Jornada Bibliography

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DeGarmo, Jr. HCecil.  1966.  Water requirement and production of eight desert plant species under four soil levels. :45.
Devine DL.  1987.  A tobosa grass-burro grass mosaic community pattern in the northern Chihuahuan desert. :75.
Delahunt RAnne.  1976.  Summer activity cycles of Urosaurus ornatus in field and laboratory. :30.
Delson RKoskela.  1975.  Some reproductive aspects of three Chihuahuan Desert Nyctaginaceae. :42.
das Neves A..  1974.  Milk production of Hereford cows. :45.
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de Torre GLopez.  1976.  Growth patterns of Hereford and Brangus cows under two different environments. :70.
DePree E.  1978.  Energy allocation in desert winter annuals: test of the r- and k- selection theory. :77.
Di Marco RRuben.  1987.  Effects of harvest ants, Pogonomyrmex rugosis, nest on soil properties and vegetation in the Chihuahuan Desert. :49.
Delson J.  1974.  The ecology of the desert dwelling salamander Ambystoma tigrinum. :68.
de Luna-Villarreal R.R.  1975.  Developmental morphology of the vegetative shoots of two cultivars of Bouteloua gracilis (H.B.K.) Lag ex Steud. in relation to clipping. :59.
Dittberner P.L..  1971.  A demographic study of some semidesert grassland plants. :81.
Delesantro MC.  1978.  The breeding ecology of the Black-throated Sparrow in southern New Mexico. :43.
Dabo S-M.  1980.  Botanical composition of black-tailed jackrabbit diets on semidesert rangeland. :85.
Daggett KC.  1992.  Application of GIS technology to hydrologic modeling of patch dynamics on a small, semi-arid watershed in southern New Mexico. :125.
Whitford WG, Johnson R.K, DePree D.J.  1975.  US/IBP Desert Biome Research Memorandum 72-26. :15-21pp..
Dabo S-M, Pieper, Rex D., Beck RF, Southward G.M..  1982.  Summer and Fall Diets of Blacktailed Jackrabbits on Semidesert Rangeland. New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station. :19.
Whitford WG, Johnson R.K, DePree D.J.  1975.  Studies on wood borers, girdlers, and seed predators of mesquite. US/IBP Desert Biome. :15-21.
Barbour M.G, MacMahon J.A, Bamberg S.A, Ludwig J..  1977.  The structure and distribution of Larrea communities. US/IBP Synthesis Series. :227-251.
Maker H.J, Dregne H.E, Link V.G, Anderson J.U.  1974.  Soils of New Mexico.
Nash M.H, Daugherty LRA.  1990.  Soil-Landscape Relationships in Alluvium Sediments in Southern New Mexico.
Maker H.J, Nehrer R.H, Derr P.H, Anderson J.U.  1971.  Soil associations and land classification for irrigation in Dona Ana County.
Darton N.H.  1928.  "Red Beds" and associated formations in New Mexico. :183-197,324,326,339.
Duran M.S.  1982.  Patterns of prehistoric land use in Dona Ana County, New Mexico.
Botkin C.W, Duisberg P.C.  1949.  The nordihydroguairetic acid content of the creosotebush.
Monger CH, Daugherty LRA, Gile L.H.  1991.  A microscopic examination of pedogenic calcite in an aridisol of southern New Mexico. :37-60.
Darton N.H.  1922.  Geologic structure of parts of New Mexico.
Dwyer D.D..  1972.  Burning and nitrogen fertilization of tobosa grass.
Griffing J.P., Davis C.A..  1976.  Black-Tailed Jackrabbits in Southeastern New Mexico: Population Structure, Reproduction, Feeding, and Use of Forms. New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station. :4.
Journal Article
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DePree E, Ludwig J..  1978.  Vegetative and reproductive growth patterns in desert willow (Chilopsis linearis (Cav.) Sweet). The Southwestern Naturalist. 23:239-246.
Whitford WG, de Soyza A.G., Van Zee J, Herrick JE, Havstad K.  1998.  Vegetation, soil, and animal indicators of rangeland health. Environmental Monitoring Assessment. 51:179-200.
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Karl JW, Duni D, Schrader ST.  2012.  A Technique for Estimating Rangeland Canopy-Gap Size Distributions From High-Resolution Digital Imagery. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 65(2):196-207.
