Nitrogen enrichment effects on vegetation of a northern Chihuahuan Desert landscape

TitleNitrogen enrichment effects on vegetation of a northern Chihuahuan Desert landscape
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication1987
AuthorsCornelius JM, Cunningham GL
EditorAldon EF, Vicente CEGonzale, Moir WH(eds.)
Conference NameStrategies for classification and management of native vegetation for food production in arid zones
VolumeGeneral Technical Report RM-150
Date PublishedOctober 12-16, 1
PublisherUSDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station
Conference LocationTucson, Arizona
Accession NumberJRN00057
Call Number00038
Keywordsabstract, abstracts, conference, conference proceedings, conferences, nitrogen amendment, nutrient, nitrogen amendment, plant community, diversity, plant productivity,nitrogen amendment, proceeding, proceedings, transect, nitrogen amendment, vegetation, nitrogen amendment
Abstract A large scale experiment was conducted at the NSF/LTER Jornada site examining enrichment effects of a limiting resource (nitrogen) across a desert landscape. Results showed increased cover of ephemeral plant species and decreased species diversity on response to increased nitrogen, probably due to changes in availability ratios of limiting resources and decreased heterogeneity in the spatial destribution of soil nitrogen.
Custom 1Fort Collins, Colorado