Jornada Bibliography

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Danielson T.L., Rayson G.D., Anderson D.M., Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Havstad K.  2000.  UV-induced fluorescence for the discernment of plant types from pre-and post-digested plant material. 27th Annual Meeting, Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies. :Abstractp.267.
Danielson T.L., Obeidat S., Rayson G.D., Anderson D.M., Fredrickson E.L., Estell RE.  2006.  Photoluminescent distinction among plant life forms using phosphate buffered saline extract solutions. Applied Spectroscopy. 60:800-807.
Danielson T.L., Rayson G.D., Anderson E.M., Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Havstad K.  2002.  Spectral deconvolution of fllourescence spectra from plant extracts. 44th Rocky Mountain Conference on Analytical Chemistry. :134.
Danielson T.L., Rayson G.D., Anderson D.M., Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Havstad K, Green B.S..  2003.  Impact of filter paper on fluorescence measurements of buffered saline filtrates. Talanta. 59:601-604.
Daniel A.  1991.  Influence of range condition on density and diet of black-tailed jackrabbits and diet of cattle in southcentral New Mexico. :120.
Daniel A, Holechek JL, Valdez R, Tembo A, Saiwana L, Rusco M, Cardenas M.  1993.  Range condition influences on Chihuahuan desert cattle and jackrabbit diets. Journal of Range Management. 46:296-301.
Damdinsuren G., Herrick JE, Pyke D.A., Bestelmeyer BT, Havstad K.  2008.  Is rangeland health relevant to Mongolia? Rangelands. 30:25-29.
Daggett KC.  1992.  Application of GIS technology to hydrologic modeling of patch dynamics on a small, semi-arid watershed in southern New Mexico. :125.
Dabo S-M.  1980.  Botanical composition of black-tailed jackrabbit diets on semidesert rangeland. :85.
Dabo S-M, Pieper, Rex D., Beck RF, Southward G.M..  1982.  Summer and Fall Diets of Blacktailed Jackrabbits on Semidesert Rangeland. New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station. :19.
D'Odorico P, Okin GS, Bestelmeyer BT.  2012.  A synthetic review of feedbacks and drivers of shrub encroachment in arid grasslands. Ecohydrology. 5:520-530.
Czech B., Heitschmidt R., Brown JR, Hild A..  2008.  Sustainable rangeland management, economic growth, and a cautious role for the SRM. Rangelands. 30:33-37.
Cunningham LMichelle.  2008.  Sediment transport & vegetation change: A Study Using Medium-Scale Landscape Units as Indicators of the Influence of a Vegetation Transition on Sediment Production - Jornada Experimental Range, New Mexico. :186pp.
Cunningham GL, Reynolds J.F.  1978.  A simulation model of primary production and carbon allocation in the creosotebush (Larrea tridentata [DC.] Cov.). Ecology. 59:37-52.
Cunningham GL, Syvertsen J.P, Reynolds J.F, Willson J.M.  1979.  Some effects of soil-moisture availability on above-ground production and reproductive allocation in Larrea tridentata (DC) Cov. Oecologia. 40:113-123.
Cunningham GL, Syvertsen J.P, Feather T.V.  1975.  Primary production and carbon allocation in creosotebush. US/IBP Desert Biome.
Cunningham GL, Syvertsen J.P.  1977.  The effect of non-structural carbohydrate levels on dark CO2 release in creosotebush. Photosynthetica. 11:291-295.
Cunningham GL, Balding F.R, Syvertsen J.P.  1974.  A net CO2 exchange model for C4-grasses. Photosynthetica. 8:28-33.
Cunningham GL, Burk J.H.  1973.  The effect of carbonate deposition layers (caliche) on the water status of Larrea divaricata. The American Midland Naturalist. 90:474-480.
Cunliffe AM, Anderson K, Boschetti F, Brazier RE, Graham HA, Myers-Smith IH, Astor T, Boer MM, Calvo LG, Clark PE et al..  2021.  Global application of an unoccupied aerial vehicle photogrammetry protocol for predicting aboveground biomass in non-forest ecosystems. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.
Culley M.J, Campbell R.S., Canfield R.H..  1933.  Values and limitations of clipped quadrats. Ecology. 14:35-39.
Cuesta LRafael.  1974.  Comparative breeding ecology of the Western Kingbird (Tyrannus verticalis) in three habitat types. :39.
Cruz-Mendoza J.  1975.  Maternal traits in Brangus cattle. :101.
Cruz J.  2008.  Bioclimatic changes recorded in Holocene soils at the Jornada Basin LTER site and Lincoln National Forest, southern New Mexico. :67.
