Improving arid rangelands

TitleImproving arid rangelands
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication1973
AuthorsHerbel C.H., Gould W.L
Series TitleJornada Experimental Range Report No. 4
Date Published1973
Keywordsarid rangelands, droughts, government publication, improper grazing, improvement, management problems, productivity
AbstractThe productivity of arid rangelands has been greatly reduced by droughts, a rapid increase of noxious shrubs and improper grazing. An increase of brush is responsible for the loss of grazing lands that formerly contributed significantly to the production of livestock and wildlife. As undesirable shrubs increase, there is a corresponding loss of protective forage species and an increase in wind and water erosion. Drought periods are frequent and expected. We must consider fluctuating moisture conditions in all decisions involving arid rangelands because this resource is easily damaged by abuse. Even when the source of abuse is removed, improvement is often very slow. Arid rangelands are very fragile and must be handled accordingly. The objective of this paper is to discuss some of the problems in managing arid rangelands and to discuss methods for maintaining or improving the resource. The area under discussion is southeastern Arizona, southern New Mexico, western Texas, and northern Mexico.