Brush eradicating, basin pitting, and seeding machine for arid to semiarid rangeland

TitleBrush eradicating, basin pitting, and seeding machine for arid to semiarid rangeland
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1973
AuthorsAbernathy G.H., Herbel C.H.
JournalJournal of Range Management
Date PublishedMay 1, 1973
Keywordsarid, basin pitting, brush eradication, rangeland, seeding machine, semiarid
AbstractA range seeding machine that increased the chances of successful seedling establishment on arid to semiarid rangeland has been designed and tested on 23 plots in southern New Mexico. Working behind a standard rootplow, the machine picks up brush, forms basin pits, firms the soil, plants seed and replaces the brush over the planted area as a mulch. Laboratory and field research was used to demonstrate improved soil conditions for seedling emergence under such a brush mulch. Water retention by basin pits was found to be necessary to decrease runoff of the high intensity, short duration storms typical to this area. About 50% of the plots planted with this equipment were successfully seeded.