Jornada Bibliography

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Fredrickson E.L., Longland W.S., Hyder P.W., Hu D., Estell RE.  1999.  Role of herebivorous and granivorous fauna in the maintenance of mesquite coppice dune systems. 5th Symposium on Resources of the Chihuahuan Desert Region: U.S. and Mexico. :17-18.
Gillette D.E.  1999.  A qualitative geophysical explanation for "hot spot" dust emitting source regions. Contributions to Atmospheric Physics.
Goslee S, Peters DC, Beck K.G..  1999.  Invasion of grasslands by exotic perennial weeds: Allelopathy and soil texture effects. 84th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America. 80:94.
Goslee S, Peters DC, Beck K.G..  1999.  Modeling the long-term dynamics of an invasive perennial weed in Colorado, USA. 5th World Congress, US-International Association for Landscape Ecology. I (A-K):55.
Granados-Olivas A., Monger CH.  1999.  Remote sensing technology for development planning along the US-Mexico border: hydrogeology and geomorphology. New Mexico Journal of Science. 39:123-?.
Grigal D., Bell J.C, Ahrens R.J eds., Boone R.D, Kelly E., Monger CH, Sollins P..  1999.  Site and landscape characterization for ecological studies. Standard soil methods for long-term ecological research. :29-52.
Guo Q, Rundel P., Goodall D.W.  1999.  Structure of desert seed banks: comparisons across four North American desert sites. Journal of Arid Environments. 42:1-14.
Hanson CL, Johnson G., Rango A..  1999.  Comparison of Precipitation Catch Between Nine Measuring Systems. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering.
Havstad K, Herrick JE, Schlesinger W.H.  1999.  Desert rangelands, degradation and nutrients. Rangeland Desertification. :77-87.
Havstad K.  1999.  Improving sustainability of arid rangelands. New Mexico Journal of Science. 39:174-197.
Havstad K, Gibbens, Robert P., Knorr C.A., Murray L.W.  1999.  Long-term influences of shrub removal and lagomorph exclusion on Chihuahuan Desert vegetation dynamics. Journal of Arid Environments. 42:155-166.
Havstad K, Peters DC.  1999.  People and rangeland biodiversity - North America. Proceedings of the VIth International Rangeland Congress. 2:634-638.
Hochstrasser T., Peters DC.  1999.  Decomposing the complexity of species coexistence patterns: an example from a semiarid grassland-shrubland transition zone. 5th World Congress, International Association for Landscape Ecology. I (A-K):67.
Hochstrasser T., Peters DC.  1999.  The influence of dominant plants on water dynamics at a semiarid grassland-shrubland ECOTONE: implications for the recruitment of Larrea tridentata. 84th Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. 80:109.
Howes DA.  1999.  Modeling runoff in a desert shrubland ecosystem, Jornada Basin, New Mexico. :204.
Hu D., Fredrickson E.L., Hyder P.W., Estell RE.  1999.  Effects of aqueous leaf extracts of creosotebush, larrea tridentata, on germination of seven species of sympatric plants. 5th Symposium on Resources of the Chihuahuan Desert Region: US and Mexico. :Abstract24.
Huenneke L..  1999.  A helping hand: Facilitation of plant invasions by human activities. Proceedings of the VI International Rangeland Congress.
Jarrell W.M, Armstrong D., Grigal D., Kelly E., Monger CH, Wedin D..  1999.  Soil water and temperature status. LTER Soil Methods Standardization.
Kay F.R, Sobhy H.M, Whitford WG.  1999.  Soil microarthropods as indicators of exposure to enviromental stress in Chihuahuan Desert rangelands. Biololgy and Fertility of Soils. 28:121-128.
Kay F.R, Sobhy H.M, Whitford WG.  1999.  Soil microarthropods as indicators of exposure to environmental stress in Chihuahuan desert rangelands. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 28:121-128.
Khan M.F., Anderson D.M., Nutkani M.I., Butt N.M..  1999.  Preliminary results from reseeding degraded Dera Ghazi Khan rangeland to improve small ruminant production in Pakistan. Small Ruminants Research. 32:43-49.
Kroel-Dulay G., Kovacs-Lang E., Peters DC.  1999.  The importance of landscape-scale processes in the vegetation of sand grasslands along a climatic gradient. 84th Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. 80:270.
Kroel-Dulay G., Odor P., Peters DC.  1999.  Plant species associations with different patch types at a semiarid-arid grassland ECOTONE. 5<sup>th</sup> World Congress, International Association for Landscape Ecology. I (A-K):85-86.
Li G, Abrahams AD.  1999.  Controls of sediment transport capacity in laminar interrill flow on stone-covered surfaces. Water Resources Research. 35:305-310.
Lucero M.E., Mueller W., Hubstenberger J., Phillips G.C., O'Connell M.A.  1999.  Tolerance to nitrogenous explosives and metabolism of TNT by cell suspensions of datura innoxia. In Vitro Plant. 35:480-486.
