
LTER Core Area: Disturbance


Study number: 


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This data set was collected to provide data for comparison of the losses of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus in the runoff from grass- and shrub- dominated plots in the Jornada Basin of southern New Mexico. This summary dataset contains the following columns for the grassland plots: Plot: the identification number for the 6 grassland plots. Q: the mean rate of discharge during the entire experiment, obtained by dividing the total runoff by l800 sec. The units are cubic centimeters per second. Total N yield: the total yield of dissolved nitrogen discharged from the plot during the duration of the experiment. The units are grams per square meter per l800 sec. This yield has been adjusted, by subtracting the content of total dissolved N applied in the simulated rainfall. Organic N yield: the yield of dissolved organic N, as above. Inorganic N yield: the yield of NH4-N plus NO3-N discharged from the plot during the duration of the experiment, as above. Total P yield: the yield of total dissolved P discharged from the plot during the duration of the experiment. The units are grams per square meter, per l800 sec. Organic P yield: the yield of dissolved organic P, as above. Inorganic P yield: the yield of PO4-P discharged from the plot during the duration of the experiment. Fines: the percent of the plot surface covered by materials < 2.0 mm diameter Gravel: the percent of the plot surface covered by materials > 2.0 mm diameter Vegetation: the percent of the plot surface covered by vegetation. Litter: the percent of the plot surface covered by plant litter. Slope: the plot in degrees

Data sources: 


LTER Core Area(s): 


Study number: 


Data set ID: 



This data set was collected to provide data for comparison of the losses of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus in the runoff from grass- and shrub- dominated plots in the Jornada Basin of southern New Mexico. This dataset contains the following columns: Plot: the identification number for the plots, which are grouped for grass, shrub or intershrub areas. Fill Time: the time in seconds used to collect an individual sample of discharge from the plot. Time: the time in minutes (from the beginning of the rainfall simulation) at which each individual collection of discharge began. In each case, the first time listed is the time at which discharge was first observed. Time b/w samples: the time in seconds between the beginning the collection of a given sample of discharge and the beginning of the next collection. Q: the rate of discharge during each collection, in cubic centimeters per second. AveQ/time: the total discharge during an interval in cubic centimeters. For example, the discharge between 16 and 20 minutes is calculated as the mean of the discharge at l6 and 20 minutes multiplied by 4 minutes. InorgN-rain (adjusted inorganic N): the concentration of NH4-N + NO3-N in the discharge sample collected, corrected for the sum of the concentration of these ions in the simulated rainfall applied. Concentration is given in milligrams per liter for N contained in the sum of these forms. Analysis for NH4-N and NO3-N was performed using the Bran-Luebbe Traacs 800 Autoanalyzer, as detailed in Schlesinger et al. (l999). Total N-rain (adjusted total N): the concentration of total dissolved N in the discharge sample collected, corrected for the concentration of total dissolved N in the simulated rainfall applied. Concentration is given in milligrams per liter of total dissolved N in the sample. The concentration of total dissolved N was performed using the Traacs 800 Autoanalyzer, following a persulfate digestion of the sample, as detailed in Schlesinger et al. (l999). OrgN-rain (adjusted organic N): the concentration of N contained in dissolved organic forms, corrected for the concentration of dissolved organic N in the simulated rainfall applied. Dissolved organic N is calculated as the difference, in any sample, between the total dissolved N and the sum of NH4-N and NO3-N. Values are in milligrams per liter. Total P-rain (adjusted total P): the concentration of total dissolved phosphorus, corrected for the concentration of total dissolved phosphorus in the simulated rainfall applied, both in milligrams per liter. Org-P-rain (adjusted org P): the concentration of dissolved organic phosphorus, corrected for the concentration of dissolved organic phosphorus in the simulated rainfall applied, both in milligrams per liter. Inorg-N-rain (adjusted inorganic N), the yield in grams of NH4-N plus NO3-N in the discharge collected. TotalN-rain (adjusted total N), the yield in grams of total dissolved N in the discharge collected. OrgN-rain (adjusted organic N), the yield in grams of forms of dissolved organic N in the discharge collected. Total P-rain (adjusted total P), the yield in grams of total dissolved phosphorus in the discharge collected. OrgP-rain (adjusted organic P), the yield in grams of forms of dissolved organic phosphorus in the discharge collected. InorgN-rain (adjusted inorganic N) load, is the rate of loss, in grams per second, of the sum of NH4-N plus NO3-N during the period of the sample collection. Total N-rain (adjusted total N) load, is the rate of loss, in grams per second, of total dissolved N during the period of the sample collection. OrgN-rain (adjusted organic N) load, is the rate of loss, in grams per second, of dissolved organic N during the period of the sample collection. Total P-rain (adjusted total P) load, is the rate of loss, in grams per second, of total dissolved P during the period of the sample collection. Org-P-rain (adjusted organic P) load, is the rate of loss, in grams per second, of dissolved organic P during the period of the sample collection.

Data sources: 


LTER Core Area(s): 


Study number: 


Data set ID: 



This ongoing dataset contains monthly precipitation measurements from a network of standard can rain gauges at the Jornada Experimental Range in Dona Ana County, New Mexico, USA. Precipitation physically collects within gauges during the month and is manually measured with a graduated cylinder at the end of each month. This network is maintained by USDA Agicultural Research Service personnel. This dataset includes 39 different locations but only 29 of them are currently sampled. Other precipitation data exist for this area, including event-based tipping bucket data with timestamps, but do not go as far back in time as this dataset.

