Jornada Bibliography

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Elias EH, Rango A., Steele C, Mejia J, Smith R.  2015.  Assessing climate change impacts on water availability of snowmelt-dominated basins of the Upper Rio Grande Basin. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies . 3:525-546.
Elias EH, Rodriguez H, Srivastava P, Dougherty M, James D.K, Smith R.  2016.  Impacts of forest to urban land conversion and ENSO phase on water quality of a public water supply reservoir. Forests. 3(29)
Elias EH, McVey D, Peters DC, Derner J.D, Pelzel-McCluskey A, Schrader ST, Rodriguez LL.  2018.  Contributions of hydrology to Vesicular Stomatitis Virus emergence in the Western USA. Ecosystems. 22:416-433.
Elias EH, Smith R, Steele C, Rango A..  2018.  How do Progressively Warming Temperatures Impact Runoff Volume and Streamflow Timing in Rio Grande Watersheds? 86th Annual Western Snow Conference.
Elias EH, Steele C, Reyes J.T., Brown DA, Behery S, Weight E.  2019.  Islands of resilience: Community challenges and responses to the 2018 Colorado Plateau exceptional drought. Universities Council on Water Resources.
Elias EH, Steele C, Havstad K, Steenwerth K, Chambers J, Deswood H, Rango A., Kerr A, Schwartz M, Stine P et al..  2015.  Southwest regional climate hub and California subsidiary hub assessment of climate change vulnerability and adaptation and mitigation strategies. :76pp..
Elias EH, James D.K, Heimel S.  2019.  Observed changes in Upper Rio Grande snowpack water storage and snowmelt timing: 1980 to 2018. Universities Council on Water Resources.
Elias EH, Rango A., Smith R, Maxwell CJ, Steele C, Havstad K.  2016.  Climate change, agriculture and water resources in the Southwestern United States. Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education. (158):46-61.
Elias EH, Brown DA, Ostoja S, Peck DE, Todey D, Rango A..  2017.  Regional services in a research context: USDA Climate Hubs in the Agricultural Research Service. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting.
Elias EH, Rango A., Steele C, Mejia J, Baca R, James D.K, Schrader ST.  2014.  Simulated impact of climate change on hydrology of multiple watersheds using traditional and recommended snowmelt runoff model methodology. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2014.
Elias EH.  2015.  Climate programs update: USDA Southwest Regional Climate Hub update. Great Basin Consortium Conference.
Elias EH, Rango A., Steele C, Havstad K.  2015.  Vulnerabilities and adaptive capacities of selected southwestern crops to climate change. Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop (CPASW).
Elias EH, Brown DA, Smarik S, Webb N, Dubois D.  2018.  Southwest US dust monitoring and mitigation symposium. 73rd Soil and Water Conservation Society International Annual Conference.
Elias EH, Leband D, Dougherty M, Lockaby G, Srivastava P.  2014.  The public water supply protection value of forests: A watershed-scale ecosystem services based upon total organic carbon. Open Journal of Ecology. 4:517-531.
Elkins NZ.  1983.  Potential mediation of subterranean termites in infiltration, runoff, and erosional soil loss on a desert watershed. :137.
Elkins NZ, Whitford WG.  1982.  The role of microarthropods and nematodes in decomposition in a semi-arid ecosystem. Oecologia. 55:303-310.
Elkins NZ, Steinberger Y, Whitford WG.  1982.  Factors affecting the applicability of the AET model for decomposition in arid environments. Ecology. 63:579-580.
Elkins NZ.  1980.  Predaceous microathropods as potential regulators of microbial grazing during litter decomposition in a Chihuahuan desert ecosystem. :45.
Elkins NZ, Sabol GV, Ward TJ, Whitford WG.  1986.  The influence of subterranean termites on the hydrological characteristics of a Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem. Oecologia. 68:521-528.
Elliott E., Coleman D.C, Harmon M., Kelly E., Monger CH.  1999.  Soil Structure. LTER Soil Methods Standardization.
Ellstrom M.A, Watts J.G.  1974.  Populations and trophic structure of a desert grassland invertebrate community. US/IBP Grassland and Biome.
Ellstrom M.A.  1973.  Populations and trophic structure of a desert grassland invertebrate community. :100.
Ellstrom M.A.  1974.  Invertebrate studies at the Jornada site, 1972. US/IBP Grassland and Biome.
Engelking C.T..  1969.  The behavior of pronghorn-antelope in southcentral New Mexico. :67.
Epstein H, Lauenroth W.K, Burke IC, Coffin D.P..  1998.  Regional productivities of plant species in the Great Plains of the United States. Plant Ecology. 134:173-195.
Erbe E.R, Rango A., Foster J., Josberger E.G, Pooley C.D., Wergin W.P..  2003.  Collecting, shipping, storing and imaging snow crystals and ice grains with low temperature scanning electron microscopy. Microscopy Research and Technique. 62:19-32.
Estell RE, Utsumi S.A, Cibils AF.  2010.  Quantifying terpenes in rumen fluid, serum, and plasma from sheep. Journal of Animal Science. 88:58.