Minnick T.J., Coffin D.P..  1999.  Geographic patterns of simulated establishment of two Bouteloua species: Implications for distributions of dominants and ecotones. Journal of Vegetation Science. 10:343-356.
Minor T., Lancaster J., Wade T., Wickham JD, Wickham JD.  1999.  Evaluating Change in Rangeland Condition using Multitemporal AVHRR Data and Geographic Information System Analysis. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 59(2):211–223.
Monger CH.  1999.  Natural cycles of desertification in the Chihuahuan Desert, North America. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Desert Development.
Nash M.S, Whitford WG, de Soyza A.G., Van Zee J, Havstad K.  1999.  Livestock activity and Chihuahuan Desert annual-plant communities: Boundary analysis of disturbance gradients. Ecological Applications. 9:814-823.
Nash M.S, Anderson JP, Whitford WG.  1999.  Spatial and temporal variability in relative abundance and foraging behavior of subterranean termites in desertified and relatively intact Chihuahuan Desert ecosystems. Applied Soil Ecology. 12:149-157.
Nasseth D.L., Peters DC.  1999.  Disturbance and landscape change: Residential development and landscape structure in the Pikes Peak region, Colorado, USA. 5th World Congress, International Association for Landscape Ecology. II (L-Z):Abstract114.
Neave M.  1999.  Impact of small mammal disturbances on water and sediment yields in the Jornada Basin, southern New Mexico. :243.
Parsons A.J., Wainwright J, Stone PM, Abrahams AD.  1999.  Transmission losses in rills on dryland hillslopes. Hydrological Processes. 13:2897-2905.
Peters DC, Herrick JE.  1999.  Landscape-scale processes and sensitivity of Chihuahuan Desert ecosystems to climate change. 5th World Congress, International Association for Landscape Ecology. II (L-Z):122.
Peters DC, Herrick JE.  1999.  Vegetation-soil feedbacks and sensitivity of Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem boundaries to climate change. 84th Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. 80:69.
Pilmanis A.M, Schlesinger W.H.  1999.  Spatial assessment of desertification in terms of vegetation pattern and available soil nitrogen. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Desert Development.
Rango A., Martinrc J.  1999.  Modeling Snow Cover and Runoff Response to Global Warming for Varying Hydrological Years. World Resource Review. 11(1):76-91.
Rapport D.J, Whitford WG.  1999.  How Ecosystems Respond to Stress: Common properties of arid and aquatic systems. BioScience. 49:193-203.
Rapport D.J, Whitford WG.  1999.  How ecosystems respond to stress: common properties of arid and aquatic ecosystems. Bioscience. 49:193-203.
Rayson G.D., Danielson T.L., Anderson D.M., Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Havstad K.  1999.  Multidimensional fluorescence for the investigation of dietary habits of free-ranging herbivores. Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies Conference. :No.202.
Rayson G.D., Danielson T.L., Anderson D.M., Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Havstad K.  1999.  Multidimensional fluorescence for the investigation of dietary habits of free-ranging herbivores. 41st Rocky Mountain Conference on Analytical Chemistry. :No.634.
Reynolds J.F, Wu J.  1999.  Do landscape structural and functional units exist? Integrating Hydrology, Ecosystem Dynamics, and Biogeochemistry in Complex Landscapes. :273-296.
Reynolds J.F, Virginia R.A, Kemp P.R, de Soyza A.G., Tremmel D.C.  1999.  Impact of drought on desert shrubs: Effects of seasonality and degree of resource island development. Ecological Monographs. 69:69-106.
Schlesinger W.H, Abrahams AD, Parsons A.J., Wainwright J.  1999.  Nutrient losses in runoff from grassland and shrubland habitats in Southern New Mexico: I. rainfall simulation experiments. Biogeochemistry. 45:21-34.
Schowalter T.D, Lightfoot DC, Whitford WG.  1999.  Diversity of arthropod responses to host-plant water stress in a desert ecosystem in southern New Mexico. American Midland Naturalist. 142:281-290.
Seybold C., Herrick JE, Brejda J.J..  1999.  Soil resilience: A fundamental component of soil quality. Soil Science. 1644:224-234.
Shaver P.L, Pellant M., Pyke D.A., Herrick JE.  1999.  Methods for assessing the health of America's rangelands. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Multiple Objective Decision Support Systems for Land, Water and Environmental Management (MODSS 99). Report QNRM02143:1-17.
Tellez M.R., Schrader K., Wedge D.E., Duke S.O., Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Powell J.E..  1999.  Activity and volatile constituents of crude fractions of Flourensia cernua (L). 218th American Chemical Society National Meeting. :Abstractp.45.
Wainwright J, Parsons A.J., Abrahams AD.  1999.  Field and computer simulation experiments on the formation of desert pavement. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 24:1025-1037.
Wainwright J, Mulligan M., Thornes J..  1999.  Plants and water in drylands. Eco-hydrology. :78-126.
