Jornada Bibliography

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R. Corona S, Fredrickson E.L., Ceballos G., Gonzalez AL, Laliberte AS, Davidson A.D., Sanchez R.L., Bezanilla G., Gevara E.P..  2007.  Can prairie dog-cattle interactions be used to remediate desertified Chihuahuan Desert grasslands? Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. :PS39-205.
Correll N., Doniec M, Libeau R., Rus D., Anderson D.M..  2009.  The cow-whisperer: Towards autonomous management of free-ranging cows. 2009 IEEE Interantional Conference on Robotics & Automation.
Cosentino B, Schooley RL, Bestelmeyer BT, McCarthy A., Sierzega K.  2014.  Landscape restoration supports genetic connectivity among populations of a keystone species. 99th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America.
Cosentino B, Schooley RL, Bestelmeyer BT, Coffman JM.  2012.  Response of a keystone rodent to landscape-scale restoration of desert grasslands. 97th Ecological Society of America Meeting. B117
Cosentino B, Schooley RL, Bestelmeyer BT, McCarthy A., Sierzega K.  2015.  Rapid genetic restoration of a keystone species exhibiting delayed demographic response. Molecular Ecology. 24:6120-6133.
Cosentino B, Schooley RL, Bestelmeyer BT, Coffman JM.  2013.  Response of lizard community structure to desert grassland restoration mediated by a keystone rodent. Biodiversity and Conservation Journal. 22:921-935.
Cosentino B, Schooley RL, Bestelmeyer BT, Kelly J.F., Coffman JM.  2014.  Constraints and time lags for recovery of a keystone species (Dipodomys spectabilis) after landscape restoration. Landscape Ecology. 29:665-675.
Coughenour M., Pielke R.A., Goslee S.  2002.  Top-down vs. bottom-up: Alternative, complementary scaling approaches. 87th Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. :14.
Coughenour M., Goslee S, Pielke R.A..  2002.  Meeting in the middle: Bottom-up and top-down scaling approaches. 17th Annual Symposium, US-International Association for Landscape Ecology. :99.
Coulibaly M.  1980.  Factors effecting production of Brangus under semi-desert conditions. :78.
Coupland J.W., Yarbrough C.C., Garcia E.L..  1980.  From truck to well puller. Rangelands. 2:51-52.
Courtright E, Van Zee J.  2011.  The database for inventory, monitoring, and assessment (DIMA). Rangelands. 33(4):21-26.
Courtright E, Herrick JE, Bestelmeyer BT, Burkett LM.  2008.  Customizable tool for ecological data entry, assessment, monitoring, and interpretation. 93rd Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. :66-136.
Cox S.H., Bloch CP, Stevens R, Huenneke L..  2006.  Productivity and species richness in an arid ecosystem: a long-term perspective. Plant Ecology. 186:1-12.
Crafts E.C..  1938.  Height-volume distribution in range grasses. Journal of Forestry. 36:1182-1185.
Craine JMitchell, Jackson RD.  2009.  Plant nitrogen and phosphorus limitation in 98 North American grassland soils. Plant and Soil. Online DOI 10.1007/s11104-009-0237-1:pp1-12.
Crawford C.S.  1972.  Water relations in a desert millipede Orthoporus ornatus (Girard) (Spirostreptidae). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. 42A:521-535.
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F. Creusere M, Whitford WG.  1982.  Temporal and spatial resource partitioning in a Chihuahuan Desert lizard community. :121-127.
F. Creusere M, Whitford WG.  1976.  Ecological relationships in a desert anuran community. Herpetologica. 32:7-18.
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Crist TO.  1998.  The spatial distribution of termite activity in shortgrass steppe: a geostatistical approach. Oecologia. 114:410-416.
Cross AF, Schlesinger W.H.  2001.  Biological and geochemical controls on phosphorus fractions in semiarid soils. Biogeochemistry. 52:155-172.
Crowl TA, Crist TO, Parmenter R.R, Belovsky G, Lugo AE.  2008.  The spread of invasive species and infectious disease as drivers of ecosystem change. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 6:238-246.
Cruz J.  2008.  Bioclimatic changes recorded in Holocene soils at the Jornada Basin LTER site and Lincoln National Forest, southern New Mexico. :67.
Cruz-Mendoza J.  1975.  Maternal traits in Brangus cattle. :101.
