Bernice Gamboa

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BiblioMapping land cover in urban residential landscapes using fine resolution imagery and object-oriented classification Bernice Gamboa08 years 6 months ago
BiblioInfrastructure improvements for snowmelt runoff assessments of climate change impacts on water supplies in the Rio Grande basin Bernice Gamboa08 years 6 months ago
BiblioSensitivity of the snowmelt runoff model to underestimates of remotely sensed snow covered area Bernice Gamboa08 years 6 months ago
BiblioField validation of biomass retrieved from Landsat for rangeland assessment and monitoring Bernice Gamboa08 years 6 months ago
BiblioUsing hydrogel filled, embedded tubes to sustain grass transplants for arid land restoration Bernice Gamboa08 years 6 months ago
BiblioPerformance of the snowmelt runoff model when remotely-sensed estimates of snow covered area are not available Bernice Gamboa08 years 6 months ago
BiblioInfrastructure improvements for snowmelt runoff forecasting and assessments of climate change impacts on water supplies in the Rio Grande Basin Bernice Gamboa08 years 6 months ago
BiblioAn analysis of MODIS fractional snow cover estimates for snowmelt runoff modeling. Bernice Gamboa08 years 6 months ago
BiblioRole of secondary chemistry of tarbush in herbivory by livestock Bernice Gamboa08 years 7 months ago
BiblioEnvironmental effects on behavior and production of range cows on the Chihuahuan Desert Bernice Gamboa08 years 7 months ago
BiblioPerformance of beef cows on semidesert range in response to supplements containing sewage solids offered periodically throughout 5 years Bernice Gamboa08 years 7 months ago
BiblioRescuing at-risk data on the Jornada Experimental Range Bernice Gamboa08 years 7 months ago
BiblioMorphological variation in creosotebush, <i>Larrea tridentata</i>: effects on ecosystem properties Bernice Gamboa08 years 7 months ago
BiblioIncorporating hydrologic data and ecohydrologic relationships into ecological site descriptions Bernice Gamboa08 years 7 months ago
BiblioSpatial and temporal free-ranging cow behaviour pre and post-weaning Bernice Gamboa08 years 7 months ago
BiblioGeospatial methods and data analysis for assessing distribution of grazing livestock Bernice Gamboa08 years 7 months ago
BiblioFree-ranging cow behavior pre and post-weaning Bernice Gamboa08 years 7 months ago
BiblioAutonomous gathering of livestock using a multi-functional sensor network platform Bernice Gamboa08 years 7 months ago
BiblioCharacterizing foraging patterns among cattle and bonded and non- bonded small ruminants using spatial point process techniques Bernice Gamboa08 years 7 months ago
BiblioHierarchical spatial processes in grassland-shrubland transitions in the Southwestern US Bernice Gamboa08 years 7 months ago
BiblioResilience mechanisms and recovery in a Chihuahuan Desert rangeland ecosystem Bernice Gamboa08 years 7 months ago
BiblioDegraded states, novel ecosystems, or reconfigured landscapes: How should we view ecosystem change in a changing world? Bernice Gamboa08 years 7 months ago
BiblioSpatial patterns in alternative states and thresholds: A missing link for management of landscapes? Bernice Gamboa08 years 7 months ago
BiblioDifferences in MODIS EVI-based rainfall use efficiency among ecological states of the northern Chihuahuan Desert Bernice Gamboa08 years 7 months ago
BiblioA suite of tools for monitoring and assessing impacts of road networks and off-road vehicle activity on rangelands Bernice Gamboa08 years 7 months ago
