Bernice Gamboa

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Gaby R.  1972.  Comparative niche utilization by two species of kangaroo rats (Genus Dipodomys). :71.
Goodall D.W, Childs S., Morgan S..  1972.  Seed reserves in desert soils. US/IBP Desert Biome.
Hawley J..  1972.  Geologic-geomorphic mapping to serve soil resource development. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting. :24-30.
Herbel C.H., Ares F.N., Wright RAnderson.  1972.  Drought effects on a semidesert grassland range. Ecology. 3:1084-1093.
Herbel C.H..  1972.  Environmental modification for seedling establishment. Biology and Utilization of Grasses. :101-114.
Herbel C.H..  1972.  Using mechanical equipment to modify the seedling environment. :369-381.
Klemmedson J.O, Barth R..  1972.  Distribution and balance of biomass and nutrients in a desert shrub ecosystem. US/IBP Desert Biome.
O'Brien R.T.  1972.  Proteolytic activity of soil microorganisms. US/IBP Desert Biome.
Packard R.L.  1972.  Small mammal studies on the Jornada and Pantex sites. US/IBP Grassland Biome. :48.
Pieper, Rex D., Herbel C.H., Russell J.W.  1972.  Primary production of a desert grassland ecosystem. 25th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management. :8.
Raitt RJ.  1972.  Bird Investigations. US/IBP Grassland Biome. :26-41.
Raitt RJ, Pimm SL.  1972.  Jornada bird censuses, 1972. US/IBP Grassland Biome. :20.
Risser P.G.  1972.  Preliminary producer data synthesis, 1970, Comprehensive Network Sites. US/IBP Grassland Biome.
Ward C., Richardson G., Huddleston E.W..  1972.  Survey of aquatic invertebrates at the Jornada site. US/IBP Grassland Biome.
Welsh RG.  1972.  Some ecological relationships between creosotebush (Larrea tridentata DC.) and bush muhly (Muhlenbergia porteri Scribn).
Whitford WG, Ettershank G.  1972.  Demography and role of herbivorous ants in a desert ecosystem as functions of vegetation, soil and climate variables. US/IBP Desert Biome.
Whitford WG.  1972.  Intensity of foraging activity as a function of temperature, humidity, light, food availability, and soil moisture in a desert ecosystem. US/IBP Desert Biome.
Whitford WG.  1972.  Jornada validation site report. US/IBP Desert Biome.
Wright R.G.  1972.  Computer processing of chart quadrat maps and their use in plant demographic studies. Journal of Range Management. 25:476-478.
Wright R.G.  1972.  A demographic study of a semidesert grassland. :221.
Aguirre EL.  1971.  Effects of watering treatments on emergence of plant species in soil collected from different desert grassland sites. :48.
Balding F.R.  1971.  The distribution of shrubs along a soil water potential gradient in a desert arroyo system. :21.
Barrow J.R..  1971.  Meiosis and pollen development in haploid cotton plants. Journal of Heredity. 62:139-141.
Caccamise DF.  1971.  Competitive relationships of the Common and Lesser nighthawk. :79.
Dittberner P.L..  1971.  A demographic study of some semidesert grassland plants. :81.
Gould W.L, Herbel C.H..  1971.  Response of creosotebush to aerially applied herbicide treatments. Weed Science Society of America Meeting. :No.127.
Harris L.D.  1971.  Small mammal studies and results in the grassland biome. Preliminary Analysis of Structure and Function in Grasslands: Proceedings of Symposium Entitled "The Grassland Biome: Analysis and synthesis of First Year Data". :213-240.
Henderson CW.  1971.  Comparative temperature and moisture responses in Gambel and Scaled Quail. The Condor. 73:430-436.
Herbel C.H., Gile L.H.  1971.  Field moisture regimes of some arid-land soils in southern New Mexico. Agronomy Abstracts. :107.
Herbel C.H..  1971.  A review of research related to development of grazing systems on native ranges of the western United States. Jornada Experimental Range Report No. 3. :32.
Jacobson ER, Whitford WG.  1971.  Physiological responses to temperature in the patch-nosed snake, Salvadora hexalepis. Herpetologica. 27:289-295.
Lewis J.K.  1971.  The grassland biome: a synthesis of structure and function, 1970. Preliminary Analysis of Structure and Function in Grasslands: Proceedings of Symposium Entitled "The Grassland Biome: Analysis and synthesis of First Year Data". :317-387.
Maker H.J, Nehrer R.H, Derr P.H, Anderson J.U.  1971.  Soil associations and land classification for irrigation in Dona Ana County.
McDaniel B.  1971.  The role of invertebrates in the grassland biome. Preliminary Analysis of Structure and Function in Grasslands: Proceedings of Symposium Entitled "The Grassland Biome: Analysis and synthesis of First Year Data". :267-316.
Nelson A.B., Neumann A.L., Herbel C.H., Yarbrough C.C., Parker E., Whittenburg J..  1971.  Liquid and dry supplements for wintering range beef calves. New Mexico Agriculture Experimental Station Research Report 214. :8.
Pieper, Rex D., Ellstrom M.A, Staffeldt E.E., Raitt RJ.  1971.  Primary producers, invertebrates, birds, and decomposers on the Jornada site, 1971. US/IBP Grassland Biome.
Prieto AEscobar, Whitford WG.  1971.  Physiological responses to temperature in the horned lizards Phrynosoma cornutum and Phrynosoma douglassi. Copeia. 3:498-504.
Rasmussen JL.  1971.  Abiotic factors in grassland ecosystem analysis and function. Preliminary Analysis of Structure and Function in Grasslands: Proceedings of Symposium Entitled "The Grassland Biome: Analysis and synthesis of First Year Data". :11-34.
Reuss J.O.  1971.  Decomposer and nutrient cycling investigations in the Grassland Biome. Preliminary Analysis of Structure and Function in Grasslands: Proceedings of Symposium Entitled "The Grassland Biome: Analysis and synthesis of First Year Data". :133-146.
Reuss J.O.  1971.  Soils of the grassland biome sites. Preliminary Analysis of Structure and Function in Grasslands: Proceedings of Symposium Entitled "The Grassland Biome: Analysis and synthesis of First Year Data". :35-40.
Risser P.G.  1971.  Plant community structure. Preliminary Analysis of Structure and Function in Grasslands: Proceedings of Symposium Entitled "The Grassland Biome: Analysis and synthesis of First Year Data". :41-58.
Sims P.L, Singh J.S.  1971.  Herbage dynamics and net primary production in certain ungrazed and grazed grasslands of North America. Preliminary Analysis of Structure and Function in Grasslands: Proceedings of Symposium Entitled "The Grassland Biome: Analysis and synthesis of First Year Data". :59-124.
Siriphant C.  1971.  The relationship of organic carbon content to carbonate and soluble Ca and Mg content in some New Mexico soils. :65.
Wahlquist BT.  1971.  The effects of soil moisture and soil temperature on decomposition of chitin and chitin containing complexes in soil.
Whitford WG.  1971.  Jornada validation site report. US/IBP Desert Biome.
Whitford WG, Conley MR.  1971.  Oxygen consumption and water metabolism in a carnivorous mouse. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. 40A:797-803.
Wiens J.A..  1971.  Avian ecology and distribution in the comprehensive network, 1970. US/IBP Grassland Biome.
Wiens J.A..  1971.  Pattern and process in grassland bird communities. Preliminary Analysis of Structure and Function in Grasslands: Proceedings of Symposium Entitled "The Grassland Biome: Analysis and synthesis of First Year Data". :147-212.
