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Ward TJ.  1986.  A study of runoff and erosion processes using large and small rainfall simulators.
Whitford WG.  1986.  Decomposition and nutrient cycling in deserts. Pattern and Process in Desert Ecosystems. :93-117.
Whitford WG.  1986.  Pattern in desert ecosystems: water availability and nutrient interactions. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Environmental Quality and Ecosystem Stability. Vol. 3A/B:109-117.
Whitford WG, Steinberger Y, MacKay WP, Parker L.W, Freckman D.W, Wallwork J.A, Weems D.  1986.  Rainfall and decomposition in the Chihuahuan desert. Oecologia. 68:512-515.
Whitford WG, Schaefer D, Wisdom W.  1986.  Soil movement by desert ants. The Southwestern Naturalist. 31:273-274.
Wierenga PJ.  1986.  Applications of spatial analyses in field studies on soil moisture. Transactions XIII Congress of the International Society of Soil Science. IV:1622-1624.
Wilcox B.P., Wood M.K, Tromble J.M., Ward TJ.  1986.  A hand-portable, single nozzle, rainfall simulator designed for use on steep slopes. Journal of Range Management. 39:375-377.
Younga A.  1986.  Development and production of bush muhly (Muhlenbergia porteri (Scribn.) ex Beal.) and sand dropseed (Sporobolus cryptandrus (Torr.) Gray) following herbicidal control of mesquite. :68.
Zak J.C, Whitford WG.  1986.  The occurrence of hypogeous ascomycete in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Mycologia. 78:840-841.
Aldon EF, Vicente CEGonzale, Moir WH.  1987.  Strategies for Classification and Management of Native Vegetation for Food Production in Arid Zones. :257.
Anderson D.M., Hulet CV, Smith J.N, Shupe, W. Larry, Murray L.W.  1987.  Bonding of young sheep to heifers. Applied Animal Behavior Science. 19:31-40.
Anderson D.M..  1987.  Direct measures of the grazing animal's nutritional status. 40th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management. :40-57.
Anderson D.M., Hulet CV, Smith J.N, Shupe, W. Larry.  1987.  Effectiveness of cattle in protecting lambs from coyote predation. 40th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management. :2.
Anderson D.M., Hulet CV, Smith J.N, Shupe, W. Larry, Murray L.W.  1987.  Heifer disposition and bonding of lambs to heifers. Applied Animal Behavior Science. 19:27-30.
Atwood T.L..  1987.  Influence of livestock grazing and protection from livestock grazing on vegetational characteristics of Bouteloua eriopoda rangelands. :155.
Atwood T.L., Beck RF, Gibbens, Robert P..  1987.  Vegetation parameters inside and outside livestock exclosures on three Chihuahuan Desert grassland communities. 40th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management. :34.
Barrow J.R..  1987.  The effects of chromosome number on sex expression in Atriplex canescens. Botanical Gazette. 148:379-385.
Bolin SB, Ward TJ.  1987.  An analysis of runoff and sediment yield from natural rainfall plots in the Chihuahuan Desert. Strategies for Classification and Management of Native Vegetation for Food Production in Arid Zones. General Gechnical Report RM-150:196-200.
Cornelius JM, Cunningham GL.  1987.  Nitrogen enrichment effects on vegetation of a northern Chihuahuan Desert landscape. Strategies for classification and management of native vegetation for food production in arid zones. General Technical Report RM-150:112-116.
Devine DL.  1987.  A tobosa grass-burro grass mosaic community pattern in the northern Chihuahuan desert. :75.
Di Marco RRuben.  1987.  Effects of harvest ants, Pogonomyrmex rugosis, nest on soil properties and vegetation in the Chihuahuan Desert. :49.
Dragt J.W, Havstad K.  1987.  Effects of Cattle Grazing Upon Chemical Constituents Within lmportant Forages for Elk. Northwest Science. 61(2):70-73.
Fisher F.M, Parker L.W, Anderson JP, Whitford WG.  1987.  Nitrogen mineralization in a desert soil: Interacting effects of soil moisture and nitrogen fertilizer. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 51:1033-1041.
Fonteyn P.J, Schlesinger W.H, Marion G.M.  1987.  Accuracy of soil thermocouple hygrometer measurements in desert ecosystems. Ecology. 68:1121-1124.
Freckman D.W, Whitford WG, Steinberger Y.  1987.  Effect of irrigation on nematode population dynamics and activity in desert soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 3:3-10.
