Emile Elias

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Elias EH, Rango A., Steele C, Mejia J, Smith R.  2015.  Assessing climate change impacts on water availability of snowmelt-dominated basins of the Upper Rio Grande Basin. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies . 3:525-546.
Elias EH.  2015.  Climate programs update: USDA Southwest Regional Climate Hub update. Great Basin Consortium Conference.
Elias EH, James D.K, Rango A., Steele C, Smith R, Mejia J.  2015.  Impact of climate change on water quality of an impaired New Mexico river. New Mexico Water Conference.
Elias EH, Rango A., Havstad K, Steele C.  2015.  Impacts of climate change on Southwestern working lands and water resources: a report from the inaugural year of the USDA Southwest climate hub. 2015 UCOWR / NIWR / CUAHSI Annual Conference.
Elias EH, Steele C, Havstad K, Steenwerth K, Chambers J, Deswood H, Rango A., Kerr A, Schwartz M, Stine P et al..  2015.  Southwest regional climate hub and California subsidiary hub assessment of climate change vulnerability and adaptation and mitigation strategies. :76pp..
Elias EH, Rango A., Steele C, Havstad K, Brown JR, Smith R.  2015.  Tools for adaptation and mitigation of climate change on southwestern working-lands. New Mexico Water Conference.
Elias EH, Rango A., Steele C, Havstad K.  2015.  Vulnerabilities and adaptive capacities of selected southwestern crops to climate change. Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop (CPASW).