Jornada Bibliography
Herbage dynamics and net primary production in certain ungrazed and grazed grasslands of North America. Preliminary Analysis of Structure and Function in Grasslands: Proceedings of Symposium Entitled "The Grassland Biome: Analysis and synthesis of First Year Data". :59-124.
1971. .
1971. .
1971. Jornada validation site report. US/IBP Desert Biome.
1971. Oxygen consumption and water metabolism in a carnivorous mouse. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. 40A:797-803.
1971. Avian ecology and distribution in the comprehensive network, 1970. US/IBP Grassland Biome.
1971. Pattern and process in grassland bird communities. Preliminary Analysis of Structure and Function in Grasslands: Proceedings of Symposium Entitled "The Grassland Biome: Analysis and synthesis of First Year Data". :147-212.
1971. Water relations in a desert millipede Orthoporus ornatus (Girard) (Spirostreptidae). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. 42A:521-535.
1972. A demographic study of some semidesert grassland plants. 25th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management. :7-8.
1972. .
1972. Statistical analysis of intraseasonal herbage dynamics in a variety of grassland communities. US/IBP Grassland Biome.
1972. Pollen study of some Holocene alluvial deposits in Dona Ana County, southern New Mexico. The Texas Journal of Science. 24:203-220.
1972. .
1972. Seed reserves in desert soils. US/IBP Desert Biome.
1972. Geologic-geomorphic mapping to serve soil resource development. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting. :24-30.
1972. Drought effects on a semidesert grassland range. Ecology. 3:1084-1093.
1972. Environmental modification for seedling establishment. Biology and Utilization of Grasses. :101-114.
1972. .
1972. Some factors affecting response of anestrous ewes to hormone treatment. Journal of Animal Science. 34(6):1011-1019.
1972. Distribution and balance of biomass and nutrients in a desert shrub ecosystem. US/IBP Desert Biome.
1972. Proteolytic activity of soil microorganisms. US/IBP Desert Biome.
1972. Small mammal studies on the Jornada and Pantex sites. US/IBP Grassland Biome. :48.
1972. Primary production of a desert grassland ecosystem. 25th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management. :8.
1972. Bird Investigations. US/IBP Grassland Biome. :26-41.
1972. Jornada bird censuses, 1972. US/IBP Grassland Biome. :20.
1972. Preliminary producer data synthesis, 1970, Comprehensive Network Sites. US/IBP Grassland Biome.
1972. Survey of aquatic invertebrates at the Jornada site. US/IBP Grassland Biome.
1972. .
1972. Demography and role of herbivorous ants in a desert ecosystem as functions of vegetation, soil and climate variables. US/IBP Desert Biome.
1972. Intensity of foraging activity as a function of temperature, humidity, light, food availability, and soil moisture in a desert ecosystem. US/IBP Desert Biome.
1972. Jornada validation site report. US/IBP Desert Biome.
1972. Computer processing of chart quadrat maps and their use in plant demographic studies. Journal of Range Management. 25:476-478.
1972. .
1972. Brush eradicating, basin pitting, and seeding machine for arid to semiarid rangeland. Journal of Range Management. 26:189-192.
1973. .
1973. Twin spots on leaves of homozygous cotton plants. The Journal of Heredity. 64:222-226.
1973. .
1973. Comparative investigations in the U.S. IBP Grassland Biome: decomposition section. US/IBP Grassland Biome.
1973. Metabolic rates of millipedes in a desert ecosystem. US/IBP Desert Biome.
1973. The effect of carbonate deposition layers (caliche) on the water status of Larrea divaricata. The American Midland Naturalist. 90:474-480.
1973. Adaptation of the tiger salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum, to arid habitats. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. 46A:631-638.
1973. Critical thermal maxima in several life history stages in desert and montane populations of Ambystoma tigrinum. Herpetologica. 29:352-355.
1973. .
1973. Oxygen consumption of two species of Pogonomyrmex harvester ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. 46A:605-611.
1973. Separation of treatments within a plant community based on statistical analysis of plant structural dynamics. US/IBP Grassland Biome.
1973. Field moisture regimes and morphology of some arid-land soils in New Mexico. Soil Science Society of America, Special Publication No. 5:119-152.
1973. Grazing systems on native range. Proceedings of the Great Plains Beef Symposium. Publication No. 63:K-1--K-19.
1973. Improving arid rangelands. Jornada Experimental Range Report No. 4. :16.
1973. Improving arid rangelands. Desert and Arid Lands, Central Theme of Science and Man in the Americas, Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia and American Association for Advancement in Science.
1973. Ranges and pastures of the Southern Great Plains and the Southwest. Forages, the Science of Grassland Agriculture. :499-509.