Cuesta LRafael.  1974.  Comparative breeding ecology of the Western Kingbird (Tyrannus verticalis) in three habitat types. :39.
Culley M.J, Campbell R.S., Canfield R.H..  1933.  Values and limitations of clipped quadrats. Ecology. 14:35-39.
Cunliffe AM, Anderson K, Boschetti F, Brazier RE, Graham HA, Myers-Smith IH, Astor T, Boer MM, Calvo LG, Clark PE et al..  2021.  Global application of an unoccupied aerial vehicle photogrammetry protocol for predicting aboveground biomass in non-forest ecosystems. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.
Cunningham GL, Burk J.H.  1973.  The effect of carbonate deposition layers (caliche) on the water status of Larrea divaricata. The American Midland Naturalist. 90:474-480.
Cunningham GL, Balding F.R, Syvertsen J.P.  1974.  A net CO2 exchange model for C4-grasses. Photosynthetica. 8:28-33.
Cunningham LMichelle.  2008.  Sediment transport & vegetation change: A Study Using Medium-Scale Landscape Units as Indicators of the Influence of a Vegetation Transition on Sediment Production - Jornada Experimental Range, New Mexico. :186pp.
Cunningham GL, Reynolds J.F.  1978.  A simulation model of primary production and carbon allocation in the creosotebush (Larrea tridentata [DC.] Cov.). Ecology. 59:37-52.
Cunningham GL, Syvertsen J.P, Feather T.V.  1975.  Primary production and carbon allocation in creosotebush. US/IBP Desert Biome.
Cunningham GL, Syvertsen J.P, Reynolds J.F, Willson J.M.  1979.  Some effects of soil-moisture availability on above-ground production and reproductive allocation in Larrea tridentata (DC) Cov. Oecologia. 40:113-123.
Cunningham GL, Syvertsen J.P.  1977.  The effect of non-structural carbohydrate levels on dark CO2 release in creosotebush. Photosynthetica. 11:291-295.
Czech B., Heitschmidt R., Brown JR, Hild A..  2008.  Sustainable rangeland management, economic growth, and a cautious role for the SRM. Rangelands. 30:33-37.
D'Odorico P, Okin GS, Bestelmeyer BT.  2012.  A synthetic review of feedbacks and drivers of shrub encroachment in arid grasslands. Ecohydrology. 5:520-530.
Dabo S-M.  1980.  Botanical composition of black-tailed jackrabbit diets on semidesert rangeland. :85.
Dabo S-M, Pieper, Rex D., Beck RF, Southward G.M..  1982.  Summer and Fall Diets of Blacktailed Jackrabbits on Semidesert Rangeland. New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station. :19.
Daggett KC.  1992.  Application of GIS technology to hydrologic modeling of patch dynamics on a small, semi-arid watershed in southern New Mexico. :125.
Damdinsuren G., Herrick JE, Pyke D.A., Bestelmeyer BT, Havstad K.  2008.  Is rangeland health relevant to Mongolia? Rangelands. 30:25-29.
Daniel A, Holechek JL, Valdez R, Tembo A, Saiwana L, Rusco M, Cardenas M.  1993.  Range condition influences on Chihuahuan desert cattle and jackrabbit diets. Journal of Range Management. 46:296-301.
Daniel A.  1991.  Influence of range condition on density and diet of black-tailed jackrabbits and diet of cattle in southcentral New Mexico. :120.
Danielson T.L., Rayson G.D., Anderson E.M., Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Havstad K.  2002.  Spectral deconvolution of fllourescence spectra from plant extracts. 44th Rocky Mountain Conference on Analytical Chemistry. :134.
Danielson T.L., Rayson G.D., Anderson D.M., Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Havstad K, Green B.S..  2003.  Impact of filter paper on fluorescence measurements of buffered saline filtrates. Talanta. 59:601-604.
Danielson T.L., Obeidat S., Rayson G.D., Anderson D.M., Fredrickson E.L., Estell RE.  2006.  Photoluminescent distinction among plant life forms using phosphate buffered saline extract solutions. Applied Spectroscopy. 60:800-807.
Danielson T.L., Rayson G.D., Anderson D.M., Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Havstad K.  2000.  UV-induced fluorescence for the discernment of plant types from pre-and post-digested plant material. 27th Annual Meeting, Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies. :Abstractp.267.
