Ken Ramsey

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Research projectPlant nutrient distribution in long-term NPP plots Ken Ramsey06 years 5 months ago
Research projectMesquite Phenology Study Ken Ramsey06 years 5 months ago
Research projectTransect Rabbit Herbage Wastage Ken Ramsey06 years 5 months ago
Research projectArthropod Species Composition from LVAR Creosotebush Study Ken Ramsey06 years 5 months ago
Research projectJornada Grasshopper and Vegetation Study Ken Ramsey06 years 5 months ago
Research projectFluff grass: Microarthropod effects on nitrogen availability Ken Ramsey06 years 5 months ago
Basic PageJER Vegetation - 1998 Ken Ramsey06 years 5 months ago
Research projectUSDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range Recording (Weighing) Rain Gauge Data Ken Ramsey06 years 7 months ago
Research projectEcosystem Effects of Plant Diversity (Biodiversity Experiment) Ken Ramsey06 years 7 months ago
Data sourceJornadaStudy_351_permanent_chart_quadrat_perennial_forb_density_data Ken Ramsey06 years 8 months ago
Basic PagePartners of the Jornada Basin LTER Ken Ramsey06 years 9 months ago
Research projectBiological mechanisms of soil-litter mixing and decomposition in a semi-arid grassland located with the Nutrient and Ecosystem impacts of Aeolian Transport (NEAT) Experiment Ken Ramsey06 years 10 months ago
Research projectMultiple Stressor Experiment II (MSE-II): Effect of multiple stressors (grazing and shrub removal) on decline and recovery of perennial grasses in a black grama-mesquite savanna on sandy soils Ken Ramsey06 years 10 months ago
Research projectEast and West Boundary Fence Plant Line Intercepts - percent cover, Jornada Basin Ken Ramsey06 years 10 months ago
Research projectJornada Experimental Range Permanent Quadrat Chart Data beginning 1915 Ken Ramsey06 years 10 months ago
Research projectSpatial and Temporal Patterns of Net Primary Production in Chihuahuan Desert Ecosystems (NPP Study) Ken Ramsey06 years 10 months ago
Research projectLizard Pitfall Traps Ken Ramsey06 years 10 months ago
Research projectUSDA Jornada Experimental Range NOAA NWS Climate Data Ken Ramsey06 years 10 months ago
Research projectJornada LTER Weather Station Climate Data Ken Ramsey06 years 10 months ago
Research projectTransect Plant Line Intercepts Ken Ramsey06 years 10 months ago
Research projectTransect Soil Water Content Ken Ramsey06 years 10 months ago
Research projectTermite Baits Ken Ramsey06 years 10 months ago
Research projectSmall Mammal Exclosure Study Ken Ramsey06 years 10 months ago
Research projectHydrology Natural Runoff Plots Ken Ramsey06 years 10 months ago
Research projectTransect Vegetation Biomass Ken Ramsey06 years 10 months ago
