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Cunliffe AM, Anderson K, Boschetti F, Brazier RE, Graham HA, Myers-Smith IH, Astor T, Boer MM, Calvo LG, Clark PE et al..  2021.  Global application of an unoccupied aerial vehicle photogrammetry protocol for predicting aboveground biomass in non-forest ecosystems. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.
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Gutierrez L.R., Herrick JE, Donart G.B..  2004.  Gully seeder for reseeding rangeland and riparian areas. Journal of Range Management. 57:399-401.
Herbel C.H., Gould W.L, Leifeste WL, Gibbens, Robert P..  1983.  Herbicide treatment and vegetation response to treatment of mesquites in southern New Mexico. Journal of Range Management. 36:149-151.
Herbel C.H., Gould W.L, Leifeste WL, Gibbens, Robert P..  1983.  Herbicide treatment and vegetation response to treatment of mesquites in southern New Mexico. Journal of Range Management. 36:149-151.
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Goslee S, Havstad K, Peters DC, Rango A., Schlesinger W.H.  2003.  High-resolution images reveal rate and pattern of shrub encroachment over six decades in New Mexico, USA. Journal of Arid Environments. 54:755-767.
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Danielson T.L., Rayson G.D., Anderson D.M., Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Havstad K, Green B.S..  2003.  Impact of filter paper on fluorescence measurements of buffered saline filtrates. Talanta. 59:601-604.
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Rango A., Gomez-Landesa E., Bleiweiss M., Havstad K, Tanksley K..  2003.  Improved satellite snow mapping, snowmelt runoff forecasting, and climate change in simulations in the upper Rio Grande basin. World Resource Review. 15:25-41.
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Allred BW, Bestelmeyer BT, Boyd CS, Brown C, Davies K.W, Duni D, Ellsworth LM, Erickson TA, Fuhlendorf S., Griffiths TV et al..  2021.  Improving Landsat predictions of rangeland fractional cover with multitask learning and uncertainty. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 12(5):841-846.
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Williams JC, Pierson FB, Spaeth K., Brown JR, Al-Hamdan OZ, Weltz M.A., Nearing MA, Herrick JE, Boll J, Robichaud PR et al..  2016.  Incorporating hydrologic data and ecohydrologic relationships into ecological site descriptions. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 69:4-19.
Gibbens, Robert P., Beck RF.  1987.  Increase in number of dominant plants and dominance-classes on a grassland in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Range Management. 40:136-139.
Grant D.W., Peters DC, Beck K.G., Fraleigh H.D..  2003.  Influence of an exotic species, acroptilon repens (L.) DC. on the initial survival and growth of native grasses. Plant Ecology. 166:157-166.
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Toledo DP, Sanderson MA, Herrick JE, Goslee S.  2014.  An integrated approach to grazingland ecological assessments and management interpretations. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 69(4):110A-114A
Peters DC, Gosz J.R, Pockman W.T., Small E.E., Paramenter R.E., Collins S.L., Muldavin E..  2006.  Integrating patch and boundary dynamics to understand and predict biotic transitions at multiple scales. Landscape Ecology. 21:19-33.
Rango A., Gomez-Landesa E., Bleiweiss M., DeWalle D., Kite G., Martinec J., Havstad K.  2004.  Integrating two remote sensing-based hydrological models and MODIS data to improve water supply forecasts in the Rio Grande Basin. Hydrology: Science & Practice for the 21st Century. 1:453-457.
Karl JW, Gillan JK, Barger N., Herrick JE, Duni D.  2014.  Interpretation of high-resolution imagery for detecting vegetation cover composition change after fuels reduction treatments in woodlands. Ecological Indicators. 45:570-578.
Sokolik I.N, Winkler D., Bergametti G, Gillette D.E, Carmichael G., Kaufman Y., Gomes L., Schuetz L., Penner J..  2001.  Introduction to special section on mineral dust: outstanding problems in quantifying the radiative impact of mineral dust. Journal of Geophysics Research. 106:15-18.
Sokolik I.N, Winkler D., Bergametti G, Gillette D.E, Carmichael G., Kaufman Y., Gomes L., Schuetz L., Penner J..  2001.  Introduction to special section on mineral dust: outstanding problems in quantifying the radiative impact of mineral dust. Journal of Geophysics Research. 106:15-18.
Cleland EE, Smith M.D, Andelman SJ, Bowles C, Carney KM, M. Horner-Devine C, Drake JM, Emery SM, Gramling JM, Vandermast DB.  2004.  Invasion in space and time: non-native species richness and relative abundance respond to interannual variation in productivity and diversity. Ecology Letters. 7:947-957.
Shackelford N, Starzomski B.M., Banning NC, Battaglia L, Becker, Alistair, Bellingham, P.J., Bestelmeyer BT, Catford, Jane A., John M. Dwyer, Dynesius, Mats et al..  2017.  Isolation predicts compositional change after discrete disturbances in a global meta-study. Ecography. 40:1256-1266.