Data sources: 


LTER Core Area(s): 



Study number: 


Data set ID: 



Monthly total of pan evaporation data collected daily from standard U.S. climatological service instruments located at USDA Jornada Experimental Range Headquarters.

Data sources: 


LTER Core Area(s): 


Study number: 


Data set ID: 



Monthly summary of precipitation and air temperature data collected daily from standard U.S. climatological service instruments located at USDA Jornada Experimental Range Headquarters.

Data sources: 


LTER Core Area(s): 



Study number: 


Data set ID: 



The purpose of this study is to quantify vegetation dynamics in response to lagomorph and shrub exclusion. Data consist of vertical line intercept measures of the perennial grasses, suffretescents and shrubs. Sixteen plots at each of 3 sites (Gravelly Ridges, Dona Ana exclosure, and Parker Tank) were established in 1938-39 by Ken Valentine. Plots were 21.3 x 21.3 m in 4 rows of 4 plots with a 7.6 m buffer zone. All plots were sampled before treatments. Plots were divided into east and west halves and 14 randomly located 10.65 m transects were located in each half plot. Vegetation (black grama, dropseeds, bush muhly, fluff grass, other grasses, creosotebush, honey mesquite, tarbush, mariola, and other shrubs) was measured using vertical line point intercepts. Plots have been re-read in 1947, 1956, 1960, 1967, 1989, 1995, and 2001 for Gravelly Ridges and 1939, 1947, 1960, 1967, and 2001 for Dona Ana and Parker Tank using the same methods. Treatments were applied factorially yielding a control plot, single factor plots, and plots with varying degrees of combinations of factors. The factors were lagomorph exclusion (using wire fencing), shrub removal (hand grubbing at the ground surface), furrowing (shallow, hand raked furrows to trap surface water), and seeding (broadcast applications of seeds of native perennials). Seeding and furrowing treatments were only applied in 1939. Lagomorph exclusion has persisted since establishment, and shrub removal treatments have been reapplied immediately following all years of vegetation sampling. This study is complete.

For more information, refer to:

Havstad, K.M., R.P. Gibbens, C.A. Knorr, and L.W. Murray. 1999. Long-term influences of shrub removal and lagomorph exclusion on Chihuhuan Desert vegetation dynamics. Journal of Arid Environments 42: 155-166.


Data sources: 


LTER Core Area(s): 


Study number: 


Data set ID: 



In 1933 and 1935, two transects were established in the Natural Revegetation Exclosure and Pasture 8b, respectively, to measure long-term soil movement in areas undergoing mesquite invasion. These two transects, established in a Prosopis-Bouteloua ecotone, were to: "measure any future changes in the extent or succession of three contiguous zones of vegetation, Bouteloua eriopoda, Gutierrezia, and Prosopis glandulosa dunes. Thus, future chartings of this transect should show whether, under the range management practiced, the succession is progressing toward the black grama climax or whether it is retrogressing toward mesquite sandhills." (E.L. Little, 1935, unpublished report) Soil movement at these transects was measured by the distance between the soil surface and a notch in 50 cm t-posts located every 15.2 m (50 ft). The 1731-m Natural Revegetation Exclosure tranect runs north-south through the center of the exclosure and extends 61 m (200ft) beyond the boundary fence on either end. It is located in primarily deep, loamy sand soils. The 457-m Pasture 8b transect is oriented WSW-ENE, and is located in shallower soils. These transects were measured in 1950 (8b only), 1955 (8b only), every five years from 1980-2000, and most recently in 2011. Most steel posts were remeasured at these intervals, but some were lost due to excavation or burial. These were for the most part replaced, with a new baseline notch height initiated on the posts. Data fields correspond to each year of collection, as well as measures of soil deposition or deflation during the intervals. Spatial data include post locations and identifiers.

Data sources: 


LTER Core Area(s): 


Study number: 


Data set ID: 



Collections of airborne sand are obtained at the 15 NPP sites and the Geomet site. The collections are taken using BSNE collectors. The collectors are turned into the wind with wind vanes. The amount of material collected corresponds to the horizontal flux at the height of the collector and the opening area of the collector and the duration of the sampling time. The five heights of the BSNE collectors above the soil surface are 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 centimeters for every location where samples are taken. The hypothesis of the experiment is that the vertical flux of the particles smaller than 10 micrometers is a constant ratio of the horizontal sand flux. The objectives of the experiment are to find patterns of sand flux rates as affected by soil and vegetation.

Data sources: 


LTER Core Area(s): 


Study number: 


Data set ID: 



Surface evaporation is measured weekly to twice weekly using an evaporation pan compatible with standard National Weather Service evaporation measurements. Measurements are made twice per week during hot periods because of high evaporation rate. The following data is collected: number of days between measurements, beginning and ending measurement period, current, minimum, and maximum water temperature; initial water level; final water level; rainfall since last evaporation measurement, and calculated evaporation (inches).

Data sources: 


LTER Core Area(s): 


Study number: 


Data set ID: 



Hourly summary values of averages of readings of the following parameters are made which are based on data recorded on a Campbell CR10(X) data logger: maximum, minimum, and average air temperature; maximum and minimum relative humidity; total precipitation; average wind speed; maximum wind speed; average wind direction; total incoming solar radiation; average soil temperature at 5cm and 20cm; mean dew temperature. From 1983 - 5 June 1991, readings on which hourly averages are based were made at 12 second intervals. From 6 June 1991 to present, readings on which hourly averages are based are made at 10 second intervals.

LTER Core Area(s): 



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