Jornada Bibliography

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Valentine K.A.  1970.  Influence of grazing intensity on improvement of deteriorated black grama range.
Valentine K.A, Gerard J.B.  1968.  Life-history characteristics of the creosotebush, Larrea tridentata.
Valentine K.A.  1947.  Effect of Water-Retaining and Water-Spreading Structures in Revegetating Semidesert Range Land. New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 341. 341
Valentine K.A.  1947.  Distance from water as a factor in grazing capacity of rangeland. Journal of Forestry. 45:749-754.
Valentine K.A.  1967.  Seasonal suitability, a grazing system for ranges of diverse vegetation types and condition classes. Journal of Range Management. 20:395-397.
Valverde-Saenz S.I., Walsh J.D., Gardner C.M., Mulliniks J.T., Schilling B.S., Hallford D.M., Conzalez AL, Fredrickson E.L., Kane K.K., Hawkins D.E..  2008.  Age at puberty in beef heifers: Criollo cattle versus British crossbred cattle. Proceedings American Society of Animal Science western section. 59:237-240.
Van Devender T.R..  1986.  Pleistocene climates and endemism in the Chihuahuan Desert flora. Second Symposium on Resources of the Chihuahuan Desert Region: United States and Mexico. :1-19.
Van Vactor SScott.  1986.  Variation in diurnal ant species composition and relative abundance on a desert watershed. :59.
Van Vactor SScott.  1989.  Hydrologic and edaphic patterns and processes leading to playa flooding. :91.
Van Vuuren DP, Sala O.E, Pereira HM.  2006.  The future of vascular plant diversity under four global scenarios. Ecology and Society. 11:19pages.
Van Zee J, Herrick JE.  2001.  A portable rainfall simulator for small paired-plot comparisons. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting. :CD-ROM.
Van Zee J, de Soyza A.G., Whitford WG.  1997.  Responses of Chihuahuan Desert annual plant communities to desertification and exposure to varying grazing stress.. International Symposium and Workshop Combating Desertification: Connecting Science with Community Action. :23.
Van Zee J, Whitford WG, Smith W.E.  1997.  Mutual exclusion by dolichoderine ants on a rich food source. Southwestern Naturalist. 42:229-231.
Vandegehuchte ML, Sylvain ZA, Reichmann L, de Tomasel CM, Nielsen UN, Wall D.H., Sala O.E.  2015.  Responses of a desert nematode community to changes in water availability. Ecosystems. 6(3)
Vasquez-Aldape R.  1975.  A comparison between photointerpretation and field vegetation mapping methods on the Jornada Experimental Range. :47.
Vavra J., Brown JR.  2006.  Rangeland research: strategies for providing sustainability and stewardship to the rangelands of the world. Rangelands. 28:7-14.
Velez EHenry Teja.  1990.  Brush control and grazing behavior of goats on semidesert mesquite brush dominated rangeland. :106.
Vera-Cruz MTeresa R.  1990.  Interception of water by range plants and evaporation from soils in southwest New Mexico. :112.
Virginia R.A.  1986.  Soil development under legume tree canopies. Forest Ecology and Management. 16:69-79.
Virginia R.A, Jarrell W.M, Whitford WG, Freckman D.W.  1992.  Soil biota and soil properties associated with surface rooting zone of mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) in historical and recently desertified Chihuahuan Desert habitats. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 14:90-98.
Virginia R.A, Freckman D.W.  1997.  Soil and sediments: Linkages to new research. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 78:284-285.
Virginia R.A, Jarrell W.M.  1987.  Approaches for studying the function of deep root systems. Plant Response to Stress. :107-127.
Virginia R.A, Jarrell W.M, Rundel P., Shearer G., Kohl D.H.  1989.  The use of variation in the natural abundance of 15N to assess symbiotic nitrogen fixation by woody plants. Stable Isotopes in Ecological Research. Ecological Studies:375-395.
Virginia R.A.  1990.  Desert restoration: the role of woody legumes. Environmental Restoration: Science and Strategies for Restoring the Earth. 23-30
Vivoni E, Rango A., Anderson C.A., Pierini N, Schreiner-McGraw A.P, Saripalli S, Laliberte AS.  2014.  Ecohydrology with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Ecosphere. 5(10)
Vivoni E.  2012.  Spatial patterns, processes and predictions in ecohydrology: integrating technologies to meet the challenge. Ecohydrology. 5(3):235-241.
