The effect of non-structural carbohydrate levels on dark CO2 release in creosotebush

TitleThe effect of non-structural carbohydrate levels on dark CO2 release in creosotebush
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1977
AuthorsCunningham GL, Syvertsen J.P
Date Published1977
Call Number00489
Keywordsarticle, articles, carbon dioxide, Larrea, journal, journals, Larrea, carbohydrates, Larrea, carbon dioxide, model, CO2 exchange, Larrea, photosynthesis, Larrea
AbstractThe effect of substrate levels on the rate of dark respiration of shoots of the warm desert evergreen perennial, Larrea tridentata DC Cov., was investigated. Rates of dark CO2 release were compared to both the concentration of total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC) and the amount of CO2 accumulated during the light period immediately preceding the dark CO2 release measurements. Levels of TNC were measured at the beginning of an experiment and estimated during the course of an experiment from CO2 exchange data. The rate of dark CO2 release is a function of TNC concentration and not a function of CO2 accumulated in the preceding light period except when TNC concentrations are extremely low.