Kris Havstad

Filters: Author is Kris Havstad
Havstad K, Brown JR.  2013.  Management and policy implications of cross-and within-site, long-term studies. Long-Term Trends in Ecological Systems: A Basis for Understanding Responses to Global Change. :206-215.
Havstad K, Brown JR, Peters DC, Bestelmeyer BT, Fredrickson E.L., Pieper, Rex D., Herrick JE.  2007.  Conservation of resources for sustainable ecosystems: a dialogue on connecting science, policy, and management. Society for Range Management, 60th Annual Meeting and Trade Show. :PaperNo.189.
Havstad K, Peters DC, Skaggs R.K, Brown JR, Bestelmeyer BT, Fredrickson E.L., Herrick JE, Wright J..  2007.  Ecological Services to and from rangelands of the United States. Ecological Economics. 64:261-268.
Havstad K.  2007.  Ecosystem Services from U.S. Rangelands: A Synthesis. Society for Range Management Meeting Abstracts.
Havstad K.  2007.  Ecosystem services to and from North American arid grasslands. IV Simposium Internacional de Pastezales. :1.
Havstad K.  2007.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Art and Science. Rangelands. 29:36-38.
Havstad K.  2007.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Faith. Rangelands. 29:59-60.
Havstad K.  2007.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Framing a story. Rangelands.
Havstad K.  2007.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Nei4 Meng2gu3, Zhong1 Guo2. Rangelands. 29:43-46.
Havstad K.  2007.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Speaking other languages. Rangelands. 29:65-66.
Havstad K, Herrick JE, Bestelmeyer BT, Huber-Sannwald B.T., Liberman M., Ayarza M., Brown JR, Reynolds J.F.  2007.  Managing multi-scale diversity to support multiple ecosystem services in complex landscapes. Ecological Complexity and Sustainability Abstracts of EcoSummit 2007. :115CD-ROM.
Havstad K.  2007.  New frontiers for ecosystem services. 60th Annual Meetings and Trade Show, Society for Range Management. :PaperNo.188.
Havstad K.  2006.  Ecosystem Services from Grazed Rangeland in the Arid and Semi-Arid West. American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meetings. :A5.
Havstad K.  2006.  Effectiveness of Grazing Systems - A Snythesis of Evidence. Society for Range Management 59th Annual Meeting and Trade Show. :158.
Havstad K.  2006.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Clean and simple, but stupid. Rangelands. 28:22-23.
Havstad K, Fredrickson E.L., Huenneke L..  2006.  Grazing Livestock Management in an Arid Environment. Structure and Function of a Chihuahuan Desert Ecosystem: The Jornada Basin Long-Term Ecological Research Site. :266-277.
Havstad K, Schlesinger W.H.  2006.  Introduction. Structure and Function of a Chihuahuan Desert Ecosystem: The Jornada Basin Long-Term Ecological Research Site. :3-14.
Havstad K.  2006.  Productivity and Desertification 2006. Encyclopedia of Science. :1375-1377.
Havstad K.  2006.  Selected Essays on Science, Rangelands, and Roles of the Society for Range Management, Volume II. Rangelands. 28(4):35-38.
Havstad K, Huenneke L., Schlesinger W.H.  2006.  Structure and Function of a Chihuahuan Desert Ecosystem: The Jornada Basin Long-Term Ecological Research Site. :492.
Havstad K, McClaran M.P..  2005.  Challenges and advances toward sustained utilization of arid USA systems. The Summaries for International Symposium: Sustainable Utilization of Indigenous Plant and Animal Genetic Resources in the Mediterranean Region. :6.
Havstad K.  2005.  Research application of ecological sites and their further development. Society for Range Management, 58th Annual Meeting and Trade Show. :PaperNo.162.
Havstad K.  2005.  Selected Essays on Science, Rangelands, and Roles of the Society for Range Management. Rangelands. 27:24-28.
Havstad K, Vavra M..  2004.  Impacts of livestock grazing in sagebrush ecosystems. 89th Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. :Abstractp.210.
Havstad K.  2002.  Animal Husbandry. Encyclopedia of Global Change. I:39-42.
Havstad K, Brown JR.  2002.  Applications of scaling approaches to restoring ecosystems. 87th Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. :24.
Havstad K.  2002.  Productivity and Desertification. Encyclopedia of Soil Science. :340-342.
Havstad K, Brown JR.  2002.  Remediating degraded ecosystems: Complications of scale. 17th Annual Symposium, US-International Association for Landscape Ecology. :89.
Havstad K.  2001.  Development and transfer of monitoring and assessment technologies for North American rangelands. Proceedings of the ARS Instituto Nacional de Investigacones Forestales Agricolas y Pecuarias. :1-4.
Havstad K, Kustas WP, Rango A., Ritchie J, Schmugge T.J.  2000.  Jornada Experimental Range: A unique arid land location for experiments to validate satellite systems. Remote Sensing of Environment. 74:13-25.
Havstad K.  2000.  Protected areas management and research: Complement or conflict? Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Arid Zone Environments: Research and Management Options for Protected Areas. :1-9.
