Bernice Gamboa

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Havstad K.  1996.  Legacy of Charles Travis Turney: The Jornada Experimental Range. Archeological Society of New Mexico Annual Volumes. 22:77-92.
Havstad K.  1996.  Linking rangeland science to western rangeland issues. 49th Meeting, Western Society of Weed Science. :Abstract10.
Havstad K.  1996.  An overview of arid grasslands in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Proceedings of The Future of Arid Grasslands: Identifying Issues, Seeking Solutions. :11-20.
Havstad K, Anderson D.M., Barrow J.R., Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Herrick JE, Whitford WG.  1996.  Rangeland improvement. Livestock Research Briefs and Cattle Growers' Short Course.
Havstad K, Schlesinger W.H.  1996.  Reflections on a century of rangeland research in the Jornada Basin of New Mexico. Wildland Shrub Symposium, Proceedings: Shrubland Ecosystem Dynamics in a Changing Environment. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-GTR-338:10-15.
Havstad K, Beck RF.  1996.  Research in the Jornada Basin of southern New Mexico: A field tour. Wildland Shrub Symposium, Proceedings: Shrubland Ecosystem Dynamics in a Changing Environment. General Technical Report INT-GTR-338:269-275.
Herbel C.H., Gibbens, Robert P..  1996.  Post-drought vegetation dynamics on arid rangelands in southern New Mexico. New Mexico Agriculture Experimental Station Bulletin 776. :102pp.
Herrera E.A., Huenneke L..  1996.  Biological Diversity in the Land of Enchantment: New Mexico's Natural Heritage. New Mexico Journal of Science. 36:1-375.
Herrick JE.  1996.  Application of soil quality assessments to rangeland remediation and sustainable management. Workshop on Long-Term Research on Soil, Water, and Nutrient Management within the CGIAR System.
Herrick JE, Lal L..  1996.  Dung decomposition and pedoturbation in a seasonally dry tropical pasture. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 23:177-181.
Herrick JE, Ericksen P., Johnson G., Kohlmeier L., Morrone V.L., Scrimger J..  1996.  Farmer needs and criteria for soil quality assessment tools. American Society of Agronomy Meetings. :Abstract50.
Herrick JE.  1996.  Indicators of Soil Quality for Southwestern Rangelands. Soil Qualilty: A Guide to Conservation Workshop.
Herrick JE, Weltz M.A., Schuman G.E., Reeder J.D., Simanton J.R..  1996.  Relationships between rangeland soil quality, soil resilience, and soil erosion. Soil and Water Conservation Society Conference, Soil Quality and Erosion Interaction.
Herrick JE, Whitford WG, de Soyza A.G., Van Zee J.  1996.  Soil and vegetation indicators for assessment of rangeland ecological condition. North American Workshop on Monitoring for Ecological Assessment of Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems. :157-166.
Ho M, Roisman R.E, Virginia R.A.  1996.  Using strontium and rubidium tracers to characterize nutrient uptake patterns in creosotebush and mesquite. The Southwestern Naturalist. 41:239-247.
Huenneke L., Noble I.R.  1996.  Ecosystem function of biodiversity in arid ecosystems. Functional roles of biodiversity: A global perspective. :99-128.
Huenneke L..  1996.  Shrublands and grasslands of the Jornada Long-Term Ecological Research Site: desertification and plant community structure in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Proceedings: symposium on shrubland ecosystem dynamics in a changing environment. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-GTR-338:48-50.
