
LTER Core Area: Disturbance


Study number: 


Data set ID: 



Dataset consists of horizontal dust flux at multiple heights from BSNE dust collectors located in treatment plots (different percent vegetation removed) and adjacent downwind effect plots. Year 2008 was an annual collection. Collection in subsequent years occurred before and after the wind season. The experiment was designed to test the effects of increasing wind erosion on soil and vegetation properties at the Jornada.  In order to increase wind erosion rates, vegetation was removed to increase bare surface area and stimulate erosion (the less vegetation present the greater the wind erosion).  The basic experimental design includes three treatment blocks.  Each block has four treatment plots with different level of vegetation removed (25-100%) and a control treatment.  Treatment plots are 25x50m with 25m buffers between.  The vegetation removal includes grasses and small shrubs (like XASA and ZIGR), but not mesquite or yucca or any of the larger shrubs).  Also, adjacent downwind plots are included in the design.  These plots are strictly for monitoring of soil and vegetation properties, so no maintenance is required on these areas.

Data sources: 


LTER Core Area(s): 



Study number: 


Data set ID: 



    Line-Point Intercept data are collected annually for this project beginning in 2008. No data were
    collected in 2011. There are 4 pairs of plots consisting of control and treatment. Each plot is
    8x8 meters with an 8x8 meter buffer plot above and below it. Treatment plots have connectivity modules
    (conmods) installed to decrease gap size between perennials.  Buffer plots do not have conmods.
    Four 24-meter transects run through the plot and 2 buffer plots. These transects are spaced
    0.8, 2.8, 4.3, and 7.2 meters across the plots (denoted as 1, 3, 5, and 7 meters in the database),
    paralleling the long axis of the combined buffer plots and central plot.
         Aeolian site:         Control plots 2,4,5,8  Treatment plots 1,3,6,7
         Dona Ana site:        Control plots 2,4,5,7  Treatment plots 1,3,6,8
         Gravelly Ridges site: Control plots 1,3,5,7  Treatment plots 2,4,6,8

Data sources: 


LTER Core Area(s): 



Study number: 


Data set ID: 



Canopy Gap and Basal Gap Intercept data are collected annually for this project beginning in 2008. No data were collected in 2011. There are 4 pairs of plots consisting of control and treatment. Each plot is 8x8 meters with an 8x8 meter buffer plot above and below it. Treatment plots have connectivity modules (conmods) installed to decrease gap size between perennials. Buffer plots do not have conmods. Four 24-meter transects run through the plot and 2 buffer plots. These transects are spaced 0.8, 2.8, 4.3, and 7.2 meters across the plots (denoted as 1, 3, 5, and 7 meters in the database), paralleling the long axis of the combined buffer plots and central plot.
Aeolian site:                Control plots 2,4,5,8  Treatment plots 1,3,6,7
Dona Ana site:            Control plots 2,4,5,7  Treatment plots 1,3,6,8
Gravelly Ridges site:  Control plots 1,3,5,7  Treatment plots 2,4,6,8

Data sources: 


LTER Core Area(s): 



Study number: 


Data set ID: 



Precipitation at 1 minute intervals for rain gauges 2-5 with R1 excluded due to periods of interruption.  Spatially averaged rainfall over the watershed is calculated in this dataset based on relative coverage of each rain gauge determined from a Theissen polygon map.

Data sources: 


LTER Core Area(s): 



Study number: 


Data set ID: 



This files presents all of the flux data post-EdiRe processing at 30 minute resolution.  Included in this file is: Ux = Mean wind speed in the x-direction, Uy = mean wind speed in the y-direction, Uz = mean wind speed in the z-direction, Co2 = CO2 atmospheric concentrations, H2O = Water atmospheric concentrations, Press = barometric pressure, Air Temp = atmospheric temperature, wind speed = mean wind speed towards 216 degrees from north, H Flux = sensible heat flux, LE Flux = latent heat flux, C Flux = carbon flux.

