Ken Ramsey

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Basic PageJornada Research Authorization and Documentation Forms Ken Ramsey02 years 10 months ago
Basic PagePostdoctoral Research Position in Landscape or Macrosystems Ecology Ken Ramsey04 years 1 week ago
OrganizationJornada Basin LTER Ken Ramsey04 years 4 months ago
Basic PageJornada Basin LTER Bibliography Ken Ramsey04 years 7 months ago
Basic PageProject Plans Ken Ramsey05 years 1 week ago
Basic PageProject Plans Ken Ramsey05 years 1 week ago
PersonJohn Anderson Ken Ramsey05 years 2 weeks ago
Data setAnimal Transect Data Ken Ramsey05 years 2 weeks ago
Data setPlant Cover at Run-off plots on the Jornada Basin, 1989-1990 Ken Ramsey05 years 3 weeks ago
Data setChemistry of Surface Runoff during Rain Events at the Jornada Experimental Range,1988-1990 Ken Ramsey05 years 3 weeks ago
Data setLizard Trapping Data from NPP Sites on the Jornada Basin, 1989-2006 Ken Ramsey05 years 1 month ago
Basic PageJob Opportunities Ken Ramsey05 years 1 month ago
Data setLine Intercept Data of Long-term Vegetation Responses to Shrub Removal and Lagomorph Exclusion in a Creosotebush Community on the Jornada Experimental Range,1939-2001 Ken Ramsey05 years 1 month ago
Data sourceJornadaStudy_392_lagomorph_creosotebush_plot_data Ken Ramsey05 years 1 month ago
PersonBrandon Bestelmeyer Ken Ramsey05 years 1 month ago
Data sourcedata_JornadaStudy_121_biodiversity_bird_survey Ken Ramsey05 years 1 month ago
Data setTermite Foraging Activity on Desertified Shrublands and Grasslands on the Jornada Basin, 1988-2000 Ken Ramsey05 years 1 month ago
Data setTermite Casing Data from Small Mammal Exclosure Study on the Jornada Basin, 1995-2005 Ken Ramsey05 years 1 month ago
Data setCryptogam Crust Data from Long-Term Small Mammal Exclosure Study on the Jornada Experimental Range, 1995-2005 Ken Ramsey05 years 1 month ago
Data setAggregate Mesquite Litter Chemistry Following Soil-litter Mixing and Decomposition in a Semi-arid Grassland on the Jornada Basin from 2010-2012 Ken Ramsey05 years 1 month ago
Data setGrasshopper Data from Grasshopper Study Plots on the Jornada Experimental Range, 1983-1985 Ken Ramsey05 years 1 month ago
Data set Herbaceous Vegetation Data from Grasshopper Study Plots on the Jornada Experimental Range,1983-1985 Ken Ramsey05 years 1 month ago
Data setAggregate Mesquite Litter Mass Following Soil-litter Mixing and Decomposition in a Grassland on the Jornada Basin from 2010-2012 Ken Ramsey05 years 1 month ago
Data setTransect Soil Mineralization Potential (Field) in a Grazing Exclosure on the Jornada Basin,1989 Ken Ramsey05 years 1 month ago
Data setTransect Soil Mineralization Potential (Initial) in a Grazing Exclosure in the Jornada Basin, 1989 Ken Ramsey05 years 1 month ago
