Spatial assessment of desertification in terms of vegetation pattern and available soil nitrogen

TitleSpatial assessment of desertification in terms of vegetation pattern and available soil nitrogen
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsPilmanis A.M, Schlesinger W.H
EditorTaylor IRhea, Dregne H.E, Mathis K(eds.)
Conference NameProceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Desert Development
Number of Volumes344-358
Date Published1999
PublisherTexas Tech University Press
Conference LocationTexas Tech University
Accession NumberJRN00291
Call Number00739
Keywordsabstract, abstracts, Bouteloua, resource distribution, conference, conference proceedings, conferences, desertification, soil nitrogen, desertification, vegetation, geostatistics, grassland, desertification, methods, SEE <TECHNIQUE>, proceeding, proceedings, Prosopis, resource distribution, shrubland, desertification, soil nitrogen, desertification, spatial statistics, technique, geostatistics, technique, spatial statistics, vegetation change, desertification
AbstractThe objective of this study was to use spatial statistics to quantify the effects of desertification on the distribution of biomass and available nitrogen in Chihuahuan desert black grama (Bouteloua eriopoda) grassland, which has been invaded by honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) shrubland. This research is a portion of analysis of spatial patterns and interrelationships of ecological variables across a desertification gradient, with the larger goal of being to improve our understanding of the mechanisms underlying desertification in southwestern ecosystems. This study tested the sensitivity of "Geostatistics" and "Spatial statistics" to detect subtle differences between ecosystems, such as those occurring across a continuous gradient of desertification.
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