Data sources: 


LTER Core Area(s): 


Study number: 


Data set ID: 



Distance of crust surface to a crossbar set into the soil. Three "torvane" measurements that measure the torque needed to break the crust is also recorded. These measurements are made monthly near each of three monitoring towers (East, Middle, West) on the Scrape Site.

Data sources: 


LTER Core Area(s): 


Study number: 


Data set ID: 



Estimated daily precipitation is calculated for each of 15 aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) sites located in the 5 dominant vegetation zones on the Jornada Basin. The 15 sites were formally established in 1989 as LTER Study 268, but these rainfall estimates begin in 1980 using the closest rain gauge that provides a minimum resolution of daily precipitation data. The Methodology section describes this in detail. The rain gauges are detailed inthe file raingauge_picks.csv.

Data sources: 


LTER Core Area(s): 



Study number: 


Data set ID: 



Stocking rates for cattle, horses, and sheep are provided for the Jornada Experimental Range beginning in 1916. Goats were few and are included as part of the sheep category and not differentiated.

Data sources: 


LTER Core Area(s): 


Study number: 


Data set ID: 



This data set was collected to provide data for comparison of the losses of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus in the runoff from grass- and shrub- dominated plots in the Jornada Basin of southern New Mexico. This summary dataset contains the following columns for the shrub plots: Plot: the identification number for the 6 grassland plots. Q: the mean rate of discharge during the entire experiment, obtained by dividing the total runoff by l800 sec. The units are cubic centimeters per second. Total N yield: the total yield of dissolved nitrogen discharged from the plot during the duration of the experiment. The units are grams per square meter per l800 sec. This yield has been adjusted, by subtracting the content of total dissolved N applied in the simulated rainfall. Organic N yield: the yield of dissolved organic N, as above. Inorganic N yield: the yield of NH4-N plus NO3-N discharged from the plot during the duration of the experiment, as above. Total P yield: the yield of total dissolved P discharged from the plot during the duration of the experiment. The units are grams per square meter, per l800 sec. Organic P yield: the yield of dissolved organic P, as above. Inorganic P yield: the yield of PO4-P discharged from the plot during the duration of the experiment. Fines: the percent of the plot surface covered by materials < 2.0 mm diameter Gravel: the percent of the plot surface covered by materials > 2.0 mm diameter Vegetation: the percent of the plot surface covered by vegetation. Litter: the percent of the plot surface covered by plant litter. Slope: it was not possible to measure slope in plots with a shrub in them, since the mound dominated the slope in the plot.

Data sources: 


LTER Core Area(s): 


Study number: 


Data set ID: 



This data set was collected to provide data for comparison of the losses of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus in the runoff from grass- and shrub- dominated plots in the Jornada Basin of southern New Mexico. This summary dataset contains the following columns for the intershrub plots: Plot: the identification number for the 6 grassland plots. Q: the mean rate of discharge during the entire experiment, obtained by dividing the total runoff by l800 sec. The units are cubic centimeters per second. Total N yield: the total yield of dissolved nitrogen discharged from the plot during the duration of the experiment. The units are grams per square meter per l800 sec. This yield has been adjusted, by subtracting the content of total dissolved N applied in the simulated rainfall. Organic N yield: the yield of dissolved organic N, as above. Inorganic N yield: the yield of NH4-N plus NO3-N discharged from the plot during the duration of the experiment, as above. Total P yield: the yield of total dissolved P discharged from the plot during the duration of the experiment. The units are grams per square meter, per l800 sec. Organic P yield: the yield of dissolved organic P, as above. Inorganic P yield: the yield of PO4-P discharged from the plot during the duration of the experiment. Fines: the percent of the plot surface covered by materials < 2.0 mm diameter Gravel: the percent of the plot surface covered by materials > 2.0 mm diameter Vegetation: the percent of the plot surface covered by vegetation. Litter: the percent of the plot surface covered by plant litter. Slope: the plot in degrees

Data sources: 


LTER Core Area(s): 


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