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Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Anderson D.M., Havstad K, Remmenga M.D..  2002.  Effects of camphene, myrcene, caryophyllene oxide and beta-pinene on consumption of alfalfa pellets by sheep. 2002 Joint Meeting, American Society of Animal Science/American Dairy Science Association. 80:331.
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Hu D., Fredrickson E.L., Hyder P.W., Estell RE.  1999.  Effects of aqueous leaf extracts of creosotebush, larrea tridentata, on germination of seven species of sympatric plants. 5th Symposium on Resources of the Chihuahuan Desert Region: US and Mexico. :Abstract24.
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Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Anderson D.M., Havstad K, Remmenga M.D..  2005.  Effect of previous exposure of sheep to monoterpene odors on intake of alfalfa pellets treated with camphor or alpha-pinene. Small Ruminant Research. 58:33-38.
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Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., James D.K.  2016.  Effect of light intensity and wavelength on concentration of plant secondary metabolites in the leaves of Flourensia cernua. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 65:108-114.
Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., James D.K.  2015.  Effect of light intensity and wavelength on concentration of antiherbivory compounds in Flourensia cernua leaves. Joint Annual Meeting ADSA - ASAS.
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Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Anderson D.M., Havstad K, Remmenga M.D..  2000.  Effect of individual terpenes on consumption of alfalfa pellets by sheep. Journal of Animal Science. 78:1636-1640.
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