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Laundre JW, Hernández L, Medina PLopez, Campanella A., Lopez-Portilla J, Gonzales-Romero A, Grajales-Tam KM, Burke AM, Gronemeyer P, Browning DM.  2014.  The landscape of fear: The missing link to understand top-down and bottom-up controls of prey abundance? Ecology. 5(5):1141-1152.
Laundre JW, Hernández L, Medina PLopez, Campanella A., Lopez-Portilla J, Gonzales-Romero A, Grajales-Tam KM, Burke AM, Gronemeyer P, Browning DM.  2014.  The landscape of fear: The missing link to understand top-down and bottom-up controls of prey abundance? Ecology. 5(5):1141-1152.
Laundre JW, Hernández L, Medina PLopez, Campanella A., Lopez-Portilla J, Gonzales-Romero A, Grajales-Tam KM, Burke AM, Gronemeyer P, Browning DM.  2014.  The landscape of fear: The missing link to understand top-down and bottom-up controls of prey abundance? Ecology. 5(5):1141-1152.
Spiga A, Barth E, Gu Z, Hoffmann F, Ito J, Jemmett-Smith B, Klose M, Nishizawa S, Raasch S, Rafkin S et al..  2016.  Large-Eddy Simulations of Dust Devils and Convective Vortices. Space Science Reviews. 203(1-4):245-275.
Sala O.E, Gherardi LA, Reichmann L, Jobbágy E, Peters DC.  2012.  Legacies of precipitation fluctuations on primary production: theory and data synthesis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 367:3135-3144.
Monger CH, Sala O.E, Duni D, Goldfus H, Meir IA, Poch RM, Throop HL, Vivoni E.  2015.  Legacy effects in linked ecological–soil– geomorphic systems of drylands. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 13(1):13-19.
Newingham B, Kachergis E, Ganguli A, Foster B, Price L, McCord S.  2022.  Lessons given and learned from rangeland monitoring courses. Rangelands. 44(1):29-38.
Fernald A, Guldan S, Boykin K, Cibils AF, Gonzalez M., Hurd B., Lopez S., Ochoa C, Ortiz M, Rivera J. et al..  2015.  Linked hydrologic and social systems that support resilience of traditional irrigation communities. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 19:293-307.
Fernald A, Guldan S, Boykin K, Cibils AF, Gonzalez M., Hurd B., Lopez S., Ochoa C, Ortiz M, Rivera J. et al..  2015.  Linked hydrologic and social systems that support resilience of traditional irrigation communities. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 19:293-307.
Peters DC, Groffman PM, Nadelhoffer K.J., Grimm N.B., Collins S.L., Michener W.K., Huston M.A..  2008.  Living in an increasingly connected world: a framework for continental-scale environmental science. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 6:229-237.
Peters DC, Groffman PM, Nadelhoffer K.J., Grimm N.B., Collins S.L., Michener W.K., Huston M.A..  2008.  Living in an increasingly connected world: a framework for continental-scale environmental science. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 6:229-237.
Goodrich DC, Bosch DD, Bryant R, Cosh MH, Endale D, Veith T, Kleinman PJA, Langendoen E, McCarty G, Pierson FB et al..  2022.  Long term agroecosystem research experimental watershed network. Hydrological Processes. 36(3):e14534.
Symstad A.J., Chapin, III F.S., Wall D.H., Gross K.L., Huenneke L., Mittelbach G.G., Peters DC, Tilman G.D..  2003.  Long-term and large-scale perspectives on the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem. BioScience. 53:89-98.
Gaiser EE, Bell DM, Castoroni M, Childers DL, Groffman PM, Jackson RG, Kominoski JS, Peters DC, Pickett STA, Ripplinger J et al..  2020.  Long-term ecological research and evolving frameworks of disturbance ecology. BioScience. 70(2):141-156.
Gaiser EE, Bell DM, Castoroni M, Childers DL, Groffman PM, Jackson RG, Kominoski JS, Peters DC, Pickett STA, Ripplinger J et al..  2020.  Long-term ecological research and evolving frameworks of disturbance ecology. BioScience. 70(2):141-156.
Havstad K, Gibbens, Robert P., Knorr C.A., Murray L.W.  1999.  Long-term influences of shrub removal and lagomorph exclusion on Chihuahuan Desert vegetation dynamics. Journal of Arid Environments. 42:155-166.
Dinan M, Adler PB, Bradford JA, Brunson M., Elias EH, Felton A, Greene C, James J., Suding KN, Thacker E.  2021.  Making research relevant: Sharing climate change research with rangeland advisors to transform results into drought resilience. Rangelands. RALA-00311:1-9.
