Jornada Bibliography

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Herbel C.H..  1961.  A four-pronged mesquite control program. Proceedings of the Symposium on Range Weed Research. :20-29.
Gonzalez P., Garfin G., Breshears DD, Broks K., Elias EH, Huntly N., Maldonado J., Mantua N., Margolis H., Udall B..  2018.  The fourth national climate assessment, Chapter 25: Southwest. American Geophysical Union.
Pachepsky Y., Ritchie J, Gimenex D.  1997.  Fractal modeling of airborne laser altimetry data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 61:150-161.
Bestelmeyer BT, Ward J.P., Herrick JE, Tugel A.J..  2006.  Fragmentation Effects on Soil Aggregate Stability in a Patchy Arid Grassland. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 59:406-415.
Peters DC, Yao J, Huenneke L., Havstad K, Herrick JE, Rango A., Schlesinger W.H.  2006.  A Framework and Methods for Simplifying Complex Landscapes to Reduce Uncertainty in Predictions. Scaling and Uncertainty Analysis in Ecology: Methods and Applications. :131-146.
Paudel S, Cobb AB, Boughton EH, Spiegal S., Silveira ML, Swain HM, Reuter R, Goodman LE, Steiner J.  2021.  A framework for sustainable management of ecosystem services and disservices in perennial grassland agroecosystems. Ecosphere. 12(11):e03837.
Rouda R.R, Anderson D.M., Wallace J.D., Murray L.W.  1994.  Free-ranging cattle water consumption in south-central New Mexico. Applied Animal Behavior Science. 39:29-38.
Anderson D.M., Libeau R., Rus D., Detweiler C., Nolen B..  2009.  Free-ranging cow behavior pre and post-weaning. Society for Range Management Meeting Abstracts.
Anderson D.M., Winters C, Doniec M, Rus D., Nolen B..  2010.  Free-ranging cow behavior pre and post-weaning. 63rd Society for Range Management Annual Meetings.
Spiegal S., Steiner J, Aney S, McIntosh MM.  2022.  From desert pasture to dinner plate: Evaluating the sustainability of supply chains for beef cattle coming from ranches of the Southwest. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting, ABQ, NM Feb 10, 2022.
Salley S.W, Brown JR.  2016.  From landscape to domain: Soils role in landscape classifications. International Soil Modeling Consortium (ISMC) Inaugural Workshop.
James D.K.  2016.  From linear to generalized linear mixed models: A case study in repeated measures. 2016 American Statistical Association (ASA) Conference on Statistical Practice.
Coupland J.W., Yarbrough C.C., Garcia E.L..  1980.  From truck to well puller. Rangelands. 2:51-52.
Herrick JE.  2016.  From wildlife biology to soil science, the USDA and the United Nations. 2016 Ecological Society of America Meeting.
James CD, M. Hoffman T, Lightfoot DC, Forbes GS, Whitford WG.  1994.  Fruit abortion in Yucca elata and its implications for the mutualistic association with yucca moths. Oikos. 69:207-216.
Laslei RJGilstra, Ludwig J..  1985.  Fruit production by Yucca elata Engelm. (Liliaceae) in four Chihuahuan Desert habitats. The Southwestern Naturalist. 30:321-322.
M. Hoffman T.  1992.  Functional dioecy in Echinocereus coccineus (Cactaceae): Breeeding system, sex ratios, and geographic range of floral dimorphism. American Journal of Botany. 79:1382-1388.
Diaz S., Symstad A.J., Chapin, III F.S., Wardle D.A, Huenneke L..  2003.  Functional diversity revealed by removal experiments. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 18:140-146.
Moran S., Ponce-Campos GE, Huete A, McClaran M.P., Zhang Y, Hamerlynck E, Augustine D.J., Gunter SA, Kitchen S.G., Peters DC et al..  2014.  Functional response of U.S. grasslands to the early 21st-century drought. Ecology. 95(8):2121-2133.
Duni D, Herrick JE, Monger CH.  2007.  The functional role of carbonate-cemented soil horizons in desert ecosystems: Spatial and temporal dynamics of plant water availability. Ecological Society of America . :COS147-6.
Whitford WG.  2003.  The functional significance of cemented nest caps of the harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex maricopa. Journal of Arid Environments. 53:281-284.
Barrow J.R., Osuna-Avila P., Reyes-Vera I..  2004.  Fungal endophytes intrinsically associated with micropropagated plants regenerated from native Bouteloua eriopoda Torr. and Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt.. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology-Plant. 40:608-612.
Barrow J.R., Lucero M.E., Osuna P., Reyes I., Aaltonen R.E..  2007.  Fungal genomes that influence basic physiological processes that enhance survival of black grama and fourwing saltbush in arid southwestern rangelands. 13th Wildland Shrub Symposium, Shrubland Dynamics: Fire and Water. :123-131.
Barrow J.R., Osuna-Avila P., Reyes-Vera I..  2004.  Fungal genomes that influence basic physiological processes that enhance survival of black grama and forwing saltbush in arid Southwestern rangelands. 13th Wildland Shrub Symposium, Shrubland Dynamics: Fire and Water.
Barrow J.R., Osuna-Avila P., Reyes-Vera I..  2004.  Fungal genomes that influence basic physiological processes that enhance survival of black grama and fourwing saltbush in arid Southwestern rangelands. 13th Wildland Shrub Symposium, Shrubland Dynamics: Fire and Water.
