Rangeland research: strategies for providing sustainability and stewardship to the rangelands of the world

TitleRangeland research: strategies for providing sustainability and stewardship to the rangelands of the world
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsVavra J., Brown JR
Date PublishedDecember 2006
ARIS Log Number209089
Keywordsmanagement, rangelands, sustainability, vegetation
AbstractRangeland research is an important determinant of how rangelands are and will be used. Although larger external forces such as national and global economies and social and political attitudes have direct impact on uses of rangelands, the methods by which we implement and evaluate those economic and social priorities are based in research and development. Decisions made by rangeland scientists and their institutions today about priorities will have a definite and profound influence on the management of our rangelands in the future. The Society for Range Management, in a once-a-decade symposium, examines the current state of the science, existing technologies and changing social and political trends to identify research needs. In 2005, SRM brought together over 2 dozen speakers and 100 participants to examine new directions in rangeland use and management and propose changes to research that will provide decision-makers at all levels the necessary tools to set goals, implement management and monitor performance.