
Bird of the Week: Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura)

People often make the mistake of applying their moral system to animals, which is made clear when you ask people their opinion of vultures. To eat the dead is disgusting, and for an animal to live off the rotting flesh of the deceased seems to be perceived by people as an act bordering on sin. But nature does not recognize a human morality, and all species that exist in nature exist because it fulfills a need. This concept is made clear when you take a close look at the Turkey Vulture.

Flowers of the Desert

The summer rains have reached Southern New Mexico, we can look forward to the desert becoming greener and even more beautiful.  The Chihuahuan Desert is home to many beautiful flowers. Here are a few to keep an eye out for on your next hike.

For links to additional information on these flowers, go to our plants list at

Bird of the Week: Great Tailed Grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus)

One winter’s evening, as the last light of the sun leaves the sky dark, you step out your front door and hear the cawing of what seems like hundreds of black birds. And there, by your car, in the tree is a sight seemingly from an Alfred Hitchcock movie. The tree is filled with birds, lots of them.  Are they watching you? Waiting for you to turn your back as you open your car door? They seem to have a disturbing purpose, just waiting for the right moment, for you.

Bird of the Week: White Winged Dove (Zenaida asiatica)

The white winged dove is common throughout the desert southwest across to California, but also is found in south Texas and the far southern tip of Florida. You have heard its call in the morning, and even throughout the entire day. Some find it pleasant, but it can also be regarded as annoying, especially during breeding season. Though closely related, it is incorrectly referred to as a pigeon.

The Jornada - White Winged Dove (Zenaida Asiatica)

Bird of the Week: Western Kingbird (Tyrannus verticalis)

Have you ever been walking in the early summer afternoon and suddenly had a bird fly at your head? Or let your dog out into the backyard and a bird dive-bombs at her over and over again? Next time this happens, have a close look at the perpetrator; it just might be the Western Kingbird.

The Jornada - Western Kingbird (Tyrannus Vericallis)


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