Vivoni E, Perez ER, Keller ZT, Escoto E, Templeton R, Templeton NP, Anderson C.A., Schreiner-McGraw A.P, Méndez-Barroso LA, Morua ARobles et al..  2021.  Long-term research catchments to investigate shrub encroachment in the Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts: Santa Rita and Jornada experimental ranges. Hydrological Processes. 35(1):e14031.
Voinov A., Hood R., Daues J.D..  2006.  Building a community modeling and information sharing culture. Conference Proceedings of the 3rd Biennial Meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (IEMSS). :Workshop13.
Wagner M.W, Havstad K, Doornbos D.E, Ayers E.L..  1986.  Forage intake of rangeland beef cows with varying degrees of crossbred influence . Journal of Animal Science. 63:1484-1490.
Wahl CRex.  1979.  Seasonal, interspecific, and intraspecific variation in the mobbing response of desert birds to different predator types. :65.
Wahlquist BT.  1971.  The effects of soil moisture and soil temperature on decomposition of chitin and chitin containing complexes in soil.
Wainwright J, Parsons A.J., Abrahams AD.  2000.  Plot-scale studies of vegetation, overland flow and erosion interactions: case studies from Arizona and New Mexico. Hydrological Processes. 14:2921-2943.
Wainwright J, Parsons A.J., Müller EN, Brazier RE, Powell MD, Fenti B.  2008.  A transport-distance approach to scaling erosion rates: 2. Sensitivity and evaluation of MAHLERAN. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 33:962-984.
Wainwright J, Parsons A.J., Müller EN, Brazier RE, Powell MD, Fenti B.  2008.  A transport-distance approach to scaling erosion rates: 1. Background and model development. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 33:813-826.
Wainwright J, Parsons A.J., Müller EN, Brazier RE, Powell MD, Fenti B.  2008.  A transport-distance approach to scaling erosion rates: 3. Evaluating scaling characteristics of MAHLERAN. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 33:1113-1128.
Wainwright J, Parsons A.J., Schlesinger W.H, Abrahams AD.  2002.  Hydrology-vegetation interactions in areas of discontinuous flow on a semi-arid bajada, Southern New Mexico. Journal of Arid Environments. 51:319-338.
Wainwright J, Parsons A.J..  2002.  The effect of temporal variations in rainfall on scale dependency in runoff coefficients. Water Resources Research. 38:1271.
Wainwright J, Mulligan M., Thornes J..  1999.  Plants and water in drylands. Eco-hydrology. :78-126.
Wainwright J, Parsons A.J., Abrahams AD.  1999.  Field and computer simulation experiments on the formation of desert pavement. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 24:1025-1037.
Wainwright J, Parsons A.J., Abrahams AD.  1999.  Rainfall energy under creosotebush. Journal of Arid Environments. 43:111-120.
Wainwright J.  2006.  Climate and climatological variations in the Jornada Basin. Structure and Function of a Chihuahuan Desert Ecosystem. The Jornada Basin Long-Term Ecological Research Site. :44-80.
Walker DA.  1993.  Effect of genetic composition of beef cattle on diet selection on southern New Mexico rangeland. :96.
Walker J.W., C. Bailey D, Launchbaugh K.L., Fraker-Marble M, Hendrickson J, Mosley J.C, Burritt B, Estell RE, Horney M., Cibils AF.  2017.  Targeted livestock grazing to improve and restore rangelands. 52nd Annual Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa.
Walker RF, Whitford WG.  1970.  Soil water absorption capabilities in selected species of anurans. Herpetologica. 26:411-418.
Wall D.H., Virginia R.A.  2000.  The world beneath our feet: Soil biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Nature and Human Society: The Quest for a Sustainable World. :225-241.
Wall D.H., Virginia R.A.  1999.  Controls on soil biodiversity: insights from extreme environments. Applied Soil Ecology. 13:137-150.
Wall D.H., Bardgett R, Behan-Pelletier V.M, Herrick JE, Jones H, Ritz K, Six J., Strong D, Van der Putten W.H..  2012.  Soil Ecology and Ecosystem Services. :424.
Wallace W., Havstad K.  1994.  Rescuing at-risk data on the Jornada Experimental Range. International Symposium and Workshop on Desertification in Developed Countries: Why Can't We Control It?.
Wallen DR, Ludwig J..  1978.  Energy dynamics of vegetative and reproductive growth in Spanish bayonet (Yucca baccata Torr.). The Southwestern Naturalist. 23:409-422.
Wallwork J.A, MacQuitty M, Silva S, Whitford WG.  1986.  Seasonality of some Chihuahuan Desert soil oribatid mites (Acari: Cryptostigmata). Journal of Zoology, London (A). 208:403-416.