Estell RE, Cibils AF, Utsumi S.A, Stricklan D., Butler E.M, Fish A.I, Ganguli A.  2018.  Controlling one-seed juniper saplings with small ruminants: What we've learned. Rangelands. 40:129-135.
Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., James D.K.  2016.  Effect of light intensity and wavelength on concentration of plant secondary metabolites in the leaves of Flourensia cernua. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 65:108-114.
Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Tellez M.R., Havstad K, Anderson D.M., Remmenga M.D..  1997.  Effect of volatile compounds on intake of alfalfa pellets by sheep. Journal of Animal Science. 75 (Suppl 1):203.
Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Anderson D.M., Havstad K, Remmenga M.D..  1998.  Tarbush leaf surface terpene profile in relation to mammalian herbivory. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 24:1-12.
Estell RE, Anderson D.M., James D.K.  2016.  Defoliation of Flourensia cernua (tarbush) with high-density mixed-species stocking. Journal of Arid Environments. 130:62-67.
Estell RE.  2010.  Coping with shrub secondary metabolites by ruminants. Small Ruminant Research. 94:1-9.
Estell RE, Anderson D.M., Barrow J.R., Fredrickson E.L., Havstad K, Herrick JE, Peters DC.  2000.  Rangeland research in the Chihuahuan Desert. New Mexico Livestock Research Briefs and Cattle Growers' Short Course. :80-81.
Estell RE, Tellez M.R., Fredrickson E.L., Anderson D.M., Havstad K, Remmenga M.D..  2000.  Fluorensia cernua extracts decrease intake of alfalfa pellets by sheep. 2000 Joint Meeting, American Society of Animal Science/American Dairy Science Association. 78:113.
Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Anderson D.M., Havstad K, Remmenga M.D..  2000.  Effect of individual terpenes on consumption of alfalfa pellets by sheep. Journal of Animal Science. 78:1636-1640.
Estell RE.  2021.  The genesis of the Jornada criollo cattle program. Journal of Arid Environments. 193(104563)
Estell RE, Freeman A.S., Galyean M.L., Wallace J.D..  1990.  Evaluation of a continuous-release ytterbium bolus. Journal of Range Management. 43:144-147.
Estell RE, Havstad K, Heird C.E., Fredrickson E.L., Hallford D.M., Shupe, W. Larry.  1993.  Effects of repeated cycles of feed intake shifts on growth, feed efficiency and endocrine profiles of wether lambs. Small Ruminant Research. 10:103-118.
Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Havstad K, Shupe, W. Larry, Saar L.J..  1993.  Evaluation of onions as a feed source for growing wethers. Journal of Animal Science. 71(Suppl. 1):71.
Estell RE, Galyean M.L..  1985.  Relationship of rumen fluid diluation rate to rumen fermentation and dietary characteristics of beef steers1,2. Journal of Animal Science. 60:1061-1071.
Estell RE, Utsumi S.A, Cibils AF, Anderson D.M..  2013.  Relationship between one-seed juniper terpene concentration and herbivory by small ruminants. ADSA-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting. 91:553.
Estell RE, Galyean M.L., Ortiz M, Leighton E.A..  1982.  Verification of a continuous flow fermentation system and effect of dilution rate on rumen fermentation and microbial numbers. Western Section Meeting, American Society of Animal Science. 33:29-31.
Estell RE, Utsumi S.A, Cibils AF, Anderson D.M..  2014.  Is differential use of Juniperus monosperma by small ruminants driven by terpenoid concentration. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 40:285-293.
Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Anderson D.M., Remmenga M.D..  2008.  Effects of cis-beta-sabinene hydrate, and monoterpene adn sesquiterpene mixtures on alfalfa pellet intake by lambs. Journal of Animal Science. 86:1478-1484.
Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Anderson D.M., Havstad K, Remmenga M.D..  1999.  Effects of terpenes on intake of alfalfa pellets by sheep. 91st National Meeting of the American Society of Animal Science. 77(1):207.
Estell RE, Havstad K, Anderson D.M., Barrow J.R., Coffin D.P., Fredrickson E.L., Herrick JE, Hyder P.W..  1999.  Rangeland research in the Chihuahuan Desert. New Mexico Livestock Research Briefs and Cattle Growers’ Short Course. :71-76.
Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Anderson D.M., Havstad K, Remmenga M.D..  2005.  Effect of previous exposure of sheep to monoterpene odors on intake of alfalfa pellets treated with camphor or alpha-pinene. Small Ruminant Research. 58:33-38.
Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Anderson D.M., Havstad K, Remmenga M.D..  2002.  Effects of camphene, myrcene, caryophyllene oxide and beta-pinene on consumption of alfalfa pellets by sheep. 2002 Joint Meeting, American Society of Animal Science/American Dairy Science Association. 80:331.
Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Anderson D.M., Remmenga M.D..  2005.  Effects of eugenol, terpin-4-ol, alpha-terpineol, and methyl eugenol on consumption of alfalfa pellets by sheep. 2005 Annual Meeting of American Society of Animal Science. 83 (Suppl. 1):274.
