89-93.
Sanderson JS, Beutler C, Brown JR, Burke IC, Chapman T, Conant R., Derner J.D, Easter M, Fuhlendorf S., Grissom G et al..  2019.  Cattle, conservation, and carbon in the western Great Plains. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 75(1)
Sanderson JS, Beutler C, Brown JR, Burke IC, Chapman T, Conant R., Derner J.D, Easter M, Fuhlendorf S., Grissom G et al..  2019.  Cattle, conservation, and carbon in the western Great Plains. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 75(1)
Sanderson JS, Beutler C, Brown JR, Burke IC, Chapman T, Conant R., Derner J.D, Easter M, Fuhlendorf S., Grissom G et al..  2019.  Cattle, conservation, and carbon in the western Great Plains. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 75(1)
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McIntosh MM, Cibils AF, Estell RE, Gonzalez AL, Spiegal S., Blair A., Nyamuryekung'e S., Soto-Navarro S., Tolle C..  2019.  Carcass characteristics of Criollo and Criollo crossbred steers raised on Chihuahuan Desert rangeland. 2019 ASAS-CSAS Annual Meeting and Trade Show.
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Peters DC, Yao J, N. Burruss D, Havstad K, Sala O.E, Derner J.D, Hendrickson J, Sanderson MA, Blair JM, Collins S.L..  2015.  Can we use the past as a lens to the future? Using historic events to predict regional grassland and shrubland responses to multi-year drought or wet periods under climate change 100th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America.
Peters DC, Yao J, N. Burruss D, Havstad K, Sala O.E, Derner J.D, Hendrickson J, Sanderson MA, Blair JM, Collins S.L..  2015.  Can we use the past as a lens to the future? Using historic events to predict regional grassland and shrubland responses to multi-year drought or wet periods under climate change 100th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America.
R. Corona S, Fredrickson E.L., Ceballos G., Gonzalez AL, Laliberte AS, Davidson A.D., Sanchez R.L., Bezanilla G., Gevara E.P..  2007.  Can prairie dog-cattle interactions be used to remediate desertified Chihuahuan Desert grasslands? Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. :PS39-205.
Spiegal S., Estell RE, Cibils AF, Gonzalez AL, McIntosh WC, Nyamuryekung'e S., Bestelmeyer BT.  2018.  Can heritage cattle protect ecosystems and economies in the changing rangelands of the western United States? Ecological Society of America.
Spiegal S., Estell RE, Cibils AF, Browning DM, H. Peinetti R, James D.K, Romig KB, Gonzalez AL.  2016.  Can foraging behavior of Criollo cattle help increase agricultural production and reduce environmental impacts in the arid Southwest? Ecological Society of America.
Williamson JC, Bestelmeyer BT, McClaran M.P., Robinett D., Briske D.D., Ben Wu X., Fernández-Giménez M.  2016.  Can ecological land classification increase the utility of vegetation monitoring data? Ecological Indicators. 69:657-666.
Williamson JC, Bestelmeyer BT, McClaran M.P., Robinett D., Briske D.D., Ben Wu X., Fernández-Giménez M.  2016.  Can ecological land classification increase the utility of vegetation monitoring data? Ecological Indicators. 69:657-666.
Williamson JC, Bestelmeyer BT, McClaran M.P., Robinett D., Briske D.D., Ben Wu X., Fernández-Giménez M.  2016.  Can ecological land classification increase the utility of vegetation monitoring data? Ecological Indicators. 69:657-666.
Peters DC, N. Burruss D, Okin GS, Hatfield J., Brungard C.  2018.  Can connectivity-mediated feedbacks to vegetation explain surprising ecological responses to catastrophic events? Ecological Society of America.
Peters DC, N. Burruss D, Okin GS, Hatfield J., Brungard C.  2018.  Can connectivity-mediated feedbacks to vegetation explain surprising ecological responses to catastrophic events? Ecological Society of America.
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Browning DM, Rango A., Anderson JP, Peters DC.  2010.  Bridging field observations and remotely sensed assessments of land surface phenology in the arid southwestern U.S.. 95th Ecological Society of America.
Browning DM, Maynard J, Karl JW, Peters DC.  2017.  Breaks in MODIS time series portend vegetation change: verification using long-term data in an arid grassland ecosystem. Ecological Applications. 27:1677-1693.
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Khalil N.I., Bestelmeyer BT, Peters DC.  2003.  Black grama seedling herbivory and mortality in the Chihuahuan Desert: An experiment across shrub-grass ecotones. 2003 All Scientists Meeting, Long-Term Ecological Research Network.
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Brussaard L., Behan-Pelletier V.M, Bignell D.E, Brown V.K, Didden W.AM, Folgarait P.J, Fragoso C., Freckman D.W, Gupta V.SR, Hattori T. et al..  1997.  Biodiversity and ecosystem function in soil. Ambio. 26:563-70.
Brussaard L., Behan-Pelletier V.M, Bignell D.E, Brown V.K, Didden W.AM, Folgarait P.J, Fragoso C., Freckman D.W, Gupta V.SR, Hattori T. et al..  1997.  Biodiversity and ecosystem function in soil. Ambio. 26:563-70.
Brussaard L., Behan-Pelletier V.M, Bignell D.E, Brown V.K, Didden W.AM, Folgarait P.J, Fragoso C., Freckman D.W, Gupta V.SR, Hattori T. et al..  1997.  Biodiversity and ecosystem function in soil. Ambio. 26:563-70.
Brussaard L., Behan-Pelletier V.M, Bignell D.E, Brown V.K, Didden W.AM, Folgarait P.J, Fragoso C., Freckman D.W, Gupta V.SR, Hattori T. et al..  1997.  Biodiversity and ecosystem function in soil. Ambio. 26:563-70.
Gibbens, Robert P., Bilan T.N..  1981.  The binary search for accuracy in plant symbols. Journal of Range Management. 34:239.
Bestelmeyer BT, Estell RE, Havstad K.  2012.  Big questions emerging from a century of rangeland science and management. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 65:543-544.
