
TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BiblioContribution of pits dug by goannas (<i>Varanus gouldii</i>) to the dynamics of banded mulga landscapes in eastern Australia Bernice Gamboa07 years 5 months ago
BiblioArroyo water storage and soil nutrients and their effects on gas-exchange of shrub species in the northern Chihuahuan Desert Bernice Gamboa07 years 5 months ago
BiblioWould managing a flerd benefit your bottom line? Bernice Gamboa07 years 5 months ago
BiblioValidation of indicators Bernice Gamboa07 years 5 months ago
BiblioThe desert grasslands Bernice Gamboa07 years 5 months ago
BiblioEssential oil of <i>Dyssodia acerosa</i> DC Bernice Gamboa07 years 5 months ago
BiblioComparison of field methods to detect termite activity in the northern Chihuahuan Desert (Isoptera) Bernice Gamboa07 years 5 months ago
BiblioJORNEX: A remote sensing campaign to study plant community response to hydrologic fluxes in desert grasslands Bernice Gamboa07 years 5 months ago
BiblioJORNEX: A multidisciplinary remote sensing campaign to quantify plant community/atmospheric interactions in the northern Chihuahuan Desert of New Mexico Bernice Gamboa07 years 5 months ago
BiblioJORNEX: Remote sensing to quantify long-term vegetation change and hydrological fluxes in an arid rangeland environment Bernice Gamboa07 years 5 months ago
BiblioMonitoring changes in stressed ecosystems using spatial patterns of ant communities Bernice Gamboa07 years 5 months ago
BiblioChanges in mass and chemistry of plant roots during long-term decomposition on a Chihuahuan Desert watershed Bernice Gamboa07 years 5 months ago
BiblioEffects of soil texture and precipitation on above-ground net primary productivity and vegetation structure across the Central Grassland region of the United States Bernice Gamboa07 years 5 months ago
BiblioApplication of an individual-based model for sand grasslands in Hungary Bernice Gamboa07 years 5 months ago
BiblioApplication of mechanistic simulation models in predicting the impact of climate change on the dynamics of sand grasslands Bernice Gamboa07 years 5 months ago
BiblioAn overview of arid grasslands in the northern Chihuahuan Desert Bernice Gamboa07 years 5 months ago
BiblioSoil-induced variability in root systems of creosotebush (<i>Larrea tridentata</i>) and tarbush (<i>Flourensia cernua</i>) Bernice Gamboa07 years 5 months ago
BiblioEffects of volatile compounds on consumption of alfalfa pellets by sheep Bernice Gamboa07 years 5 months ago
BiblioEarly warning indicators of desertification: Examples of tests in the Chihuahuan Desert Bernice Gamboa07 years 5 months ago
BiblioDisturbance intensity and above- and belowground herbivory effects on long-term (14 y) recovery of a semiarid grassland Bernice Gamboa07 years 5 months ago
BiblioLaser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectra of herbaceous and woody pre- and post-digested plant material Bernice Gamboa07 years 5 months ago
BiblioStemflow contribution to the "fertile island" effect in creosotebush, <i>Larrea tridentata</i> Bernice Gamboa07 years 5 months ago
BiblioDesertification and animal biodiversity in the desert grasslands of North America Bernice Gamboa07 years 5 months ago
BiblioAnalysis of desert plant community growth patterns with high temporal resolution satellite spectra Bernice Gamboa07 years 5 months ago
BiblioMechanisms for the keystone status of kangaroo rats: graminivory rather than granivory? Bernice Gamboa07 years 5 months ago