Saar L.J., Barrow J.R., Havstad K.  1992.  Fungal interactions of key Chihuahuan Desert grasses. Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management. :AbstractNo.P039.
Barrow J.R., Havstad K, McCaslin BD.  1997.  Fungal root endophytes in fourwing saltbush, Atriplex canescens, on arid rangelands of southwestern USA. Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation. 11:177-185.
Smith SD, Ludwig J..  1978.  Further studies on growth patterns in Yucca elata Engelm (Liliaceae). The Southwestern Naturalist. 23:145-150.
Rango A., Vivoni E, Gutzler D., Hurd B., Bestelmeyer BT.  2007.  Future climate change impacts on New Mexico's mountain sources of water. Proceedings of the 52nd Annual New Mexico Water Conference. :CDROM.
Peters DC, Schlesinger W.H, Herrick JE, Huenneke L., Havstad K.  2006.  Future Directions in Jornada Research: Applying an Interactive Landscape Model to Solve Problems. Structure and Function of a Chihuahuan Desert Ecosystem: The Jornada Basin Long-Term Ecological Research Site. :369-386.
Tugel A.J., Herrick JE.  2003.  Future directions in soil data applications: Assessment and monitoring. National Cooperative Soil Survey Conference, Committee 2 (Ecological Interpretations and Principles). :34-36.
Bestelmeyer BT, Brown JR.  2003.  Future directions in soil-vegetation descriptions: Systematizing dynamics. Proceedings of the National Cooperative Soil Survey Conference. :35-36.
Herrick JE, Tugel A.J..  2003.  Future directions: Using ESD's for assessment, monitoring and decision making. National Cooperative Soil Survey Conference, Committee 2 (Ecological Interpretations and Principles). :39-40.
Van Vuuren DP, Sala O.E, Pereira HM.  2006.  The future of vascular plant diversity under four global scenarios. Ecology and Society. 11:19pages.
Smith G, Hallford D.M., Herbel C.H., Kiesling H.E., Ray E.E., Sivinski J.S.  1982.  Gamma-irradiated products from sewage as supplemental feed for ruminants. Transcripts of the American Nuclear Society. 41:33-34.
Smith G, Hallford D.M., Herbel C.H., Kiesling H.E., Ray E.E..  1983.  Gamma-irradiated sewage solids as feed for ruminants. Proceedings of the 5th World Conference of Animal Products. :575-576.
Senock R.S., Barrow J.R., Gibbens, Robert P., Herbel C.H..  1990.  Gas exchange and water relations of the polyploid shrub Atriplex canescens growing in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. 43rd Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management. :Abstract51.
Anderson D.M., Rus D..  2009.  Gathering cows using virtual fencing methodologies. 62nd Society for Range Management Annual Meeting. :2030-4.
Zambuk U.Y.  1974.  The gemination responses of three semidesert grasses to temperature, moisture, and depth of planting.
Bestelmeyer BT, Herrick JE, Havstad K, Brown JR.  2004.  A general classification of vegetation dynamics for Chihuahuan Desert management models. Sixth Symposium on the Natural Resources of the Chihuahuan Desert.
Moorhead DL, Reynolds J.F.  1991.  A general model of litter decomposition in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Ecological Modelling. 56:197-219.
H. Peinetti R, Bestelmeyer BT, Chirino C, Kin A., Buss MElisa Fran.  2019.  Generalized and specific state-and-transition models to guide management and restoration of Caldenal forests. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 72:230-236.
Duni D, Nauman T, Johansen J., Green S, Miller M., Williamson JC, Bestelmeyer BT.  2016.  Generalizing ecological site concepts of the Colorado Plateau for landscape-level applications. Rangelands. 38:342-349
Bergstrom R, Borch T, Martin P, Melzer S, Rhoades C, Salley S.W, Kelly E..  2019.  The generation and redistribution of soil cations in high elevation catenas in the Fraser Experimental Forest, Colorado, U.S.. Geoderma. 333:135-144
Harshburger BD, Walden VP, Humes K.S, Moore BC, Blandford T, Rango A..  2012.  Generation of ensemble streamflow forecasts using an enhanced version of the snowmelt runoff model. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 48(4):643-655.
Sayre N.F, Fernández-Giménez M.  2003.  The genesis of range science with implications for current development policies. Proceedings of the VIIth International Rangeland Congress. :1976-1985.
Estell RE.  2021.  The genesis of the Jornada criollo cattle program. Journal of Arid Environments. 193(104563)
Blackwell R.L, Knox J.H, Shelby C.E, Clark R.T.  1962.  Genetic analysis of economic characteristics of young Hereford cattle. Journal of Animal Science. 21:101-107.
Armstrong E., Almeida FARodríg, McIntosh MM, Poli M., Cibils AF, Martínez-Quintana J.A, Félix-Portillo M., Estell RE.  2022.  Genetic and productive background of Criollo cattle in Argentina, Mexico, Uruguay and the United States. Journal of Arid Environments. 200:104722.
Lucero M.E., Barrow J.R., Sedillo RL, Osuna-Avila P., Reyes-Vera I..  2006.  Genetic characterization of uncultured fungal endophytes from Bouteloua Eriopoda and Atriplex.