Crowl TA, Crist TO, Parmenter R.R, Belovsky G, Lugo AE.  2008.  The spread of invasive species and infectious disease as drivers of ecosystem change. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 6:238-246.
Cross AF, Schlesinger W.H.  2001.  Biological and geochemical controls on phosphorus fractions in semiarid soils. Biogeochemistry. 52:155-172.
Crist TO.  1998.  The spatial distribution of termite activity in shortgrass steppe: a geostatistical approach. Oecologia. 114:410-416.
Crisci J, Sala O.E, Katinas L, Possadas P.  2006.  Bridging historical and ecological approaches in biogeography. Australian Systematic Botany. 19:1-10.
F. Creusere M, Whitford WG.  1982.  Temporal and spatial resource partitioning in a Chihuahuan Desert lizard community. :121-127.
F. Creusere M, Whitford WG.  1976.  Ecological relationships in a desert anuran community. Herpetologica. 32:7-18.
Crawford C.S.  1978.  Seasonal water balance in Orthoporus ornatus, a desert millipede. Ecology. 59:996-1004.
Crawford C.S.  1976.  Feeding-season production in the desert millipede Orthoporus ornatus (Girard) (Diplopoda). Oecologia. 24:265-276.
Crawford C.S, Wooten R.C.  1973.  Metabolic rates of millipedes in a desert ecosystem. US/IBP Desert Biome.
Crawford C.S.  1972.  Water relations in a desert millipede Orthoporus ornatus (Girard) (Spirostreptidae). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. 42A:521-535.
Craine JMitchell, Jackson RD.  2009.  Plant nitrogen and phosphorus limitation in 98 North American grassland soils. Plant and Soil. Online DOI 10.1007/s11104-009-0237-1:pp1-12.
Crafts E.C..  1938.  Height-volume distribution in range grasses. Journal of Forestry. 36:1182-1185.
Cox S.H., Bloch CP, Stevens R, Huenneke L..  2006.  Productivity and species richness in an arid ecosystem: a long-term perspective. Plant Ecology. 186:1-12.
Courtright E, Herrick JE, Bestelmeyer BT, Burkett LM.  2008.  Customizable tool for ecological data entry, assessment, monitoring, and interpretation. 93rd Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. :66-136.
Courtright E, Van Zee J.  2011.  The database for inventory, monitoring, and assessment (DIMA). Rangelands. 33(4):21-26.
Coupland J.W., Yarbrough C.C., Garcia E.L..  1980.  From truck to well puller. Rangelands. 2:51-52.
Coulibaly M.  1980.  Factors effecting production of Brangus under semi-desert conditions. :78.
Coughenour M., Pielke R.A., Goslee S.  2002.  Top-down vs. bottom-up: Alternative, complementary scaling approaches. 87th Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. :14.
Coughenour M., Goslee S, Pielke R.A..  2002.  Meeting in the middle: Bottom-up and top-down scaling approaches. 17th Annual Symposium, US-International Association for Landscape Ecology. :99.
Cosentino B, Schooley RL, Bestelmeyer BT, Coffman JM.  2013.  Response of lizard community structure to desert grassland restoration mediated by a keystone rodent. Biodiversity and Conservation Journal. 22:921-935.
Cosentino B, Schooley RL, Bestelmeyer BT, McCarthy A., Sierzega K.  2014.  Landscape restoration supports genetic connectivity among populations of a keystone species. 99th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America.
Cosentino B, Schooley RL, Bestelmeyer BT, Coffman JM.  2012.  Response of a keystone rodent to landscape-scale restoration of desert grasslands. 97th Ecological Society of America Meeting. B117
Cosentino B, Schooley RL, Bestelmeyer BT, Kelly J.F., Coffman JM.  2014.  Constraints and time lags for recovery of a keystone species (Dipodomys spectabilis) after landscape restoration. Landscape Ecology. 29:665-675.
Cosentino B, Schooley RL, Bestelmeyer BT, McCarthy A., Sierzega K.  2015.  Rapid genetic restoration of a keystone species exhibiting delayed demographic response. Molecular Ecology. 24:6120-6133.
Correll N., Doniec M, Libeau R., Rus D., Anderson D.M..  2009.  The cow-whisperer: Towards autonomous management of free-ranging cows. 2009 IEEE Interantional Conference on Robotics & Automation.
R. Corona S, Fredrickson E.L., Ceballos G., Gonzalez AL, Laliberte AS, Davidson A.D., Sanchez R.L., Bezanilla G., Gevara E.P..  2007.  Can prairie dog-cattle interactions be used to remediate desertified Chihuahuan Desert grasslands? Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. :PS39-205.
