Joel Brown

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Conference Proceedings
Brown JR, Elias EH, Emmott A, Mahuer A, Wilmer H.  2021.  Adapt (or succumb) to climate change on rangelands. Society for Range Management Meeting Proceedings. :1.
Conference Proceedings
Brown JR, Herrick JE.  2017.  The rangeland management and soil health connection. 70th Annual Society for Range Management Meetings.
Book Chapter
Brown JR, Sampson N..  2009.  Integrating terrestrail sequestration into a greenhouse gas management plan. Carbon Sequestration and Its Role in the Global Carbon Cycle. :317-324.
Conference Proceedings
Brown JR, Derner J.D, Dobrowolski J.P., Havstad K.  2009.  Rotational grazing systems and grazing management research: Mapping the future. 4th National Conference on Grazing Lands and the Society for Range Management. :CDROM.
Conference Paper
Brown JR, Angerer J..  2007.  Improving estimates of rangeland carbon storage. 60th Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management. :PaperNo.55.
Brown JR, Ash A.J..  2006.  Knowledge Gaps in Assess and Predicting Grazing System Performance: Art or Science? Society for Range Management 59th Annual Meeting. :50.
Conference Proceedings
Brown JR, Blake R.R., McPherson G.R., Tate K.W..  2005.  Rangelands and Global Change. An issue paper created by the Society for Range Management. :11.
Conference Proceedings
Brown JR, Bestelmeyer BT.  2004.  Key concepts to improve the utility of ecological site descriptions. 2004 West Regional Soil Survey Conference. :CDROM.
Conference Paper
Brown JR, Bestelmeyer BT, Herrick JE.  2004.  A manager's dilemma: Making logical decisions at the local scale. 89th Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. :Abstractp.66.
Conference Proceedings
Brown JR, Havstad K.  2003.  Environmental drivers and monitoring of rangelands. Proceedings of the VIIth International Rangeland Congress. :668-674.