soil water content


Study number: 


Data set ID: 



This completed dataset contains soil moisture data from a study at the Jornada Experimental Range (JER) in southern New Mexico. The study was designed to assess the effect of interannual variability in precipitation on average aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) in Chihuahuan Desert grasslands. The study began in 2009 and has five precipitation treatments (see Methods). While the study began in 2009, contains 50 plots (10 per treatment) and is ongoing, these data were only collected from July 2011 to December 2013 in a subset of 20 plots (4 per treatment). This dataset is intended to provide information about the amount of water in the top 30 cm of soil as well as verify that experimental precipitation manipulations are effective. Figure of soil moisture by precipitation treatment: Metadata and data on EDI:

Data sources: 




Study number: 


Data set ID: 



    Monthly soil water content measurements are made at 10 depths (where
    possible) at each of 10 access tubes at each of the 15 LTER-II NPP
    sites using a neutron probe (CPN Model 503DR Hydroprobe).  The counts
    of thermalized neutrons are adjusted for the decay rate of Americium
    241, then converted to soil water content using individual site
    regressions.  Soil water content is a volume/volume relationship and
    represent cm3 water/cm3 soil.  Data are provided at 30cm intervals from
    30cm to a maximum of 270cm soil depth, shallower when an impenetrable
    caliche layer is reached.  Field readings may include one at 300cm;
    however, the value for the deepest depth of each access tube is removed
    from the calculated soil water content data because of the effect of
    measuring greater soil volume directly below the probe than that of the
    more shallow depths.

Data sources: 


LTER Core Area(s): 


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