Gibbens, Robert P., Herbel C.H., Lenz J.M..  1987.  Field-scale tebuthiuron application on brush-infested rangeland. Weed Technology. 1:323-327.
Gibbens, Robert P., Beck RF.  1987.  Increase in number of dominance-classes on a grassland in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. 40th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management. :43.
Gibbens, Robert P., Beck RF.  1987.  Increase in number of dominant plants and dominance-classes on a grassland in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Range Management. 40:136-139.
Gutierrez JR, Whitford WG.  1987.  Chihuahuan Desert annuals: importance of water and nitrogen. Ecology. 68:2032-2045.
Gutierrez JR, Whitford WG.  1987.  Responses of Chihuahuan Desert herbaceous annuals to rainfall augmentation. Journal of Arid Environments. 12:127-139.
Hakkila M.D., Holechek JL, Wallace J.D., Anderson D.M., Cardenas M.  1987.  Diet and forage intake of cattle on desert grassland range. Journal of Range Management. 40:339-342.
Herbel C.H..  1987.  Integration of mechanical control of unwanted plants and seeding equipment. Proceedings of the Symposium on Seed and Seedbed Ecology of Rangeland Plants. :283-291.
Herbel C.H., Gibbens, Robert P..  1987.  Soil water regimes of loamy sands and sandy loams on arid rangelands of southern New Mexico. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 42:442-447.
Hulet CV, Anderson D.M., Smith J.N, Shupe, W. Larry.  1987.  Bonding of sheep to cattle as an effective technique for predation control. Applied Animal Behavior Science. 19:19-25.
Hulet CV, Shupe, W. Larry, Howard, Jr. V.W.  1987.  Coyotes, guard dogs and electric fences. Rangelands. 9:102-105.
Lajtha K.  1987.  Nutrient reabsorption efficiency and the response to phosphorus fertilization in the desert shrub Larrea tridentata. Biogeochemistry. 4:265-276.
Lajtha K, Weishampel J, Schlesinger W.H.  1987.  Phosphorous and pH tolerances in the germination of the desert shrub Larrea tridentata (Zygophyllaceae). Madroño. 34:63-68.
Lightfoot DC, Whitford WG.  1987.  Variation in insect densities on desert creosotebush: is nitrogen a factor? Ecology. 68:547-557.
Ludwig J., Moir WH.  1987.  A baseline of soil erosion and vegetation monitoring in desert grasslands: Chihuahua, Texas and New Mexico. Strategies for Classification and Management of Native Vegetation for Food Production in Arid Zones. General Technical Report RM-150:214-220.
Ludwig J., Cornelius JM.  1987.  Locating discontinuities along ecological gradients. Ecology. 68:448-450.
Ludwig J..  1987.  Primary productivity in arid lands: myths and realities. Journal of Arid Environments. 13:1-7.
MacKay WP, Silva S, Whitford WG.  1987.  Diurnal activity patterns and vertical migration in desert soil microarthropods. Pedobiologia. 30:65-71.
MacKay WP, Fisher F.M, Silva S, Whitford WG.  1987.  The effects of nitrogen, water and sulfur amendments on surface litter decomposition in the Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Arid Environments. 12:223-232.
MacKay WP, Zak J.C, Silva S, Whitford WG.  1987.  Gnathamitermes tubiformans (Isoptera: Termitidae), especie clave en el Desierto Chihuahuense. Folia Entomológica Mexicana. 73:29-46.
MacKay WP, Silva S, Loring S.J, Whitford WG.  1987.  The role of subterranean termites in the decomposition of above ground creosotebush litter. Sociobiology. 13:235-239.
McLemore VT.  1987.  Guidebook to the Socorro Area, New Mexico. 24th annual meeting of the Clay Minerals Society and 36th annual Clay Minerals Conference: Guidebook for the 1987 conference.
Moorhead DL, Freckman D.W, Reynolds J.F, Whitford WG.  1987.  A simulation model of soil nematode population dynamics: effects of moisture and temperature. Pedobiologia. 30:361-372.
Osman A, Pieper, Rex D., McDaniel K.C.  1987.  Soil seed banks associated with individual broom snakeweed plants. Journal of Range Management. 40:441-443.
Peterson DK, Whitford WG.  1987.  Foraging behavior of Uta stansburiana and Cnemidophorus tigris in two different habitats. The Southwestern Naturalist. 32:427-433.
Ruiz ESolis.  1987.  Digestibility and intake of diets containing creosotebush by goats. :48.
